Tiger, you're now trapped inside the belly of the beast.
Capitalism has perverted journalism to the point that fairness, accuracy and privacy are all irrelevant. Bloggers and media corporations working in conjunction with porn stars, strippers and undiscovered reality TV hos can all make money exploiting your personal life.
This is never going to change. You could fire Stevie Williams, make Elin your caddie and keep her by your side at all times and the tabloid media will still publish the allegations of every moderately attractive woman looking for her 15 minutes.
Just last week, a porn star claimed you impregnated her twice. She says she miscarried one of the babies, aborted the other and never told you about either. Wow.
A DVD prostitute with no proof is an unimpeachable source on your sex life.
Hey Tiger, just walk away - News - FOX Sports on MSN