The Walking Dead on AMC

Well, it took 2 weeks, but I have gotten through seasons 1 and 2 of TWD. Very good. Some seriously compelling tv at times. When Sophia came out of the barn I about fell over --- although even before that, one has to ask the question: "You kept zombies in the barn? Really???" And by the end of S2, I was not sure they would have much of a cast left for S3.

Now I need to buy the first four episodes of S3 from iTunes, and I'll be in real time. I also need to keep reading the graphic novels. Ordering the compendium of issues 1-48.
rockymtnhigh said:
Well, it took 2 weeks, but I have gotten through seasons 1 and 2 of TWD. Very good. Some seriously compelling tv at times. When Sophia came out of the barn I about fell over --- although even before that, one has to ask the question: "You kept zombies in the barn? Really???" And by the end of S2, I was not sure they would have much of a cast left for S3.

Now I need to buy the first four episodes of S3 from iTunes, and I'll be in real time. I also need to keep reading the graphic novels. Ordering the compendium of issues 1-48.

You are going to love this season.
Ok, I am caught up. I accidentally had this last week's episode spoiled on FB, and then here (my fault for reading this thread), but wow... talk about an emotional heart-wrenching episode. The downside is they can't keep killing off the cast, there won't be anybody left.
Ok, I am caught up. I accidentally had this last week's episode spoiled on FB, and then here (my fault for reading this thread), but wow... talk about an emotional heart-wrenching episode. The downside is they can't keep killing off the cast, there won't be anybody left.

True, but you now have the two new prisoners...and don't forget the Governor and his minions who are sure to get into the groups business sooner than later.
True, but you now have the two new prisoners...and don't forget the Governor and his minions who are sure to get into the groups business sooner than later.

Yea,I suppose it can still work bringing in new characters each season.Just like with Hershel and his farm family.
True, but you now have the two new prisoners...and don't forget the Governor and his minions who are sure to get into the groups business sooner than later.

Sure, but the Governor is not a character to like; he is the villain. And a creepy one at that. it was one thing for Herschel to keep the family zombies in the barn; this guy is keeping zombie heads in fish tanks.

The core group of survivors has shrunk tremendously, although I am expecting Andrea and Michionne will rejoin eventually. But if you kill off more of the regulars you change the show dramatically. First Andrea's sister (not a big deal), then the skinny guy, then Dale and Shane, now Lori and T-Dog.

Not small changes. And The Governor and Merle... meh... Maybe the two prisoners. Regardless, its all great fun. :)
Sure, but the Governor is not a character to like; he is the villain. And a creepy one at that. it was one thing for Herschel to keep the family zombies in the barn; this guy is keeping zombie heads in fish tanks.

That's part of the Governor's intrigue. Although he appears to be a villain, is he really all that different than Rick is these days? What if he were a good family man just like Rick...except he snapped after losing his family. It seems like Rick is facing this issues as we speak. If you think about it, Rick hunted down that one prisoner and then locked him outside with the walkers. He was then within a whisper of executing the two remaining prisoners shortly afterwards. Heck, he may have done---all for the good of the group---if weren't for itT-Dog. What is the Governor is gathering the heads looking for a cure? Sure, I think he has a screw loose and a god complex, but you never know.
Perhaps, but I am pretty sure the Guv is a villain, and while Rick declared the time for democracy is over, I still see him as a protagonist, a flawed one, but a protagonist. BUT its great tv. So glad I am now watching it in "real time" and can discuss it as it occurs.
I can't wait until both groups meet up. Of course, I'm still wondering who is spying on the group? It's probably the same individual who breached the back gates to the prison. We shall see.

That should be interesting and we shall see who is the one spying and I bet you are right on the one who is spying :)
Good episode.
We get a deeper peek into the lives of the Governor and the people of Amityville, or whatever they call that town of horrors they live in. Michonne discovers things about the Governor, including Penny, and she doesn't like what she sees. "This place is not what they say it is." Ain't that the truth! Personally, I find value in their capturing some of the walkers. Of course, I thought they were experimenting on them and I wondered what kind of experiments they were running since they obviously have no formal scientific training.

I loved how Michonne pulled her sword on the Governor...she should have run him up. I couldn't believe they let Michonne leave the town, but I guess the Governor didn't have much choice in the matter. Andrea decided to stay. Silly girl. We later find out they folks in Amityville love their sports...Blood Sports. I didn't see that one coming. The scene reminded me of something out of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. Two men enters, one man leaves. I'll bet Andrea wishes she had left when she had the opportunity.

Rick is obviously in a very dark place right now. Right now he's taking out his anger on a prison full of walkers. Yep, he's just blowing off some steam much like when Arnold threw a pipe through his adversary in the movie Commando and quipped, "Let of some steam Bennett." I wonder how long before he snaps out of his funk. Regardless, it's a good thing the others are taking care of the baby because he's in no shape to mentally do so. I can't almost see him turning into the Governor...almost.

Anyway, a Penny for your thoughts? I think the Governor is one twisted puppy.
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Merle has certainly found a home. The problem is what will happen when he confronts his brother Daryl? Daryl is certainly turning out to be a much different, and a much better, man than Merle. I see a showdown coming in the future. But who will win? Finally, who was that calling on the phone? More importantly, how are the phones working without electricity? I can only assume it's an in prison system that is being powered by batteries. Still...hard to imagine they would be working. Anyway, it's either Carol or a Dish Network telemarketer. And yes, there are worse things to be in life other than a brain-dead zombie. :)

Question: can that prison phone considered to be a cell phone? Get it? Cell phone!
Talk about a demented and twisted world in Woodbury. Yet, the idea of barricading a town in makes total sense; and while the one scientist guy seems to be trying to find a cure, it seems they are more interested in the blood sport.

Rick will come out of his funk, but I suspect forever changed.

Now the question I have is Carol. They "buried" her, but correct me if I am wrong, but I don't remember seeing her die. Just run away.

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