Tiger Woods Will Play Masters

The wii version of Tiger Woods 2011. http://www.simviation.com/yabbuploads/TW2011Cover.jpg
It's time for Tiger to stop with the interviews already. At this point it's all about doing whatever minimal damage control he can. Unless there are more revelations to come, there is nothing else we need to know about this.

I do not know WHAT cave YOU have been living in, but ALL of the athletes that get cause doing something stupid, ALL THEY DO is damage control. :rolleyes:
He is not the 1st and definately will not be the last.

The man is Filth...we know it, Elin knows it, everyone knows it. There is no rule against Filth playing in a golf tournament, so he should just resume his career and go on from there.

He cheated. ALOT of men have...and so have alot of women. Who knows, maybe someone you know has more than likely done the same thing....in other words, ODDS are, you either know, are related to or have dated someone who has.

The man has lied to everyone for years...the public, his wife, his family, and perhaps even the bimbos he was sleeping with. There is zero reason to think he is telling the truth now. The man is a proven liar.

See my statement above.

We can no longer trust anything he says...so he should just stop talking about it, play golf, try to repair his marriage, or continue to cheat on Elin...whatever. Just don't patronize us with your self-serving crap...you don't owe it to the public, and the public does not need to hear it.


Oh....NOW you don't wanna hear it??!! LMAO!!! When this 1st came out, your were clamoring for MORE....too damn funny!!

...hmmmm.....oh yeah, "news is news".....:haha:haha:haha
Talking about hitting it right on the head....

Enough talk about Tiger Woods' failures.

What if he won?

He didn't kill anybody. Didn't shoot anybody. He didn't hang any dogs, assault any women or fire any caps into his own thigh. He didn't break any laws, other than the one that says you can't drive your car over a hydrant and into a tree. And he paid his $164 fine for that.

What I want to know is: What if he came out of this Seventh Circle of Hell he's living in and … won?

Enough talk about Tiger Woods' apologies. He's apologized to his wife, his kids, his mom, his family, his friends, his colleagues, his commissioner, his sponsors, his scholarship recipients and his students. He's apologized to everybody but his cable guy. The man has begged forgiveness, sworn change and sought help. What else can he do? Walk the Stations of the Cross?

What I want to know is … what if he came to Augusta, his heart held together by about three threads, his nerves in a pretzel and his marriage in a smoldering heap … and won?

Enough talk about Tiger Woods' punishment. How much punishment should one man absorb? He made a bonfire of his life. He might lose his wife and his kids. His deepest, darkest demons have been exposed for the world to read about over morning coffee. He's been the punch line of a thousand jokes, from Indonesia to Indiana.

But what if he pulled himself out of four months in boiling oil and … freaking won?

How are we supposed to react then?

It's possible, you know. From all accounts coming out of Orlando, Woods' game is as sharp as a sushi knife. It's "vintage" right now, according to John Cook, who's been playing with him lately. "I don't see anybody beating him."

"He's killing it, absolutely killing it," Tour player Arjun Atwal told reporters in Orlando. "If he gets that putter going at all, he'll probably win."

Plus, because he's a former Masters champion and in this year's field, Woods could play there every day until Round 1 on April 8. He's already playing practice rounds there. Think that might polish up his game?

If he won at Augusta, how loudly should people cheer? Should the president call him? Should you congratulate a man for climbing out of a hole he dug himself?

My God, what if he won? The mind does a triple salchow. If Tiger Woods comes out of the single nastiest sports scandal since World War II and puts on his fifth green jacket? That would be an 80-point-headline, we-interrupt-this-program, cosmos-rattler.

To win in the middle of all this? To win with people hollering after a 300-yard shot, "Oh, NOW you learn to drive!" And "Hydrant!" And "You da cheetah!"? How loudly should people cheer? Should the president call him? Should you congratulate a man for climbing out of a hole he dug himself?

Would it be more significant than his transcendent 1997 Masters win? No.

Greater than his unthinkable 15-shot win at the 2000 U.S. Open? No.

More steely than his 2008 Open win on one good leg? No.

Rick Reilly: Yes, but what if Tiger Woods won? - ESPN
I do not know WHAT cave YOU have been living in, but ALL of the athletes that get cause doing something stupid, ALL THEY DO is damage control.
He is not the 1st and definately will not be the last.

Never said he was the first or the last. I thought you would agree with me saying there is nothing else we need to know about this. :rolleyes:

He cheated. ALOT of men have...and so have alot of women. Who knows, maybe someone you know has more than likely done the same thing....in other words, ODDS are, you either know, are related to or have dated someone who has.

This thread is about Tiger Woods. If it makes you feel better to say Tiger Woods is not the only person who is filth, go right ahead.

But Tiger Woods is Filth.

See my statement above.

See mine as well.

Oh....NOW you don't wanna hear it??!! LMAO!!! When this 1st came out, your were clamoring for MORE....too damn funny!!

...hmmmm.....oh yeah, "news is news".....

Yes, news is news. That was in reference to the media publishing Tiger's disgusting text conversations. I'm talking about Tiger trying to explain himself to the public. That's what we do not need to hear, that is between Tiger and his wife.

Surely even you can see the difference between the two, unless you choose not to. ;)

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Driving back from the Space Coast yesterday morning and I had WEEI on the iphone. They interviewed the porn star and one part of it was very funny.

"Was there a third party ever?"

"I'm not going to comment on that at this time,"

"Was it a guy or a girl?" Callahan pressed.

"A girl," James replied.

Well, So much for not talking about it at this time.

Tiger Woods mistress dishes dirt on local sports radio shows - BostonHerald.com
Driving back from the Space Coast yesterday morning and I had WEEI on the iphone. They interviewed the porn star and one part of it was very funny.

"Was there a third party ever?"

"I'm not going to comment on that at this time,"

"Was it a guy or a girl?" Callahan pressed.

"A girl," James replied.

Well, So much for not talking about it at this time.

Tiger Woods mistress dishes dirt on local sports radio shows - BostonHerald.com

A much more revealing interview by the mistresses was told in a Howard Stern interview over a week ago. I will say one thing from listening to the whole thing, I never knew what a kinky SOB Tiger was!!!
Never said he was the first or the last. I thought you would agree with me saying there is nothing else we need to know about this. :rolleyes:

NOPE. You never said he was the 1st or last, you have the lead the way to make him sound like he is the ONLY ONE that has ever done it. ;)

Yes, news is news. That was in reference to the media publishing Tiger's disgusting text conversations. I'm talking about Tiger trying to explain himself to the public. That's what we do not need to hear, that is between Tiger and his wife.

Surely even you can see the difference between the two, unless you choose not to. ;)


LOL!! Sorry young lady, but you CANNOT have it both ways!:rolleyes: IF you want ALL the tawdry details that YOU would call news....then you gotta take his whiny 'mia culpa' to the whole world. Whether YOU like it or not...that TOO is news.

....you LIVE by crappy stuff YOU call news....they you take the OTHER crappy stuff you would NOT call news that comes with it.

Nature of the beast my friend......and oh yeah, "Surely even you can see the difference between the two, unless you choose not to...." ;)
NOPE. You never said he was the 1st or last, you have the lead the way to make him sound like he is the ONLY ONE that has ever done it.

Completely untrue. I have never said anything of the kind. Do not put words in my mouth. :rolleyes:

LOL!! Sorry young lady, but you CANNOT have it both ways! IF you want ALL the tawdry details that YOU would call news....then you gotta take his whiny 'mia culpa' to the whole world. Whether YOU like it or not...that TOO is news.

....you LIVE by crappy stuff YOU call news....they you take the OTHER crappy stuff you would NOT call news that comes with it.

Nature of the beast my friend......and oh yeah, "Surely even you can see the difference between the two, unless you choose not to...."

I didn't say I wanted all the tawdry details. I said newspapers will report it and Tiger Woods cannot control it. Personally I will not read it, and I'm disgusted that I read what little I did. He really is Filth.

My point is regarding what Tiger Woods CAN control. Two different things. ;)

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Completely untrue. I have never said anything of the kind. :rolleyes:

reread the line....I didn't state you made specific statements.....LOL!

I didn't say I wanted all the tawdry details. I said newspapers will report it and Tiger Woods cannot control it. Personally I will not read it, and I'm disgusted that I read what little I did. He really is Filth.

My point is what Tiger Woods CAN control. ;)


I ment "you" IN GENERAL, but I guess NOW we have to split hairs....:rolleyes:

But you know what, seeing that suddenly, the shoe is on the other foot. We will agree to disagree before more spin is added to the fire.;)
reread the line....I didn't state you made specific statements.....LOL!

I ment "you" IN GENERAL, but I guess NOW we have to split hairs....:rolleyes:

But you know what, seeing that suddenly, the shoe is on the other foot. We will agree to disagree before more spin is added to the fire.;)

Whatever, I am not going to argue semantics. :rolleyes:

Tiger Woods is Filth. Period. I'm sure if you catch your wife cheating on you, the 'other people do it too' excuse will not carry much weight with you. ;)

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Whatever, I am not going to argue semantics. :rolleyes:

yeah....usually the case when the shoe is on the other foot. Hence my statement to agree to disagree.... LOL!

Tiger Woods is Filth. Period. I'm sure if you catch your wife cheating on you, the 'other people do it too' excuse will not carry much weight with you. ;)


Your ARE entitled to your opinion.

AND IF I were to to catch MY wife cheating....there is a problem that needs to be worked out. This ain't boyfriend and girlfriend thing, you just don't chuck it and say F**K IT and get a divorce. You try to work it out, ESPECIALLY if kids are involved.

You stated that you are engaged....you will soon find out that when you get married....it's not as simple as, "I wanna break up cause it ain't working" bull**** that NON-Married folks can easily use. And IF kids are involved....even MORE difficult.
AND IF I were to to catch MY wife cheating....there is a problem that needs to be worked out. This ain't boyfriend and girlfriend thing, you just don't chuck it and say F**K IT and get a divorce. You try to work it out, ESPECIALLY if kids are involved.

You stated that you are engaged....you will soon find out that when you get married....it's not as simple as, "I wanna break up cause it ain't working" bull**** that NON-Married folks can easily use. And IF kids are involved....even MORE difficult.

While I agree with all of the above, that doesn't change the fact that the 'other people do it too' excuse, which is what you mentioned regarding Tiger, will not be acceptable to you.

I didn't say it means immediate divorce, but I'm saying 'other people do it too' is hogwash.

While I agree with all of the above, that doesn't change the fact that the 'other people do it too' excuse, which is what you mentioned regarding Tiger, will not be acceptable to you.

I didn't say it means immediate divorce, but I'm saying 'other people do it too' is hogwash.


LOL! Nice spin. I stated that OTHERS have cheated. Not an excuse, but a fact. He is not the 1st or will be last. But EVERYONE hear has gone about it as bad, IF NOT WORSE than Michael Vick....and at the very least, at the level of OJ.

Woods has broken NO laws. NONE. But you guys are putting him in the same category as OJ Simpson.

But hey....you guys are entitled to your opinion.....
LOL! Nice spin. I stated that OTHERS have cheated. Not an excuse, but a fact. He is not the 1st or will be last. But EVERYONE hear has gone about it as bad, IF NOT WORSE than Michael Vick....and at the very least, at the level of OJ.

Woods has broken NO laws. NONE. But you guys are putting him in the same category as OJ Simpson.

But hey....you guys are entitled to your opinion.....

Whatever...now you're discussing Michael Vick and OJ?...:(

Good luck with that. :rolleyes:

Woods has broken NO laws. NONE.
Actually, according to these sources Woods' adultery may very well be illegal in the state of Florida - it's on the books in many states/commonwealths, but rarely is it prosecuted. Regardless, I have known or read about hundreds of individuals who were court martialed or administratively separated for adultery during my 20+ year military career since it is a violation of Article 134 of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

"Adultery is also illegal in Florida but only "open adultery." So, technically, if you keep your trysts secret, you've committed no crime. Only three people have been charged with adultery in the past two years, FDLE said. "

In my opinion, Tiger Woods' adultery was about as "open" as any that I've ever seen. Plus, he has admitted to his trysts. I doubt that he'll ever be prosecuted, but he certainly violated the letter of the law...wouldn't you agree?

ILLEGAL!? | fortmyers.floridaweekly.com | Fort Myers Newspaper | News, Business, Real Estate and Arts in Fort Myers FL | Florida
Actually, according to these sources Woods' adultery may very well be illegal in the state of Florida - it's on the books in many states/commonwealths, but rarely is it prosecuted. Regardless, I have known or read about hundreds of individuals who were court martialed or administratively separated for adultery during my 20+ year military career since it is a violation of Article 134 of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

"Adultery is also illegal in Florida but only "open adultery." So, technically, if you keep your trysts secret, you've committed no crime. Only three people have been charged with adultery in the past two years, FDLE said. "

In my opinion, Tiger Woods' adultery was about as "open" as any that I've ever seen. Plus, he has admitted to his trysts. I doubt that he'll ever be prosecuted, but he certainly violated the letter of the law...wouldn't you agree?

ILLEGAL!? | fortmyers.floridaweekly.com | Fort Myers Newspaper | News, Business, Real Estate and Arts in Fort Myers FL | Florida

AHHH....good point. BUT what do they mean by "open"? I mean it was NOT KNOWN until ....THE MEDIA.... "outted him". NO ONE KNEW about his affairs. NOBODY. So you cannot say he was "open" about his affairs....beause he was not. He was sneaking behind EVERYONE'S back.....

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