Okay so, I saw the premier even after I made a ton of fun of the concept. And, even though I didn't want to like it, I did. It was fun. It was another "terminator" complete with "terminator Babe" and the obligatory 20-something playing a 15 year-old (I CAN'T STAND THAT! -- if you want to use a 20 year-old actor, make the frickin' character 20 years old!)
The action was pretty good, though as with the movies, Sarah should be dead by now with all the injuries and whatever from all the attacks.
The guy who plays the Terminator does not try to be Arnold. He plays it straight.
I had a problem with the terminator babe when we first meet her but don't know she's a terminator yet. It has to do with the whole personality thing. It is an inconsistancy that just bugged me the rest of the episode.
The story line for the continuing series is another one of those where, unless the series is a medium success, we will never see a satisfactory conclusion. That is a turn-off for me. If the series is a flop, the series will be canceled and the end of this story will never be revealed. If the story is a big hit, then the networks will make the story stretch to the ends of the Earth and the conclusion of the thread will never be revealed. Only if it is a mild success will we see it Sarah and son along with Terminator Babe actually do complete what they set out to do.
As always with time-travel stories you have the inevitable quandry. But Star Trek taught me to forget about little things like logic when dealing with these things. You have to have a very strong suspension of disbelief to enjoy this show. I do and I did. We will see what tomorrow brings.
See ya