The Walking Dead on AMC

Talk about a demented and twisted world in Woodbury....Rick will come out of his funk, but I suspect forever changed.

Perhaps, but perhaps the seeds have been sown for Rick to turn into The President (The Governor title has already been taken). I think we're all major event away from losing our way...which is why I enjoy this show so much.

Now the question I have is Carol. They "buried" her, but correct me if I am wrong, but I don't remember seeing her die. Just run away.

The grave was symbolic since they all felt Carol was munched by walkers. Personally, I'm convinced Carol got away and has been hiding waiting to be rescued; she's on the other end of the phone. Hopefully, recovering Carol in one piece will help Rick pull himself out of his funk. We shall see.
Question: can that prison phone considered to be a cell phone? Get it? Cell phone!

Gosh darn...I thought it was funny. ;)
Mildly humorous, anyway :).

I figure they buried Carol's scarf.

The thing I sort of have an issue with is that "fat walker" ate Lori. Really? All of her? no remains at all? I don't buy it.
That flipped me out,the gorged walker!Rick is in a very dark place and I think we have only just begun to see him (Breaking Bad) pun intended.

Carol is still alive I'm sure.Maybe the watcher in the woods captured her?

And yea riffjim I agree when Merle and Daryl meet it's going to be real interesting.

Wonder how long it will be until Michonne and Andrea are reunited?
The thing I sort of have an issue with is that "fat walker" ate Lori. Really? All of her? no remains at all? I don't buy it.

The guy who directed that episode (a co-executive producer) covered this topic afterward on the Talking Dead. He said the fat walker had Lori's hair coming out of his mouth and couldn't swallow because he gorged himself. I had to go back and take a look, but he's right.
The watcher in the woods was Andrew, the third prisoner.

Perhaps, but I thought the watcher was observing them before the group freed them from the cafeteria. Plus, I'm almost positive they were being watched two episodes prior to Rick locking him out in the prison yard. I have the feeling they are being spied on by one of the Governor's minions.
Perhaps, but I thought the watcher was observing them before the group freed them from the cafeteria. Plus, I'm almost positive they were being watched two episodes prior to Rick locking him out in the prison yard. I have the feeling they are being spied on by one of the Governor's minions.

Yep I think the watcher is still out there.
Mildly humorous, anyway :).

I figure they buried Carol's scarf.

The thing I sort of have an issue with is that "fat walker" ate Lori. Really? All of her? no remains at all? I don't buy it.

I thought the walkers liked to eat live people ,not zombies or dead humans who haven't turned to zombies yet. I don't buy that the zombie ate the entire corpse of Lori, bones, skull and all.
Maybe you are right. The impression I got was that Andrew was spying, and he killed the deer and cut the locks.

We'll find out soon enough. If someone is still watching them then it can't be Andrew. Also, I believe the show's executive producer said the person watching them would be revealed during the season...and I don't think Andrew ever admitted to watching them. from outside the fence.
I thought the walkers liked to eat live people ,not zombies or dead humans who haven't turned to zombies yet. I don't buy that the zombie ate the entire corpse of Lori, bones, skull and all.

Now think about it...What do zombies crave the most?:D So as zombie lore goes they are definitely capable of cracking skulls to get to the goodies.

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