The Rockford Files

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Sanka Coffee Retro Commercial

Starring Andy Griffith and Don Knotts

Filmed in Mayberry NC RFD!! :)

Bet the coffee is brought in from Mount Pilot!! :D



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Gotta Love Monty Python's Flying Circus!

Let's see what the Parrot has to say...

YouTube - Monty Python-Dead Parrot Sketch

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Gotta Love Monty Python's Flying Circus!

Let's see what the Parrot has to say...

YouTube - Monty Python-Dead Parrot Sketch


Monty Python's Flying Circus across the Pond is great stuff! I knew there would be so many shows I would forget! Yes we are having a great time with the memories and the reminiscing here! Again Gordy, nice thread start my man! :up

Andy and Barney, a classic that will never die! Went many times to the fishing hole with them growing up! I still watch it today! Great Memories for sure!

Anyone else on dialup dieing here?

Where are you located melgarga?? Here in WV we were bombarded by massive thunderstorms and large hail a few hours ago! :eek: I have to say my system never once skipped a beat on the Glorystar programming on Galaxy 19 tonight! Maybe the storms are affecting the phone lines where you are.

The rain here was something else! :eek:

Unless you are talking about the bandwith this thread is having on dial up guy's!?! ;)

what melgarga means is on dial up there is no way all those links/youtube videos will show up and probably results in crashing their dial up

so lets refrain from posting numerous links to youtube. That way every one can enjoy the thread :)
Yes, Too rural for DSL, much less cable, as if I would do that anyway. There is Hughes/Starband/Blue Sumpthin but they have all lost their collective F'n minds for tha price of the service.
Another I heard of was a Point to point 802 based network with various acces points in the area, a yagi or corner reflector on a 20-30' pole, but they had to do the $200 [certified tech] install, friggin FCC. I think it was still about $40/mo, way out of line w/ DSL prices these days.
I dont even have shockwave/flash on my comp so it doesnt smoke me on BW w/o any control over it.
But the thread has been fun, I had forgotten yeah, ALTV for Lost in Space, Voyage and others........
FTABman0, your just going to have to get DCII compliant, that's all there is to Even if it's not a 9XX some of the guy that do the commercial DCII boxes may be able to get you pointed the right way for a bargain price.
Yes, this thread dies on dial up!

Do you remember the Aqua Velva or was it Aqua Velvet man?

Jim has just published his book "There's something about the Aqua Velva Man"

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Aqua Velva is a line of men's grooming products, including a widely advertised aftershave originally introduced as an alcohol-based mouthwash for men in 1929 by the JB Williams Company (later acquired by GlaxoSmithKline). As of 2009, it is marketed worldwide by Combe Incorporated. Aqua Velva products include Classic Ice Blue, Ice Sport, and Musk aftershave.

Pop, yes Aqua Velva and the Old Spice Commercials! Don't forget the Irish Spring Oldies!! Take out the ol pocket knife and cut a chunk off and smell the difference! Great Memories!

You guys are coming up with some great ones! :up

Yes, Too rural for DSL..........
But the thread has been fun, I had forgotten yeah, ALTV for Lost in Space, Voyage and others........
FTABman0, your just going to have to get DCII compliant, that's all there is to Even if it's not a 9XX some of the guy that do the commercial DCII boxes may be able to get you pointed the right way for a bargain price.

Sorry bout that, I only posted one YouTube link but radar and I will both take the slap on the hand! I took mine down and just put the link in so maybe radar can do the same with the ones he posted as well! :o

There is one service you can get for satellite internet that I saw the other day and no it is not D* or Wild*!

It is called Skyway USA Satellite Internet for Rural America Plans start at $29.95 You do not need a professional install with this service and you can put it in your self! Drawback on it though it uses a dial out connection for your querys like the old DirectWay used to be. Something to look into!

Been thinking about 4DTV for awhile, looks like a great thing! Some of those boxes are expensive especially the new Motorola's!

I loved Lost in Space, Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea and Planet Of The Apes among others! Man, the good old days are gone and some of these "Young Guys" on here most likely have never seen half of the stuff mentioned here! Sad!! Some great shows!

Again sorry about the Tube Links!!

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"Ancient Chinese secret, huh?"

Let's not forget the Calgon Commercial!

A famous commercial from the early 70s, a classic that ran for years, was for Calgon Water Softener.

For those who forgot how it went:
(Bet Most Of You Knows How It Went!)
A Caucasian woman with an American accent asks "Mr. Lee" (played by Calvin Jung), a laundry shop owner, how he gets her shirts so clean. He replies, with what appears to be a Chinese accent, "Ancient Chinese secret."

The scene changes to Mrs. Lee, who is in an adjoining room. Mrs. Lee appears ethnically Chinese, but she speaks English with a thoroughly American accent (the voice was overdubbed in the commercial), and explains to the audience that her husband's "ancient Chinese secret" is that he uses Calgon water softener.

Mrs. Lee ultimately gives the secret away by sticking her head into the front room where Mr. Lee and the customer are standing, and shouts "We need more Calgon!" To which the customer replies "Ancient Chinese secret, huh?" while Mr. Lee accepts the exposure with good humor.

The actress playing Mrs. Lee, Anne Miyamoto, was actually Japanese-American.

See It here:
Replace the XXX with www



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    70s Retro Commercial Calgon.JPG
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Not a problem on the BW, like I said I dont have Shock or Flash plugins installed simply because I cant 'control' them. If I go to a site and it is shock/flash based, oh well, guess they dont want my biz.......
There are commercial DCII boxes that do the free DCII mode channels, but I dont know anything specific on them. Maybe one or more of those commercial box gurus will pop in and lay it on us. I havent seen any 'deals' like there was at one time on Fleabay, but that stuff runs in cycles. Last I saw you could get a 9xx for around the same price as the retired commmercial units. There is a 920 on the Houston's Craigslist this week for $150 I think it was. A buddy I talk to on IRC bought a 905 for $65, dont recall if that was + s&h or not. Regardless, a good deal.
It's not so much about the expense, but the value and longevity. A 'good deal' is relative. How much would you spend to watch what is on DCII sub or free, for 2 yrs. a year, 6 body knows, but it is headed the way of analog, for consumers at least, if for no other reason than the consumer mindset is very HD driven and oriented, and 4DTV hardware and programming is not. Even the viability of DVB-S2 is in question in terms of longevity. Getting into DCII these days is a heavy decision, unless youve got what most of us would call money to gamble with. I wouldnt trade mine, for much of anything, but I cant say if I were starting now, that I would do it again.
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There are commercial DCII boxes that do the free DCII mode channels, but I dont know anything specific on them. Maybe one or more of those commercial box gurus will pop in and lay it on us. I havent seen any 'deals' like there was a t one time on Fleabay, but that stuff runs in cycles.Last I saw you could get a 9xx for around tha same price as the retired commmercial units. There is a 920 on the Houston's Craigslist this week for $150 I think it was. A buddy I talk to on IRC bought a 905 for $65, dont recall if that was + s&h or not. Regardless, a good deal.
It's not so much about the expense, but the value and longevity. A 'good deal' is relative. How much would you spend to watch what is on DCII sub or free, for 2 yrs. a year, 6 body knows but it is headed the way of analog, for consumers at least, if for no other reason than the consumer mindset is very HD driven and oriented, and 4DTV hardware and programming is not. Even the viability of DVB-S2 is even in question in terms of longevity. Getting into DCII these days is a heavy decision, unless youve got what most of us would call money to gamble with. I wouldnt trade mine, for much of anything, but I cant say if I were starting now, that I would do it again.

Will have to check into that commercial DCII thing most defiantly! Now just kind new to C-Band part of FTA, I have looked into 4DTV and it looks really promising! I have seen things around about the DSR4200V DCII Receiver, looks great if you can find one. I looked around sometime ago for used DSR-410's but the prices are really expensive for used ones! Just as well buy a new one for a little more for what I have seen the used ones for! I really would like to latch onto a DSR922 Receiver! For what I have read those are the better of the DSR models.

I need to read up on it more though, I know they do Digital DigiCipher® II Programming and some do DVB NTSC FTA I think if I remember right. It has been awhile since I read up on it. Do they make a HD version of the DCII boxes? Seems like that would be the way to go if you were going to get into it right if they do the HD thing!

Like I said, I have been kicking this around now for a couple months! I am going to get into it soon especially on what you have said it I want one now definitely!

I need to read up some more on it, I been looking at a website that has the boxes & programing in packages. They even have the boxes and can sell you a 6 footer in a deal bundle!

Thanks again melgarga for the info on this again, what DCII box you have again?

what melgarga means is on dial up there is no way all those links/youtube videos will show up and probably results in crashing their dial up

so lets refrain from posting numerous links to youtube. That way every one can enjoy the thread :)


I took them down to just the url addresses. I didn't realize that it might cause a problem. If anyone wants to visit them, they can just copy and paste the url.

Actually, that is what I was trying to do intially, but when I submitted the post, it displayed the video link. Thought it was rather nifty.

I wasnt affected because I dont have those plugins installed. I learned that a long time ago for dialup. I was playing devils advocate for any other dialup uses that may be on the board that do have them installed. Ice is right, a comp on dialup trying to process that much streaming content would essentially puke and die. Even PII/PIII class machines on a fast connection would have a problem with all that data to process in real time. It seems many webpage designers/content providers are sure everyone is running a 4.2ghz dualcore with a couple of gigs of memory and a T1 connection.
Does the HW technology drive the SW developers or the other way around? I dunno I think it's a bit of both, a sort of 'one upsmanship challenge', but it is clear that the powers that be are hell bent on obsoleting perfectly fine and functional existing systems to force upgrading to the new tech platforms.
Actually I read somewhere that when it comes to consumer computing HW/PC technology it was the gaming interest that is responsible for the largest leaps and bounds in the high tech consumer products. Go figure.
I've still got my Coleco Pong game around here somewhere. Wonder if I can get anything for it on Fleabay.......
Enjory the Rock, record it and Adam12.

For commericals, don't forget "Hia Karate!!!" [ame=""]YouTube - UK Hai Karate Commercial With Valerie Leon[/ame]

I get on sometimes to see some old shows on a rainy day, like original battlestar G.
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