The NFL Blotter Report

:facepalm Oh God,I KNEW THIS was coming....this is the bottom line about the Ray Rice/Adrian Peterson scandals

Outrage Over Violence Ends at the Stadium Gates
Reactions to Adrian Peterson Case Ignore Brutality on N.F.L. Fields

I mean,what can you say about a sport that teaches kids that,"it's ok to hit someone?" Oh no,according to this author
Anheuser-Busch has made a shocking discovery. The N.F.L., the company's money heifer over these many years, is a spectacularly violent league.

That violence spills from the field of torn ligaments, broken bones and concussion-forgotten dreams to the personal lives of players, as seemingly each year a few of them knock their wives out cold and beat their children and girlfriends.

So there it goes,VIOLENCE ON THE FIELD is responsible for the violence off of it. Ray Rice & Adrian Peterson did what they did because football "taught" them that it was ok to hit.

My response to this author of this absurd article,"YOU stupid dumba** moron,shut your f**king mouth."
I'd rather be knocked senseless & suffer memory loss than to have a clear & sound mind & have to listen to the nonsense the above author is spouting. No wonder drug & alcohol use is so high today,people want to forget the stupid PC nonsense being spewed out today,in the news & on TV. AND now you want to take away the only sanctuary we have from having to listen to your BS. Listen Michael Powell(who wrote the above article),I watch football so that I don't have to listen to YOU.
Had belts, switches and paddles used on me growing up,but it was very few instances, in the cases I was whipped I deserved it, I certainly didn't make the same mistake twice.Having to go cut your own switch was worse than the actual whipping.Gave plenty of time to dwell on it.

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Doesn't mean it was right, even 'back then'....
I'd rather be knocked senseless & suffer memory loss than to have a clear & sound mind & have to listen to the nonsense the above author is spouting. No wonder drug & alcohol use is so high today,people want to forget the stupid PC nonsense being spewed out today,in the news & on TV. AND now you want to take away the only sanctuary we have from having to listen to your BS. Listen Michael Powell(who wrote the above article),I watch football so that I don't have to listen to YOU.
That's gotta be one of the most ridiculous statements I've read here. Check out this link, read more about the man, and let me know if you still feel the same way....

Ben Utecht, losing memory, writes song to family
Doesn't mean it was right, even 'back then'....
Big difference in what he did and what's appropriate.

I never used more than an open palm against the backside. Easier to control the force than a belt or switch. A good spanking should never leave marks.

A wooden paddle can be used effectively, because their force can also be controlled, as opposed to a belt or switch which sting far worse. I remember the big wooden one they had in school, complete with drilled holes to reduce air friction.

That's gotta be one of the most ridiculous statements I've read here. Check out this link, read more about the man, and let me know if you still feel the same way....

Ben Utecht, losing memory, writes song to family
Hopefully you read beyond that sentence. For a lot of people,things are so dismal that they do escape it through drugs & alcohol.
But,back on topic,that article I posted is the basis behind the surge in stories about players like Ray Rice & Adrian Peterson. It is all part of the p*ssyfication of America. "Rice & Peterson,among others,are violent because the sport itself is violent." The answer to the problem is to first,dilute the sport to flag football status,then complain that the sport is still TOO VIOLENT. Then you ban the sport,replace it with the "world sport" soccer,& tell Americans that they will love it(nevermind that soccer players also suffer from brain damage by doing headers in the sport,but that is an "inconvenient truth."). This is the endgame of the whole "NFL controversy" thing,spread the message that the sport is just too violent & damaging to people's lives to continue. I'm sorry,if I have to listen to that,& all the other P.C. being shoved down our throats(I stopped believing that we lived in a democracy along time ago,but that's another debate for another time. We live in a "velvet gloved" North Korea),I'd beg for dementia. Sorry if that's absurd to you,but it's just how disgusted I am to the whole thing. Remember,if we live now in a "velvet gloved" North Korea,where else in the world can we go if the last bastion of freedom has fallen?
What I have said cannot be any more absurd than what that author wrote. They don't plan to clean it up to make former players' lives better. they don't plan to find a safer helmet to prevent concussions,or to prevent needless injuries that cripple players for the rest of their lives(the things that WE want),they plan on banning the sport PERIOD,& they need to keep the former players in the dismal state that they are in in order to accomplish this. "Adrian Peterson,Ray Rice,this is what FOOTBALL does."
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I don't see the need to ban any kind of sport that people voluntarily play. It's also considered a job and not just a sport they play. We might as well ban all jobs that pose health risks. Crab fishermen have very dangerous jobs so we should ban those too, we don't need commercially available crab. Hell, being a farmer can be very dangerous so we should ban the practice of farming. Who needs corn anyway, it's not like it's in almost every product we use including gas.

The world need one giant face palm right now.
For all those saying that the discipline most of us had when we were kids was wrong, take a good look at our youth today! Tell me if we're better off with the "improved" way of doing things today. Please.....
You can't discipline every child the same way, and in my case the few times I got the belt it was deserved. VERY grateful for it too because it resulted in the responsible adult I am today. Some kids a talk is sufficient but not all. AP crossed the line big time no doubt but it doesn't mean that spanking is even in the same sentence as what this guy did.
Seems that folks today are at either end of the extremes but never in the middle.
I'd rather be knocked senseless & suffer memory loss than to have a clear & sound mind & have to listen to the nonsense the above author is spouting. No wonder drug & alcohol use is so high today,people want to forget the stupid PC nonsense being spewed out today,in the news & on TV. AND now you want to take away the only sanctuary we have from having to listen to your BS. Listen Michael Powell(who wrote the above article),I watch football so that I don't have to listen to YOU.
Perhaps you should take something to calm down, maybe a sedative ;)
For all those saying that the discipline most of us had when we were kids was wrong, take a good look at our youth today! Tell me if we're better off with the "improved" way of doing things today. Please.....
You can't discipline every child the same way, and in my case the few times I got the belt it was deserved. VERY grateful for it too because it resulted in the responsible adult I am today. Some kids a talk is sufficient but not all. AP crossed the line big time no doubt but it doesn't mean that spanking is even in the same sentence as what this guy did.
Seems that folks today are at either end of the extremes but never in the middle.
You were probably also "whipped" out of love by a parent. There are so many problems with the Adrian Peterson situation. OK,looking up Peterson'e early life,he did have a father in his life,but no mention if his mother & father were married to each other,or at least living together. So his saying that his parents disciplined him the same way he disciplined his sons is most likely correct. Even though he is married now,I assert that he was nothing more than a stranger to the boys that he did whip that he is facing charges for. In that I mean that they were born to other women,they were essentially guests in his home,& therefor in their eyes,he was a stranger(who claimed to be their father) beating them. Also,for whatever reason,their mothers were going to report this(or it was just "unfortunate" timing,for Adrian Peterson,that the first boy had a scheduled doctor's appointment back home AFTER his whipping). Lastly,:spy there is a conspiracy to ban football in this country,& highlighting the brain damage from concussions suffered during playing football along with,now,putting the spotlight on domestic abuse,goes along way to accomplishing this. Let's blame brain damage suffered by Ray Rice & Adrian Peterson for their current situation(you can add the Panther & 49er players to this list). They all have brain damage(which may be true,but that's beside the point),let's ban football. Remember,you heard it here first.
For all those saying that the discipline most of us had when we were kids was wrong, take a good look at our youth today! Tell me if we're better off with the "improved" way of doing things today. Please.....
You can't discipline every child the same way, and in my case the few times I got the belt it was deserved. VERY grateful for it too because it resulted in the responsible adult I am today. Some kids a talk is sufficient but not all. AP crossed the line big time no doubt but it doesn't mean that spanking is even in the same sentence as what this guy did.
Seems that folks today are at either end of the extremes but never in the middle.
I agree totally and said so in post #30.

How someone could believe that it's an OK form of punishment to leave serious welts and cuts on your child's arms, head, and genitals is very disturbing to me....
Big difference in what he did and what's appropriate.

I never used more than an open palm against the backside. Easier to control the force than a belt or switch. A good spanking should never leave marks.

A wooden paddle can be used effectively, because their force can also be controlled, as opposed to a belt or switch which sting far worse. I remember the big wooden one they had in school, complete with drilled holes to reduce air friction.

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I remember getting paddled by a pretty muscular teacher. Besides my jaw hitting the floor from pain after the first lick,I don't remember feeling the second & third one.
You were probably also "whipped" out of love by a parent. There are so many problems with the Adrian Peterson situation. OK,looking up Peterson'e early life,he did have a father in his life,but no mention if his mother & father were married to each other,or at least living together. So his saying that his parents disciplined him the same way he disciplined his sons is most likely correct. Even though he is married now,I assert that he was nothing more than a stranger to the boys that he did whip that he is facing charges for. In that I mean that they were born to other women,they were essentially guests in his home,& therefor in their eyes,he was a stranger(who claimed to be their father) beating them. Also,for whatever reason,their mothers were going to report this(or it was just "unfortunate" timing,for Adrian Peterson,that the first boy had a scheduled doctor's appointment back home AFTER his whipping). Lastly,:spy there is a conspiracy to ban football in this country,& highlighting the brain damage from concussions suffered during playing football along with,now,putting the spotlight on domestic abuse,goes along way to accomplishing this. Let's blame brain damage suffered by Ray Rice & Adrian Peterson for their current situation(you can add the Panther & 49er players to this list). They all have brain damage(which may be true,but that's beside the point),let's ban football. Remember,you heard it here first.
I don't believe in conspiracies but if anything were to happen to our beloved sport, in my opinion it'll be the leagues fault and no one else's. For now I am still watching the games and so is pretty much everyone else that did before all this mess. I love the sport itself and care very little about those who play in it. Maybe that's not the best way of looking at things related to Football, don't know.
I agree totally and said so in post #30.

How someone could believe that it's an OK form of punishment to leave serious welts and cuts on your child's arms, head, and genitals is very disturbing to me....
This is why I believe that he was spinning the boy around when he was "whipping" him. If the boy had cuts on the front of both legs,that's the only way he could have gotten them.
I find Adrian Peterson to be a thousand times more heinous than Ray Rice. What Rice did was disgusting and he should of done time in jail. But, she's an adult and can somewhat defend herself. Not a freaking 4 year old.

I have 18 and 16 year old sons, we were talking about this the other night, it made me nauseous just thinking about what it would be like to whip them with a belt or branch. I could never do that to my own flesh and blood.

As to kids acting worse today than back in the "good ole days" maybe but maybe not. Back in the day you didn't have the technology or information we have today. When I was in high school on 2 separate occasions we had students bring a gun to school, today that would've been national news. You had plenty of drugs, pregnancies bullying and general misbehavior back in the late 80's as you do now, information travels faster today.

Now if you want to say that we over diagnose and over medicate our children today, I agree with that.

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I'll let this article speak for itself
Arian Foster trashes Anheuser-Busch for statement on NFL's handling of Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice debacles
The Texans running back responded with venom to the beer giant's statement. 'Lol ok, alcohol company,' Foster first tweeted. He followed that up with 'Selling poison on that high horse.'

OK,I can't resist,Anheuser-Busch,where were you when Junior Seau & all of the other former NFL players with brain damage were committing suicide? Why all of a sudden now do you have a conscious?
I find Adrian Peterson to be a thousand times more heinous than Ray Rice. What Rice did was disgusting and he should of done time in jail. But, she's an adult and can somewhat defend herself. Not a freaking 4 year old.

Exactly! We have a 3 year old at home... can't even imagine striking him. You catch more flies w/ honey than you do with vinegar....all you're doing is promoting violence and creating an atmosphere of fear.