Time for Charlie to resign!!!!!

Any of you arm chair CEO's ever considered this could all be a problem on Viacom's end? Are any of you aware that their agreement was all stations go up together? Are any of you aware that there could be a problem with BET-HD on Viacom's end? Or are you only aware that you want to blame everything on Charlie.?????

I think it's been said many times that the Viacom agreement was for them all to go up together. As a business tho', if I was supposed to provided you with 7 channels and the technical problems were my fault and I could only provide you with 6, I would say go ahead with the 6 and add the 7th when I work out the problem. Of course since it is a package deal and the pricing includes all 7, of course I sure Charlie would be saying he wants a price cut until all 7 are available.
Any of you arm chair CEO's ever considered this could all be a problem on Viacom's end?

Sure and its quite likely. And I expect the only thing many people here want is some kind of simple press release. It doesnt have to say much of anything except there is some unspecified issue that will be resolved as quickly as possible. Bang, dead, done.

Also, they are the conduit between us and Viacom and in our case it has the ultimate responsibility to say something... just like any other company that has a problem with a supplier that is possibly holding something up.
Sure and its quite likely. And I expect the only thing many people here want is some kind of simple press release. It doesnt have to say much of anything except there is some unspecified issue that will be resolved as quickly as possible. Bang, dead, done.

Also, they are the conduit between us and Viacom and in our case it has the ultimate responsibility to say something... just like any other company that has a problem with a supplier that is possibly holding something up.


The number of Dish subs on here willing to gloss over any of Charlie's missteps, and to in fact criticize those who call Charlie on it, is really disturbing.

Would you put up with it your mailman routinely skipped your house? If the local repair shop promised your wife her car at 4pm but when you show up the shop is locked for the day with her car inside, would you cuss *her* out for getting upset about it?
And your point is... ?

The CEO of Dish Network publicly promised that specific channels would be added by a certain date. That date has passed, the channels were not added, and no explanation has been given. No matter what the bootlickers on here try to say, that is an extremely poor reflection on Dish Network.

Hypothetical - if Dish decided to cut half of their HD programming today to save themselves some $$$, the sun would still come up, etc., so your by your reasoning subs would have no reason to complain. :rolleyes:

There are about 13 million customers with Dish who didn't have a clue that Dish might have added any channels yesterday nor probably cared. They were happy with what they had this morning on their tv, and have absolutely no idea that there are 3-4 thousand (max) people here getting their pink panties in a wad because a few channels didn't get added. And considering more than 11 million of those 13+ million don't even have HD programming...
There are about 13 million customers with Dish who didn't have a clue that Dish might have added any channels yesterday nor probably cared. They were happy with what they had this morning on their tv, and have absolutely no idea that there are 3-4 thousand (max) people here getting their pink panties in a wad because a few channels didn't get added. And considering more than 11 million of those 13+ million don't even have HD programming...
I really don't think people are just mad at Charlie about channels not being added. Its The Lying, the BullS$%^ing, Channel dropping , and the lack of truth behind everything that comes out of his mouth.
Have you ever listened to a Charlie chat?
He stretches the truth a lot.:o
Sorry but I like his equipment, But I don't like that he Thinks all his Loyal Customers are stupid.:mad:
There are about 13 million customers with Dish who didn't have a clue that Dish might have added any channels yesterday nor probably cared. They were happy with what they had this morning on their tv, and have absolutely no idea that there are 3-4 thousand (max) people here getting their pink panties in a wad because a few channels didn't get added. And considering more than 11 million of those 13+ million don't even have HD programming...
So its Ok to treat 2 million customers with HD equipment like Crap. HD is the Future, HD is were the Money is.
If he would stop his nonsence, He would have 8 million HD customers and not lose 100,000 customers a year.
There are about 13 million customers with Dish who didn't have a clue that Dish might have added any channels yesterday nor probably cared. They were happy with what they had this morning on their tv, and have absolutely no idea that there are 3-4 thousand (max) people here getting their pink panties in a wad because a few channels didn't get added. And considering more than 11 million of those 13+ million don't even have HD programming...
Do you always kiss charlie's A** or what? It seems that whatever Dish does you take their side!!!:confused:
I know it pisses me off to no end when a big national corporation doesn't do what I specifically want. I'm a paying customer along with 13 million other people, I'm entitled to get all the channels in HD I want, who cares if there's technical issues or if they're even available in HD, it's my money damn it! And I'm just going to keep right on spending it on an obviously inferior product that I don't like because I like to hear myself bitch!
Sorry Slammin is correct. Outside of the Uber Dish customers-those 4-5 thousand that have followed these posts and frequent satellite forums, the rest have no idea or even know something did not happen let alone thought something was going to happen.
Dish has 13.678 million subscribers that's about .03 percent that were waiting in anticipation
Most of the posters on this forum (Dish Network) actually subscribe to Dish Network. If they have Hd, they wanted the new HD channels on April 1. I know I did, but these are all niche channels and the niche channel I'm waiting for is SpeedHD.

My point being, if you're going to start badmouthing Dish Network on a Dish Network forum, you have to know it's like spitting into the wind, and there will be blowback. Your consolation is that its your own spit you get covered with. The more you spit, the more blowback you get. The law of nature.

I do find it funny when people defend good ole Chuck.
No one cannot convince me that he is not a idiot. Watching him on his chats trying to tell something about one of his companys products or services is comical. Could you imagine Bill Gates making a presentation and not knowing much about the new operating system that just came out???

Could you even imagine the comical train wreck it would be if Charlie did some type of presenation.

Now. I would pay money to see that!!!!
There are about 13 million customers with Dish who didn't have a clue that Dish might have added any channels yesterday nor probably cared. They were happy with what they had this morning on their tv, and have absolutely no idea that there are 3-4 thousand (max) people here getting their pink panties in a wad because a few channels didn't get added. And considering more than 11 million of those 13+ million don't even have HD programming...

Are people really defending Charlie? Or are they really saying before everyone starts throwing blame you must really know what the reason for the delay is?
I know I am not defending nor blaming. :confused:
There are about 13 million customers with Dish who didn't have a clue that Dish might have added any channels yesterday nor probably cared. They were happy with what they had this morning on their tv, and have absolutely no idea that there are 3-4 thousand (max) people here getting their pink panties in a wad because a few channels didn't get added. And considering more than 11 million of those 13+ million don't even have HD programming...

If the people are happy with what they have, why bother with any further HD channels in the future? I guess going through all the hassle, cost, and headaches to add more just isnt worth it so Dish shouldnt even bother anymore. Waste of resources.
Do you always kiss charlie's A** or what? It seems that whatever Dish does you take their side!!!:confused:

Charlie's ass is no where near me, but thanks for asking. There is one channel Dish isn't carrying that I would like, and I have asked for it with them a few times, but I'm not going to go all ape-sh*t because they don't have it.
Right now I take their side because I'm happy with the equipment they have given me; I'm happy with the programming that comes thru the satellite to my tv; there is very, very rarely a time when I lose signal because of weather ( nobodies fault but Gods at that point); and the price I pay for the programming I have isn't out of line with what other friends pay with other companies. If any of that were to significantly change, then I would change my view, but right now I fine with what I have and am not going to have a complete conniption about a whether a few channels show up on April 1 or May 1 or whenever. But then again, I have a life outside of what is on my tv, so...
I do find it funny when people defend good ole Chuck.
No one cannot convince me that he is not a idiot. Watching him on his chats trying to tell something about one of his companys products or services is comical. Could you imagine Bill Gates making a presentation and not knowing much about the new operating system that just came out???

Could you even imagine the comical train wreck it would be if Charlie did some type of presenation.

Now. I would pay money to see that!!!!

Charlie does all sorts of presentations... If you consider him an idiot how come he is a billionaire and you are not? How come he was able to start Dish Network from the ground up and now is mega rich? Yes, I have gone to one of the satellite guys private Charlie meetings and talked to him in person. He is a completely different person in there when he is off the record. He is very clear and concise and does know a tremendous amount of detail of what is going on in Dish.

When he is on TV it is a public forum and he has to be very careful with what he says. They could make CC scripted and he could read from a TelePrompTer after all the lawyers get done with it and seem much more composed. The point of CC has always been a folksy part of the family and here are ordinary people just like you working at Dish Network. Not a high powered corporate executive with a power point presentation and a polished lawyer approved speech.
I think what Slamminc is trying to say is that a broken promise or two is not enough for Charlie to resign. Delays and setbacks happen all of the time in corporate America. We as the consumers don't like them, but they are necessary for ultimate customer satisfaction. If you are still myffed that there is no new HD, do what I did and jump ship to Direct. You will miss Charlie chat, but I guess you won't hear any of the lies directly from his mouth anymore either.
I dont think charlie will ever resign, but I do think if dish continues down the track they are going, then they will be bankurpt in two years. What dish really needs is a little goaliebob up at englewood leading the company to success. If I was at dish's HQ, and had an open pocketbook, bet your bottom dollar dish would be the number one provider. Also you would be watching MLB extra innings this summer on Dish as well as watching your local footbal team getting ready for the NFL season on your RSN in HD :) Plus you would have the HD channels you want, need I say SPEED HD, FXHD and SpikeHD. The first channel to go would be that WFN crap and I would replace it with OutDoorHD.

I dont think charlie realizes the money he would rake in if I was running the show! Granted it would be at a higher invesment, but it takes money in order to make money.

Ironically your MLB Extra Innings addition alone would bankrupt Dish the millisecond the contract was signed. In a cruel twist, it has been Charlie's refusal to pay for things Dish cannot afford that has kept Dish in business and is today one of the few companies with healty finances in these troubling times. Oh, no, by most BUSINESS measures of performance and balance sheet, Charlie is assured his seat of power, along with the fact that he controls the company as far as ownership. Let's not forget that profits when UP this last quarter even with the net loss of subs, but he knows he does have to stop the churn. Going into debt for hugely expensive programming like MLB that really don't provide the return to warrant the cost--for Dish, is really bad business for Dish. As for Direct, they have tons more money and have no choice but to maintain their exclusive sports, at any cost, but they can afford it.
Ironically your MLB Extra Innings addition alone would bankrupt Dish the millisecond the contract was signed. In a cruel twist, it has been Charlie's refusal to pay for things Dish cannot afford that has kept Dish in business and is today one of the few companies with healty finances in these troubling times. Oh, no, by most BUSINESS measures of performance and balance sheet, Charlie is assured his seat of power, along with the fact that he controls the company as far as ownership. Let's not forget that profits when UP this last quarter even with the net loss of subs, but he knows he does have to stop the churn. Going into debt for hugely expensive programming like MLB that really don't provide the return to warrant the cost--for Dish, is really bad business for Dish. As for Direct, they have tons more money and have no choice but to maintain their exclusive sports, at any cost, but they can afford it.
Dish can afford it too but Charlie is a cheap skate, penny pincing fool!!!
I do find it funny when people defend good ole Chuck.
No one cannot convince me that he is not a idiot. Watching him on his chats trying to tell something about one of his companys products or services is comical. Could you imagine Bill Gates making a presentation and not knowing much about the new operating system that just came out???

Could you even imagine the comical train wreck it would be if Charlie did some type of presenation.

Now. I would pay money to see that!!!!

Wow, a triple negative... you must be mad. :D

But seriously, I think he's an idiot too. How he ever became so rich, is beyond me.

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