I went to BrandsMart today and spoke to my buddy that has sold me my last three televisions. WPBInstalls comments are correct, except for the end of the promo as Thrave has already mentioned. The promo is still active and I have seen commercials this evening during prime time.
The new information that has not been posted is that customers pay Brandsmart for the install, as I did back in May '04, then Voom credits the amount on their monthly bills. This promo also requires a two year commitment with Voom. This is the same process that I experienced with my $500 rebate. This is done to limit any losses and minimize paperwork between both companies.
In the case of the $300 instant rebate, Brandsmart gets reimbursed directly by Voom. When I bought my television I had to do a mail-in rebate with Voom, so BrandsMart had no risk of non-payment. In this promo, they must wait for payment from Voom.
There is some concern that Voom's current situation could cause the corporation many headaches. I was not told much more than this in regards to that situation. My buddy said he could not really comment beyond this, but it is obvious that non-payment and customer satisfaction is an issue.
I hope this helps. . .