Sunday's change seemed to go okay. Everything worked fine yesterday, and up to 1:30 pm today (Last timer that fired normal). Now everything is off 1 hour. I did a couple of manual adjustments for an 8PM show and then did a reset of the box. Everything moved off by another hour. I did notice the time come up wrong at first, then jumped ahead 1 hour. When I checked the rest of the week timers they were off by another hour (2 hours now). Anyway, the 8 PM timer didn't fire so I reset it and now everything is off by 3 hours. Then I got a conflict with the 8 PM timer with a 7 PM timer (that was the 8) I HAD to do another reset, and finally got the 8 PM timer going manual (it was now after 8) but when I finally got it recording, then checked the timer again, everything the rest of the week is now off 4 hours.
Anybody have any ideas? I was trying to manually delete/re-do the timers but now I get a different result every freaking time, so am worried that won't do the trick.
I've accepted a lot with dish over the years, and have been mostly happy with them, but since the last upgrade of software, I am NOT happy at all. It's been missed timers, truncated recordings, on and on.
I'm thinking I need a backup plan? Any other "TIVO" type devices that can record the Dolby 5.1 sound along with the shows?
Sunday's change seemed to go okay. Everything worked fine yesterday, and up to 1:30 pm today (Last timer that fired normal). Now everything is off 1 hour. I did a couple of manual adjustments for an 8PM show and then did a reset of the box. Everything moved off by another hour. I did notice the time come up wrong at first, then jumped ahead 1 hour. When I checked the rest of the week timers they were off by another hour (2 hours now). Anyway, the 8 PM timer didn't fire so I reset it and now everything is off by 3 hours. Then I got a conflict with the 8 PM timer with a 7 PM timer (that was the 8) I HAD to do another reset, and finally got the 8 PM timer going manual (it was now after 8) but when I finally got it recording, then checked the timer again, everything the rest of the week is now off 4 hours.
Anybody have any ideas? I was trying to manually delete/re-do the timers but now I get a different result every freaking time, so am worried that won't do the trick.
I've accepted a lot with dish over the years, and have been mostly happy with them, but since the last upgrade of software, I am NOT happy at all. It's been missed timers, truncated recordings, on and on.
I'm thinking I need a backup plan? Any other "TIVO" type devices that can record the Dolby 5.1 sound along with the shows?