The Weather Channel In Open Letter To DirecTV: You Really Oughta Waive Fees For Your Customers Who W

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i can't tell you how long it has been since i have tuned into TWC. once i got my AM21 hooked up, i have 8 local channels, and all their sub-channels that include 24 hour radar and weather for my area. if it's a really bad storm, one bad enough that i need to see the radar, my satellite is most likely out anyways, so the AM21 with local weather is much better for us. i know TWC is really good about covering hurricanes and storms on the east coast, but it seems like when we get the big ones up here(MI) they don't even cover it. I say good riddance, i just want a new weather app so i can check the 5 day real quick on the tv
TWC has been "chickified"....That's my perception. It's all t and a.
My second gripe is the political correctness and left wing bias in which so called weather and climate related "news" is presented.
Then there is the constant patronizing...."Don't go out without a coat"...."You'll need an umbrella"..."This is a massive winter storm with potential accumulations of at least three inches of the white stuff". "You can get frostbite in 3 minutes"..

After the gulf oil spill, Correspondent Julie Martin used the terms "icky" and "yucky" to describe the oil fouling gulf coast beaches.
Then there is Jen Carfagno who has this demeanor of a cheer leader.
Stephanie Abrams..UGH....."This air mass represented is like a hamburger".
The number one pet peeve....The naming of winter storms...And the way they literally ram these silly monikers down the throats of the viewers....What's really amusing is TWC's lame attempts to main stream these names. And I read where TWC management is claiming THEY are the source for weather info. 'Scuse me?!!!! I think the Nat'l Weather Service may disagree.
I've had it...I wish Dish would dump the channel. Weather Nation is MUCH better.
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Of course those are numbers from TWC. I hear things have been quiet at DIRECTV over the removal.

In fact most DIRECTV retailers are reporting that they have have very few (in fact most said none) complaints over the loss of The Weather Channel.

This is a fight that TWC can't win. DIRECTV is not interested in talking to them until TWC comes in with a better price, a price which is lower then what they were paying TWC. The audience is shrinking as fast as their real weather coverage is.

It is my wish that Directv CSR's would post here to give the forum an idea ass to whether the TWC claims of "complaints" and "Switch pledges" are true.
Yeah...Steph's hamburger/cheeseburger weather model. My wife and I laughed our a**es off when we first heard her mention it. What started the nails in the coffin for TWC for me was almost 4 years ago when Forbes and Cantori nearly made a porno while covering a severe storm outbreak one summer evening. It reminded me of "When Harry Met Sally" :popcorn

I convinced my dad to sign up for DirecTV last year when he was wanting better sports coverage than his local cable company was providing on their overpriced system--he and mom are big STL Cards fans and DirecTV has better coverage of them in our DMA than Dish. He hasn't so much as hinted at having any issue with TWC being gone so far.
I've lost it when they started showing a bucket of water supposedly, that it disappears in mid air, nothing but white flaky stuff, And then I've started thinking what's that good stuff they started smoking :) Screw TWC.
I saw on the Weather Channel Facebook page where the weather channel said "We listened and brought back the music " Then you could listen to all the songs it brought back. One of the posters said "Is this what you heard ?" well the music , at least in my opinion , should have been soft instrumental music , but instead it is hard stuff. Turned me off. Rather have no music than what they had.

While I enjoyed the instrumental of Linkin Park's New Divide I found it odd to be on TWC.
I've lost it when they started showing a bucket of water supposedly, that it disappears in mid air, nothing but white flaky stuff, And then I've started thinking what's that good stuff they started smoking :) Screw TWC.

That's actually pretty cool how boiling water thrown in the air freezes like that.
Here's TWC's new ad against Directv today:


Since DIRECTV dropped The Weather Channel, millions of customers have made their voices heard on our website, like Liz who wrote: "I am a college instructor at a branch campus in rural Missouri. We get seriously dangerous weather here—tornadoes, ice storms, blizzards, electrical storms and floods. I have depended on The Weather Channel for years to decide if it is too dangerous to have classes because many of my students live way out in the country on dirt roads that become hazardous. I will drop DIRECTV."

But instead of listening, DIRECTV's CEO posted an open letter saying 99.9995% of his customers don't care about losing The Weather Channel.

Really????? Have they read their own Facebook page?

DIRECTV's 99.9995% number means they want you to believe that only 100 out of DIRECTV's 20 million subscribers care about The Weather Channel. Yes, only 100.

Does DIRECTV think everyone's stupid or just not paying attention?

In either case, if DIRECTV truly believes nobody cares about The Weather Channel, then it should have no problem waiving its punishing cancellation fee for those who must change providers.

Customers like Nicole who wrote: "Since subscribers don't get a say in lineup changes, then it's only fair that we get the chance to switch companies without being held liable to pay termination fees."

We couldn't agree more.

DIRECTV should do the right thing: Put The Weather Channel back in the lineup or let customers switch without an unfair fee.
I live in Missouri myself and when there is bad weather going on, I watch my local news stations as their coverage is better and its dedicated to just that. TWC usually is less accurate than the local stations.
Here's TWC's new ad against Directv today:


Since DIRECTV dropped The Weather Channel, millions of customers have made their voices heard on our website, like Liz who wrote: "I am a college instructor at a branch campus in rural Missouri. We get seriously dangerous weather here—tornadoes, ice storms, blizzards, electrical storms and floods. I have depended on The Weather Channel for years to decide if it is too dangerous to have classes because many of my students live way out in the country on dirt roads that become hazardous. I will drop DIRECTV."

But instead of listening, DIRECTV's CEO posted an open letter saying 99.9995% of his customers don't care about losing The Weather Channel.

Really????? Have they read their own Facebook page?

DIRECTV's 99.9995% number means they want you to believe that only 100 out of DIRECTV's 20 million subscribers care about The Weather Channel. Yes, only 100.

Does DIRECTV think everyone's stupid or just not paying attention?

In either case, if DIRECTV truly believes nobody cares about The Weather Channel, then it should have no problem waiving its punishing cancellation fee for those who must change providers.

Customers like Nicole who wrote: "Since subscribers don't get a say in lineup changes, then it's only fair that we get the chance to switch companies without being held liable to pay termination fees."

We couldn't agree more.

DIRECTV should do the right thing: Put The Weather Channel back in the lineup or let customers switch without an unfair fee.
Does that couldn't agree more include comcast customers under a 2yr contract whenever they drop a channel?
Oh man I got to miss jim Cantore kick someone.

See the Thread that says TWC GONE . There is a post of Jim Cantore kicking someone who ran up to him while he was in Charleston S.C. at a college there. It was the last post a moment ago. Go to the link and there is a video.
It's obvious that TWC isn't reading its own Facebook page, as it has been pummeled with complaints about the reality programming.
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