The Walking Dead on AMC

All very good points. In this case, I will assume the zombie population spread rapidly and there was only a rogue band of survivors so they should have plenty of foot, water and supplies. Two things I can't figure out:

1. There's only a few hundred or a couple/three thousand prisoners and staff in this facility. If these guys only whacked a dozen or two of the deadheads every day, they would have cleared out the prison long ago. It's not like they're difficult to kill...just a lot of 'em. It seems like they would want to clean house and securre their perimeter.

2. Why didn't they break out of prison or at least take care of #1.

I guess we will find out next week, same "Dead" time, same "Dead" channel.;)
Really this episode was to transition from last season to this season. They have a new environment, goals, and now new cast members that will have to fit somehow into the group. It is a good way to rotate in new people on a regular basis, lets them have lots of possible personality conflicts and resolutions over the season. I speculate they stay in the prison until mid season or the end then move again and "find" new survivors, to replace the ones that are going to be killed this season.

It is one of the things that makes this series more realistic and exciting -- anyone could really die at any time. If you do not like the terms of your contract renewal we have a great way to replace you....
Question: Will everyone be bummed if they spend the entire season in the north GA prison? Offhand, I hope they move on mid-season. We shall see.

Certainly won't be bummed but,I would have to think there will be more to the season than just the prison backdrop.
Question: Will everyone be bummed if they spend the entire season in the north GA prison? Offhand, I hope they move on mid-season. We shall see.

The prison would make a good base of operations. They could make "supply" runs as needed, so lots of out of prison action. But, as always I suspect prison life will not be all daisies and daffodils... eventually they will be forced to leave for one reason or another. Perhaps not as dramatic as the CDC forced evacuation, but something will eventually get them out of there.
I see the prison as almost the perfect place to setup permanent shelter. You of course first need to completely secure the facility going room to room to room and rid it of infected. Then start repairs and beefing up the outside fences. (they already seem to hold off the infected but a little beef up wouldn't hurt) Then I would section off a living quarter area (like they have with the cell blocks) as there is nothing going to break through those metal bar doors. Certainly the safest place possible to go to sleep and you can give yourself added protection (incase maybe a person living with you dies in their sleep and turns into a zombie and kills you at night!) by locking yourself in a cell.

Once the outside perimeter is secure you have large fields you can plant food, and you can send out raids to find needed supplies. I mean what better place to live out a zombie Apocalypse then a dang fortress.
Okay, why is everything being so overgrown with vegetation and look so dingy - as in years worth of neglect? It's been what...six months to a year? Even when Rick woke up after a few weeks in the hospital it looked as though he had pulled a Rip Van Winkle and the world had aged 25-years around him. I guess the show needed that instant creepy zombie look.

Regardling Season 3, perhaps the best part about living in prison is the prison sex...well, the good kind. :) I wonder if we'll see any new up and coming relationships forming this season? There's no doubt Carol wants to hookup with Daryl for a few days of solitary confinement; she can have Daryl treat her like a zombie and **** her brains out. Speaking of zombie sex...there's another kind that Rick and Lori will be having this fall (i.e., over her dead body). Rick is struggling with his moral compass and is weighed down with leading this ragtag group. Unfortunately, his mental imbalancement is having a negative affect on his relationship with Lori and probably his son.

Also, it should be interesting to find out if and how they integrate with their fellow prisoners who may be well-schooled on bad prison sex. :( Offhand, I'll bet their fellow prisoners aren't doing time for tax evasion or petty theft. Perhaps, just like back at the bar, these rogue bands of humans may once again prove to be their most dangerous enemies. You gotta love these new people...don't know whether to embrace them or choke the life out of them and shoot them in their brains. We shall see.
There will be of course a lot of trust issues with the inmates... Do you give them guns? Do you let them into your group? Who is reformed, and who is still a psychopathy ready till kill you?
There will be of course a lot of trust issues with the inmates... Do you give them guns? Do you let them into your group? Who is reformed, and who is still a psychopathy ready till kill you?

Based on their previous encounter with the group, it looked like they already had their own guns. While I would certainly be worried about the murders, rapists and pedophiles, I would send the guys who are ready to till out to work with Hershel in the prison garden. :D
Based on their previous encounter with the group, it looked like they already had their own guns. While I would certainly be worried about the murders, rapists and pedophiles, I would send the guys who are ready to till out to work with Hershel in the prison garden. :D

Sounds good to me but put them through hell before doing that :D :)
Excellent show tonight.
Well, apparently there was not a lot of trust between members of our group and the prisoner co-inhabitants. We now know that it has been 10-months since the prisoners were locked in the cafeteria for their own protection, so it has probably been 11-months since Z-Day. I can't believe the prisoners couldn't break their way out of the cafeteria - talk about being helpless. Anyway, I loved when Rick asked, "What's in here" when he opened the door to the storage room only to discover it was where they disposed of all the human waste. Nasty!

The scene where the inmates didn't listen to instruction on how to kill the walkers was pretty funny. They were beating a walker to death, but it wasn't working. Idiots! The Big Inmate got scratched and his fellow inmate beat his brains in with a little too much zest and zeal. I knew Rick would wind up taking him out, but I thought it would take several episodes. He scumbag was a danger to the Rick and the group, but I didn't think Rick would take care of the chaps splitting headache. As indicated by the final scene with Lori, he really is becoming something of a hardened bastard. Well, at least he let the other other prisoners live.

Finally, next weeks episode give us a peek into Andrea and the other groups of survivors; it should be interesting. Oh, I loved the scene where Hershel died...Well, kind of...I jumped! :)
I laughed at one point tonight. It is pretty funny and somewhat subtle unless you didn't pick up the reference and it might just be plain coincidence.

As Herschel lays sleeping and they are what-ifing about him dying all I could think was...wait for it...

Would Herschel become, Herschel "Walker"? :D:D:D

Not sure he would win the Heisman while playing in Georgia with only one leg though!!


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Hilarious sethwell!!:haha

I enjoyed tonight's episode,just knew Herschel was gonna turn and actually gave me a jump during that scene.Rick is da man he gave chico a nice haircut.Who gives a dead zombie a C-section?:D Also who is the watcher in the woods?
YES! I like the way that they explained the bathroom situation. It makes the show more credible, when they take the time to show details like this. Unlike Revolution where we have no idea where they are going to the bathroom. No out houses in sight, but yet they all have crops growing in front of their houses in their neighborhood. Oh maybe they are using their waste to fertilize the crops?
Hilarious sethwell!!:haha

I enjoyed tonight's episode,just knew Herschel was gonna turn and actually gave me a jump during that scene.Rick is da man he gave chico a nice haircut.Who gives a dead zombie a C-section?:D Also who is the watcher in the woods?

Yeah, the watcher in the woods had me curios too. Perhaps it was a fan hoping to catch a glimpse of Hershel Walker...and her way for visiting Rob Zombie. :facepalm

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