The Sarah Connor Chronicles on FOX

I've been trying to figure out the whole Riley story thing too. I remember she asked Riley "Well did he tell you yet?" and she replied with something along the lines of not yet but he's close. If she already knows the story, why does it matter? I'm sure it will tie in somehow.

I also liked the episode. Though why she goes to the library was a bit odd to me. I would have thought she'd be at home watching John. I thought the Terminator in the past was kind of a neat spin on things. The long way to do things, but hey, it could've worked ;)

I've been trying to figure out the whole Riley story thing too. I remember she asked Riley "Well did he tell you yet?" and she replied with something along the lines of not yet but he's close. If she already knows the story, why does it matter? I'm sure it will tie in somehow.

I also liked the episode. Though why she goes to the library was a bit odd to me. I would have thought she'd be at home watching John. I thought the Terminator in the past was kind of a neat spin on things. The long way to do things, but hey, it could've worked ;)


The only thing I have never got is how the terminator maintained its power; must have one helluva internal power source. Then again, the same would be true for Mr. Data on Star Trek. :)

I was confused as to what she initially was at the library for too.
I realize some people liked it, and I can suspend belief as much as the next guy, but they just seemed to have too many WTF????? moments for me in this one that kept taking me out of the story. The worst was the governor of California reference, which of course makes us think of Arnold..... They should have made him the US President or something to give the storyline some weight without making us think of Arnold...
I realize some people liked it, and I can suspend belief as much as the next guy, but they just seemed to have too many WTF????? moments for me in this one that kept taking me out of the story. The worst was the governor of California reference, which of course makes us think of Arnold..... They should have made him the US President or something to give the storyline some weight without making us think of Arnold...

Of course there will be a fictional governor. I really don't see the big deal of that.
The only thing I have never got is how the terminator maintained its power; must have one helluva internal power source. Then again, the same would be true for Mr. Data on Star Trek. :)

LOL :) I think in Terminator 2 ? John asks him how long they can live, and he says something long the lines of his power cells will last over hundred years so in a sense that's how long he'll "live."

BTW on a total side note... I do like how in the TV series they finally got smart about destroying the Terminators. Rather than constantly shooting at them, you get them knocked out and take out their CPU.
She did it again with the elevator shaft this week's episode.

Has anyone figured out whether Riley and the Aussie chick are trying to help John or hurt him?

I haven't figured it out yet either... The Aussie has made comments in the past that he's gotten too close to his terminator unit and making bad decisions. Though not sure how him finding a girlfriend really does much with that (unless he becomes "romantically" involved with his terminator in the future?)

There was something mentioned in a past episode about him and his terminator. I don't remember the episode or even who said it, but I remember what ever was said, it gave me the impression at the time that they do get romantically involved in the future. I may have just taken it wrong at the time, but I assumed that's what happens.
I know that she looks hot, but I am sure if you got romantically involved with her that she could really rip a certain body part off of you, if you pissed her off. Don't know that it's worth it.:p
Aw c'mon, men have been lusting after fembots for decades..... Even if they might kill us, it doesn't kill the allure....
Considering the economy is in almost a depression, I doubt to many people will be going out on Friday nights any more. So it should give people something to actually watch besides the "Boob Whisper" on CBS. Good old fashioned tv watching is going to make a big comeback in the next couple of years or more.
The show is dead..... It just hasn't pitched forward because Fox didn't have anything better to put in its place.

Ironically, moving it to Friday may HELP it. There is simply too much competition at 8pm on Monday..... Chuck, Big Bang/Mother, Dancing with the stars, Monday Night Football... yikes... what did they THINK would happen? House would lose half its viewers in that slot..

The surprise has been Big Bang/Mother who both had record ratings last week..... Now they all go on reruns next week so we'll see what happens... No new Chuck until February? Ditto for Sarah Connor?
I haven't figured it out yet either... The Aussie has made comments in the past that he's gotten too close to his terminator unit and making bad decisions. Though not sure how him finding a girlfriend really does much with that (unless he becomes "romantically" involved with his terminator in the future?)


That's what I thought was implied. The Aussie chick said "It's sick. He only talks to her, he spends all his time with her. He's making bad decisions, getting people killed."

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