Time for Charlie to resign!!!!!

I'm so sick and tired of these motherf***ing threads

If you people don't like Charlie, TAKE YOUR MONEY ELESEWHERE. That's the best way to communicate your message of discontent. Dish Network is his company - if he wants to run it into the ground, then let him.

So stop reading them!! Oh and take some meds while you are not reading them anymore..
Thanks DetFan. Why would someone get upset with people expressing their views?

As you said, if he doesn't like anything negative said about Dish, then don't read the threads
Im not sure I could have said it better. Consistently this company lets down their customers with no explanation. All businesses let down their customers, but most have the balls to admit they screwed up and make it right with their customers. And if they can't make it right, they usually at least have enough pride in their product or decision making rationale to explain to their customers why something happened. And the above poster is exactly right...it is not that hard to get information to your customers...

I never thought I would get to meet an Alien from another planet, but now I have. Because you have certainly not described any corporation on Planet Earth.

While Dish Network could tell its customers more than they do, nevertheless they tell their customer much more information than the average company.

What other company's CEO takes questions from customers several times a year ? I don't know of one.
I never thought I would get to meet an Alien from another planet, but now I have. Because you have certainly not described any corporation on Planet Earth.

While Dish Network could tell its customers more than they do, nevertheless they tell their customer much more information than the average company.

What other company's CEO takes questions from customers several times a year ? I don't know of one.
If you want to take Charlie's side please go somewhere else. Not welcomed here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kstuart makes a good point, there are not many CEO's that take questions from customers several times a year.

However, that does not mean that customers should not be critical of the way he does business
You have that reversed.

Dish Network makes a profit every quarter, DirecTV has been far less profitable over time.
True, but Dish Network cannot continue to down this road much longer (loss of market share and goodwill) because this strategy will eventually implode on them. The company is not in trouble, but have certainly been headed in that direction.

Actually, neither company is remotely as poorly managed as Circuit City...
That's also true...not many companies could have been so thoroughly mismanaged and driven into bankruptcy than Circuit City. Still, I think it was a fair comparison.
I never thought I would get to meet an Alien from another planet, but now I have. Because you have certainly not described any corporation on Planet Earth.

While Dish Network could tell its customers more than they do, nevertheless they tell their customer much more information than the average company.

What other company's CEO takes questions from customers several times a year ? I don't know of one.

I'm not sure many of us would characterize '(Ergen) takes questions from customers several times a year' while lying through his teeth about practically everything is a positive.

Having said that, I believe this epic fail that we all have come to know as Dish Network is way beyond what one man could possibly be responsible for, even Ergen. I'm starting to get the feeling that he is so cheap that he refuses to pay for top level engineers. I think Ergen has good intentions when he makes his promises but I don't think he has the expert personnel in his company to make things happen.

Now, why he doesn't come clean and offer up explanations after the fact, anybody's guess. My guess? Ego.

Luck all,
Now, why he doesn't come clean and offer up explanations after the fact, anybody's guess. My guess? Ego.

i don't want explanations. i want results. i'm past getting excited about announcements, and will react when something shows up - until then, it's just another day with the same channels as the day before.

Mostly, i'm annoyed with myself when i recognize that I've believed another round of statement and promises from one of the satellite companies (including SXM) which turn out to be lies. They do what they do, and I have to be smart enough to get excited about what they deliver instead of what they say.
thats why i said early that charlie should stop the chats, stop any info coming into these forums,, keep the dealers chats for dealers only not for the public, sorry but no other company other gives out this much info too there customers.
thats why i said early that charlie should stop the chats, stop any info coming into these forums,, keep the dealers chats for dealers only not for the public, sorry but no other company other gives out this much info too there customers.

Well, I tend to side with companies who provides less, yet accurate information over loads of consistent BS. I'm not advocating that Dish tell everyone everytime an engineer farts. I'm just saying that if a company does tell its customers its going to do something(which Dish did in this case), you better do it.
It hasnt been 24 hours yet but I would hope that if nothing is on by late afternoon tomorrow there should at least be a simple press release saying something. It could just say that there were some unforeseen delays but they are being fixed is fine. But when a target date has not been met there must be some kind of reason given, even if only a superficial one.
It hasnt been 24 hours yet but I would hope that if nothing is on by late afternoon tomorrow there should at least be a simple press release saying something. It could just say that there were some unforeseen delays but they are being fixed is fine. But when a target date has not been met there must be some kind of reason given, even if only a superficial one.

Agreed, DISH is very poor at keeping their consumer based aware of what's going on. After having been promised the rest of the Viacom channels by April 1, this is the 2nd time this company has failed to deliver by a set date and i've only been a DISH customer for a little over a year. They previously annouced "up to 150" national channels by the end of 2008 and they failed at that too.

What I don't get is say you can't deliver all the channels at one time, why not just come out with a small handful? Just something to appease your subscribers. Is there any wonder that DISH has continuted to lose customers? It's funny cause I also remember them stating when CIEL-2 launced that the satellite might be operational by the end of January if not December. They failed at that too. In fact it seems their goals is more about promising, just to fend off potential subscriber loss, than actually delivering.
They have been sold and re-sold as part of a fire sale since I signed up with Dish but I believe Direct is still accepting customers if you don't like Charlie :)
Wow, look! The sun came up this morning; traffic is moving on the roads; eyes still work because people are reading this, electricity still is on so you can turn on your dish and computer...

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