CONTEST!! Time For a Giveaway...With a Catch...

Thanks Michael and Casey! This is great news!
Enjoy. Looking forward for your review. I bought the Edision SL-2 a few months ago when Hyper started selling them. Compared to an Avenger KSC321S-2 the Edsion SL-2 did preform a little better. But Compared to the Maverick standard MK1-PLL on an old primstar 84E dish the Maverick Performed a little better.
Enjoy. Looking forward for your review. I bought the Edision SL-2 a few months ago when Hyper started selling them. Compared to an Avenger KSC321S-2 the Edsion SL-2 did preform a little better. But Compared to the Maverick standard MK1-PLL on an old primstar 84E dish the Maverick Performed a little better.
Thanks! I have a few LNBFs to compare it to: GeoSatPro UL1 PLL, Maverick MK1-PLL, Inverto Black Ultra, and some older stuff. Should be interesting!
Well Brct203, you are one lucky fella! Congratulations! You are one of the first in North America to own one of these:

Edision 0.1dB Single Output PLL Universal 9750/10600 L.O. Ku Band LNBF

Please PM me with your ship to details, and i will get your prize out right away!

or email me at

Thanks to Michael (KE4EST) for running this contest for us!

Schitts Creek Reaction GIF by CBC
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Reactions: FTA4PA and Brct203
Brct203 - thanks for PMing me. Your prize has been shipped! Check your PM for the details.

Enjoy your FREE GEAR and dont forget to write a review!

And the give-aways are just getting started, more to come soon!


What happened to 95 W Ku?

Random results when blind scanning 127W
