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Charlie is probably more than a bit miffed that DirecTV (and its legions of well-paid and even more well-connected lobbyists) sat on the sidelines while he tried to get the HD distant satellite legislation through Congress.
But he better make sure he wounds D* as badly as he can now, because once the two new D* birds are up next year he is in deep, deep trouble.
Unless, of course, he has worked out a merger with VOOM by then -- though that still won't solve his HD LIL problem.
I dont think E* would buy out Voom. To me, it just doesnt sound good. 61.5 is very hard/impossible to get here on the west coast so they would have to mirror it to 148. To much work and effort for it to pay for itself I think. I think they would be better served with an Ultimate dish that can get the 105,110,119,121 or any other slots in there now or in the future, and keep the wings strictly for internationals. Just my opinions.
Well the D* web site still shows that I have FOX_HD on my account but no FOX HD in my guide as of today.
this would be great if it could be done. A few of us on here are sysadmins and the good ol "mail bomb" functions have been blocked by most mail servers (including your own SMTP) for a few years now. It's too bad. I miss being able to send 7,000 messages to someone who has ticked me off :dev
charper1 said:
I am the one that used D* and E* and was asking the poster if he thought or why he thought D* and E* were owned by same people? Go back and read my reply to his quote.

Learn the punctuation! Some people are too froggy to jump before reading AND understanding.
A link to what you said is here:

A link to the post you quoted is here:

Since you have decided to tell me that I don't take the time to to read AND understand I think I will take that time now.

Sir, you posed a question to the forum, as well as, to the quoted poster "Who is? D* and E*?" In reviewing your question I gather from it that you do not know what these acronym's mean on this site. If you had intended a different reaction from me, or other members/readers then I suggest you be aware of the phrasing of your question and not rely on what could be be construed as a accidental placement of a punctuation mark.

Please note the response of Chuck W, seems he too was misled by your poor phrasing of a question

In reviewing the post that you quote from, it is quite obvious to me that the poster is stating that Fox TV and Direct TV are owned by the same controlling interest and that there may be some "funny money" problems.

Perhaps you sir, should take the time to read AND understand before you become "too froggy" and jump.
Your a total goof. I purely asked him who he thought was owned by the the same company. D*or E* ? Get it right . You can't twist out of the fact YOU thought I was asking who D* and E* are. End of argument.
Well what a dissapointment this was. I guess that's why we all say we don't believe the hype until the channel is actually turned on.

That game last night sure looked great in standard def (not really). The best part about the game is that when it was over there was a Fox HD plug that said you are watching Fox in full glory 720P, the best high def can offer...yada yada yada

Then I scan the forum to see if anyone else got the game and Scott posts a link to a guy at AVS who snaps pictures to show he is watching it, then we find out the guy works for Direct TV, go figure that the employees are able to watch. I bet they are all watching TNT-HD too.
We are not sure if Dish had anything to do with it. We are just hearing rumors at this time.

With that said it would not surprise me if it was indeed pulled due to threads from Dish. The way Charlie ABUSES the legal system is one of the reasons our legal system is so screwed up.

Once again lawyers get paid and the consumer get screwed. I wonder if Charlie considers screwing the consumers compelling?

Just calling it as I see it. :D
Couldn't we all just threaten Dish with a class action then? Abuse the abuser I say
slacker9876 said:
You should have no problems getting FOX from KDVR. I am in Loveland & like I have posted I receive this channel without fail. What kind of antenna are you using? You are only like 22mi from Lookout Mountain.

I haven't got an antenna up at all yet, was hoping to get by with Fox and CBS HD via DirecTV until they have the HD locals next year. After talking to the Cheyenne Fox station yesterday and discovering their complete lack of understanding of the technical and administrative situation (they were telling me the FCC tells them who they can and can't grant waivers to), and their just plain unwillingness to understand I don't live anywhere near Cheyenne (and never go there). The Cheyenne CBS station was totally cool about it, sent me a waiver the same day I emailed them. At this point I'm thinking it might not be worth it and just go ahead and get an antenna set up, at least I'd get WB2's HD signal too in the deal. I was thinking of getting the Winegard SquareShooter, but not sure if I should get the amplifier for it too or if I don't need it.

reger said:
I haven't got an antenna up at all yet, was hoping to get by with Fox and CBS HD via DirecTV until they have the HD locals next year. After talking to the Cheyenne Fox station yesterday and discovering their complete lack of understanding of the technical and administrative situation (they were telling me the FCC tells them who they can and can't grant waivers to), and their just plain unwillingness to understand I don't live anywhere near Cheyenne (and never go there). The Cheyenne CBS station was totally cool about it, sent me a waiver the same day I emailed them. At this point I'm thinking it might not be worth it and just go ahead and get an antenna set up, at least I'd get WB2's HD signal too in the deal. I was thinking of getting the Winegard SquareShooter, but not sure if I should get the amplifier for it too or if I don't need it.


Well Rob, go to the site sponsor VE and order a Zenith Silver Sensor. You may even look locally. The Big Picture and SoundTrack both offer this as far as I know. You have a good shot at KDVR, KUSA, KRMA, KCNC,KDBI and KWGN.

The OTA feeds are cleaner than what is currently on D*, I can say this because I get both. But very few seem to get KMGH.

I would try without an amplifier for now. See what you get.
The reason some DirecTV employees have the channel is because it's been uplinked on the sats for days for testing. Only those with engineering cards will see it, thus it's in testing. This legal action stopped D* from opening up the channel to general public as they had planned.
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