Locals are still as bad as they ever were.
I'm moving the Superdish onto my FTA pole by way of adapting the roof mount. I'll align it myself before the techs come out again on Tuesday.
Amanda called, told me that the installers were coming round tomorrow which I knew nothing about. I told her I'd be unavailable on Saturday as I had to go out, she rescheduled for Tuesday morning. She's a very pleasant person to deal with, it's impossible to get angry at someone like her and I commend her on the way she's dealing with this, I think I'm going to send an email to Echostar letting them know that they need more people like her that care about their customers. Although my setup is still as bad as it ever was she honestly seems to be doing all she can.
The 10th set of installers will be grounding the dish and rewiring from the pole to the ground-block on the house if they have the gear on the van.
I wonder how much it's cost Echostar to send all these installers out, credit my account and tie up Exec reps.
Anyhow, I've been beaten down to letting them get on with it and letting them spend their time trying to fix it until my 2 month credit runs out.