That's the plan when I call NPS tomorrow. The trip counter read 5 so it's talking to something - hehe.gizzer777 said:Hi Shawn...Yes the 922 is a great set. Are you tuned to G1 ch3 for the IPG? Ask your provider to send another hit! It moved from G0 a few months ago and still takes some time to d/l ...more sats programmed = more time to D/l the guide.
gizzer777 said:As far as I know, Discovery is a Pay service (I had to pay anyway...also have Discovery HD just to show off my new Hdd200 HD component)) To be honest the upconversion on my HP (probably built by either panasonic or pioneer and is georgous!) 43" Plasma it is is so good combined with the 922....most digital channels look HD like (very close to HD clarity!) You are going to be like a kid in a candy store!!!! For some reason, I have not been able to get the 2 starz HD channels ( I have a starz subscription in digital so they should be coming in)on G9 but can get others...ever hear of the wealth channel? There is an HD up there as well as a PBS Nebraska HD PBS feed...who knows what else besides the listed ones!
I am not aware of any clear stuff in Digicipher is possible that the person you got it from had some programing left over! In the diagnostics there is a Provider with 2 letters...ask your own provider who that is ...on the channels coming in that you did not order. They know the zk=No Key (not subscribed)
As long as you have the Move to guide checked in the installation screen...the dish should be on G1 ch3 in the morning! The 5 trips is more than likely the hits from your new provider...I presume someone did a master clear before you set it up! That is a low (beginning ) number of hits!
Keep us posted!
Shawn95GT said:That's the plan when I call NPS tomorrow. The trip counter read 5 so it's talking to something - hehe.
Yeah, I had the dish parked on G1 and the channel set to 3. DC locked. My guess is that it updated to EC and now needs a re-hit.
I'm sure it'll come around tomorrow.
Once other thing - there is either a whole lot of DC stuff in the clear right now, or this thing has some leftover sub on it. It's wierd mix of channels I'm seeing so maybe it's just stuff in the clear, like many of the the Discovery Channels are right now.
I purposely left the Dish on C4 tonight to see if it moves to get the guide. If it moves, I want to see where it looks.
I can't wait to get my Starz sub moved over to digital!
Shawn95GT said:I called NPS and they fixed me up. The guide now says 'processing your request' as it's pulling the guide down and I've got the Starz digital package. They threw in a month of absolute digital to play with while I was swithing it over.
tdti1 said:If you get HBO HD and can't get Starz HD then it may be your HDD 200, there is a problem with them Motorola fixes them free, its a rare defect, you will need to contact Motorola and get a case number, so have your serial number ready, you will then need to contact world wide digital for you free repair.
You will know if yours has the problem just go to Starz HD and see if the HD light goes on and off, and if the picture comes and goes.
Shawn95GT said:Thanks for the info Jeff!
My guide never came up on it's own yesterday but I think it was user error. Hitting 'Go Back' cancels the operation.
When I got home from work I was watching something on C3, and hit guide. It gave me the good 'ol "the guide is available on G1 - want to go get it" message and I did it. Low and behold the guide came right up.
Over night last night I left the dish on T5 before going to bed. I woke up to it happily on G1 and the guide was there waiting for me.
All is well and good with it now.
I've noticed that even the analog picture seems to look better from the 922 vs my HTS system. It seems to have a more sensative tuner or something.
Now I just need to get around to getting the bigger dish up. My G1 channels are marginal at best. If I can tune them, they almost all macro-block regularly. I know this is due to the under-sized dish. The C3 / C4 / G5 / X4 channels are great though. I can live with it for now.
I ordered a remote form NPS when I switched the Starz over to the digital pack.
I'm getting spoiled. I go back to cable and it's almost un-watchable due to the PQ being so bad.
Thanks to everyone for the help getting it going.
I'm not going to do much better on LNBs than what I have unless I spend $300+ each on 'em. For C-band I have a Norsat 8115 (15k, 100 kHz stable) and an Ku I have a Norsat 4106a (0.6 noise floor, 150 kHz stable). I concidered a 3000 series Norsat (Norsat 3520) but that would be overkill for watching TV ongizzer777 said:Excellent Shawn!!!
BTW: you may want to look into a new LNB first...depends on your location and curent LNB condition and fine tuning of elevation etc!
magnetic deviation of the earth changes a small am't yearly! I have a $10 meter I got off Ebay that works fine! Ebay is a good source for Sat stuff....just shop! ie: bought a new FTA receiver for $209 that sells for about $375 with the retail channel!
I found a Norstat 8000 (I guess current the LNB champ company!) under my Feedhorn cover (10 yrs old too!) and cleaned it out (wasp nests), retuned my system and I am now really getting sig/quality strength on an 8 footer! ....In Reno, NV which is not exactly in the center of the footprint!!!
Do keep us posted!
Shawn95GT said:I'm not going to do much better on LNBs than what I have unless I spend $300+ each on 'em. For C-band I have a Norsat 8115 (15k, 100 kHz stable) and an Ku I have a Norsat 4106a (0.6 noise floor, 150 kHz stable). I concidered a 3000 series Norsat (Norsat 3520) but that would be overkill for watching TV on. I figured the 15k / 100kHz LNB would be more beneficial to me than a 20k / 25kHz LNB.. and the Norsat 8115 was about half the cost besides.
Shawn95GT said:Hmm. Well for grins last night I tugged the dish up down left right on a couple sats and pretty much any change seemed to always make matters worse.
I know the feedhorn is centered. I've double checked the focal length. I might experiment with the f/d setting on the feedhorn to see if there is any room for improvement there.
I'm especially dissapointed in the Ku performance of this dish. X4 is watchable but AMC9's Ku analog barker is snowy as can be. I swear my little Primestar did better on Ku than this dish does. Maybe it's something with my feedhorn. Can you put the LNBs on backwards? Maybe I'll try flipping the Ku LNB 180° and see if it does any better. I aligned the slot to match the slot in the feedhorn. I neglected to notice which side of the LNB the probe was on when I took the old one off.