tiger woods in car crash

Did it say how often his wife beats the sh*t out of him with a golf club as he is leaving?

The truth should come out. And if they both lied about what happened the first time they will face charges. My guess is they had a fight and it got physical . Tiger left and she went after him. She hit the car and also the back windshield and he lost control trying to get away. . Of course my wife is glad she smacked him around . It will be interesting how the media reports this. Just when you think someone might have his act together this happens.
TMZ tends to be more accurate than most news outlets these days. Funny thing...they act more like journalists than most of the major networks.
First off, let's all hold off on the judgments. Tiger has been a model citizen his entire life and this incident is the first time he's ever made the news on a non-golf story. Besides, like Chris Rock once said in a stand-up routine, "men are only as faithful as our options". ;) You fat couch potatoes at home can criticize a wealthy good looking man cheating on his wife all you want, but if the roles were reversed and you had every beautiful woman in the world throwing themselves at you, how would you handle it?
First off, let's all hold off on the judgments. Tiger has been a model citizen his entire life and this incident is the first time he's ever made the news on a non-golf story. Besides, like Chris Rock once said in a stand-up routine, "men are only as faithful as our options". ;) You fat couch potatoes at home can criticize a wealthy good looking man cheating on his wife all you want, but if the roles were reversed and you had every beautiful woman in the world throwing themselves at you, how would you handle it?

First of all, I'm not fat. And nobody told Tiger to get married. He chose to do so. I'm glad his wife beat the crap out of him. It should send a message that women won't stand for it . I applaud her. I would want my wife to do the same if I cheated on her.
a facebook friend, a former sentinel sports editor, referenced the tmz account. i asked him if he believed it and he said to read the ny papers accounts too. they seem to be quoting both tmz and national enquirer, except for the times which has an ap story...or at least, that's what i read.
First of all, I'm not fat. And nobody told Tiger to get married. He chose to do so. I'm glad his wife beat the crap out of him. It should send a message that women won't stand for it . I applaud her. I would want my wife to do the same if I cheated on her.

I agree that if what he allegedly did was wrong. I am a faithfully married man myself. I suppose my only point was that we cannot judge someone without being in the same shoes as them.
First off, let's all hold off on the judgments. Tiger has been a model citizen his entire life and this incident is the first time he's ever made the news on a non-golf story. Besides, like Chris Rock once said in a stand-up routine, "men are only as faithful as our options". ;) You fat couch potatoes at home can criticize a wealthy good looking man cheating on his wife all you want, but if the roles were reversed and you had every beautiful woman in the world throwing themselves at you, how would you handle it?

I totally agree with holding out judgment until all facts are in (if they ever will be).

BUT IF Tiger did cheat on his wife, he's as big a scumbag if Joe Six-Pack did the same thing.

At the risk of sounding holier-than-thou, I take the vows I took years ago VERY seriously. I feel extremely confident that I could say no, if faced with the same temptations that these celebrities inevitably do.

BTW, I'm far from a celebrity, but do work out at my local gym five days a week. :D
I agree that if what he allegedly did was wrong. I am a faithfully married man myself. I suppose my only point was that we cannot judge someone without being in the same shoes as them.

Yes but not all famous people cheat. Tiger is paying the price for cheating. At least his wife didn't stand by her man. She beat him instead!:)
So if she cheated on him itd be ok for him to beat her?

Ya she is a class act..

I applaud tiger for leaving and not punching her (which hed of been justified to do after she beat him) takes a real man to walk away when someone is beating on you.
So if she cheated on him itd be ok for him to beat her?

Ya she is a class act..

I applaud tiger for leaving and not punching her (which hed of been justified to do after she beat him) takes a real man to walk away when someone is beating on you.
I am suprised by people basically saying this as well.

Assuming (and we DO NOT KNOW) that he cheated on her, it is NOT ok for her to react that way. If the roles were reversed no one would defend him for doing the same (and shouldnt).
So if she cheated on him itd be ok for him to beat her?

Ya she is a class act..

I applaud tiger for leaving and not punching her (which hed of been justified to do after she beat him) takes a real man to walk away when someone is beating on you.
Yeah it takes a REAL man to cheat on his wife and his 2 yr old and 10 month old. Give me FNing break. NOT hitting a woman doesnt make you a man. Living up to your wedding vows does. If she hit him then he got what he had coming. :rolleyes:
Yeah it takes a REAL man to cheat on his wife and his 2 yr old and 10 month old. Give me FNing break. NOT hitting a woman doesnt make you a man. Living up to your wedding vows does. If she hit him then he got what he had coming. :rolleyes:

That's quite an indictment for all the divorced men out there......

I can't believe people are condoning this (alleged) domestic violence.
Yeah it takes a REAL man to cheat on his wife and his 2 yr old and 10 month old. Give me FNing break. NOT hitting a woman doesnt make you a man. Living up to your wedding vows does. If she hit him then he got what he had coming. :rolleyes:

really? So cheating makes it all ok.. Of course there is 0 evidence he cheated on anyone.
Woods' reported Mistress

So if she cheated on him itd be ok for him to beat her?

Ya she is a class act..

I applaud tiger for leaving and not punching her (which hed of been justified to do after she beat him) takes a real man to walk away when someone is beating on you.
Agreed!!! What a bunch of two faced ass clowns!
Yeah it takes a REAL man to cheat on his wife and his 2 yr old and 10 month old. Give me FNing break. NOT hitting a woman doesnt make you a man. Living up to your wedding vows does. If she hit him then he got what he had coming. :rolleyes:

So there is a double standard that you are fine with? Even with no proof so far?

IF he cheated, he is garbage, just like any other loser. No matter, it does not excuse what she did, IF she did it, and IF he cheated.

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