Tiger Woods a "Bootiest"?
Yesterday at Augusta, a plane flew over the Masters just as Tiger Woods teed off, a banner attached to it read, "Tiger did you mean Bootyism?" (in reference to Tiger's religion, Buddhism). TMZ is reporting that another banner which reads: "Sex addict? Yeah, right, sure, me too!" may also be on it's way to the Masters....
Tiger Woods "Bootyism" Banner Appears at Masters [Photos] | Celebrity Smack: Gossip and Entertainment Blog
Yesterday at Augusta, a plane flew over the Masters just as Tiger Woods teed off, a banner attached to it read, "Tiger did you mean Bootyism?" (in reference to Tiger's religion, Buddhism). TMZ is reporting that another banner which reads: "Sex addict? Yeah, right, sure, me too!" may also be on it's way to the Masters....
Tiger Woods "Bootyism" Banner Appears at Masters [Photos] | Celebrity Smack: Gossip and Entertainment Blog