I've just received this email from Voom...

Anyone ever think that possibly (we) the remaining 40,000+ VOOM subscribers will be courted by a partner satellite service?

40,000 new customers for E* or D* waiting for their best offer!!!
No, I really don't think we are that important a catch as we would like to believe. Also many of us are dual service subscribers anyway.
It's funny to me that Voom looked so expensive on the surface and now that I'm pricing alternatives I'm finding Voom to be quite the deal. I'll miss it for sure.

David D. said:
Anyone ever think that possibly (we) the remaining 40,000+ VOOM subscribers will be courted by a partner satellite service?

40,000 new customers for E* or D* waiting for their best offer!!!
Since V & E share 61.5 degree locations, don't know why I said that. Would you think that Dish would be thinking about a deal to continue service with the Voom customers? Lemme see, e= mc SQUARED. MC Squared....., where have I heard that before? I do not see a D in this equation.
mindstein said:
Since V & E share 61.5 degree locations, don't know why I said that. Would you think that Dish would be thinking about a deal to continue service with the Voom customers? Lemme see, e= mc SQUARED. MC Squared....., where have I heard that before? I do not see a D in this equation.
Nope, E* will mostly like spend the next few months doing operational testing and reconfiguring Rainbow-1 to serve their interest. What's in E*'s best intersted these days? I'm sure he'll spill his guts at the next Charlie Chat. :rolleyes:
My recommendation to anyone trying to decide what service to switch to is to make sure you get the DVR option. I am a Voom charter member but have watched very little of what Voom had to offer. Without a DVR I found it difficult to watch what I wanted when I wanted. I also have Comcast and recently upgraded from the standard HD receiver to their relatively new DVR. Wow, what a difference. Even though there are relatively few HD channels to choose from when compared to Voom, having a DVR makes it seem like more. Those shows that only seem to come on at inconvenient times or when you are sleeping are now available when you want to watch them.

I wish Voom had survived, especially because I now own to worthless receivers, but I knew the risk and it was fun while it lasted!
mindstein said:
Since V & E share 61.5 degree locations, don't know why I said that. Would you think that Dish would be thinking about a deal to continue service with the Voom customers?
The vast majority of E*'s channels are on 119 with some on 110. There really isn't much on 61.5 yet so D* and E* are in near equal position to pick up Voom customers. Everyone converted will need a new dish and recievers anyway.

Also, as noted, there are plenty of D* + V* and E* + V* subscribers who will just fall back to being D* only or E* only subscribers. One less complication in their internal house wiring, but no major change. I wonder how many people were actually introduced to satellite TV by Voom (first time DBS subscribers) and howmany were converts who will just go back where they came from?

I has D* a LONG time ago and liked it.

I eventually went back to Analog cable (and hated the picture quality) but it was good for the very limited amount of TV veiwing I did.

Now I have a wife and kids at home and need to keep 'em entertained. I didn't want to go with D* / E* when I was looking at HD because the offerings were dismal. Voom was interesting but the big upfront costs turned me off. When I noticed the lease deal came around I hopped on the Voom bandwagon and have been loving it.

I'll likely go back to OTA and analog cable. I'll do Digital Cable / HD service if I can't live without HBO etc.

Voom was my first exposure to DBS. I'm a dual subscriber. I have HD-DVR from COX in San Diego. OTA is not a good option with our terrain. The COX in San Diego offers all of the HD locals and has exclusive access to the Padres games in HD.

While I enjoy the HD-DVR from COX I'm also pleased with my interim solution of using ReplayTVs to record Voom.
I just got home and checked my phone mail. VOOM called this morning to say buh-bye. Anyone else get one?
justalurker said:
... there are plenty of D* + V* and E* + V* subscribers who will just fall back to being D* only or E* only subscribers. One less complication in their internal house wiring, but no major change... JL

"No major change?!!?" Oh, not really, just going from TV and PQ actually worth watching, to c**p PQ and c**p content. No major change at all....

I don't think you get it. If I wanted D* or E*, I would have stuck with it. But both are c**p, really. Maybe in 5-7 years they might be where Voom is now, but we'll be all old and gray by then.

I think I'll just stick to Netflix + OTA HD for a while after Voom. If someone picks up the Voom 21, then I'll jump.

The car analogy was on the mark: We are being taken from the new Bentley to your father's Oldsmobile..., but hey, no major change otherwise... :river
Everyone wants the Voom21....what about TMC-HD, Cinemax-HD, and Starz-HD.....I really want those and don't understand why Dish and DirecTv don't have them.
ksload says:

Everyone wants the Voom21....what about TMC-HD, Cinemax-HD, and Starz-HD.....I really want those and don't understand why Dish and DirecTv don't have them.

As an E* Subscriber, I've said on other threads (but not this one) that I do want the Voom 21 + the other movie channels and Universal HD I don't have presently.

From my perspective, it could be as simple as changing encryption gear at the uplink center, updating the firmware on Dish's HD receivers to recognize even transponders at 61.5 and it's all done. Probably a bit more complex, but it certainly isn't the most complicated task around either.

It would be more HD content now and if some (or all) could be duplicated out at 148 it would put E* in the lead for short term improvements while waiting for AMC-15 and AMC-16 to get into place for the long term goals.

ksload said:
Everyone wants the Voom21....what about TMC-HD, Cinemax-HD, and Starz-HD.....I really want those and don't understand why Dish and DirecTv don't have them.
Limited bandwidth on 110/119.

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