The LeBron James Free Agency Thread

LOL!! It's not like it's anything new. I mean it is widely known among professional athletes and their agents for a long time now for all PROFESSIONAL sports.
I understand that x% of millions of dollars is a lot of money, but how high on the list do you think tax savings really is for these free-agents??

If the clear best situation is in a "high-tax" state it should and will have no bearing.

If two or more situations are relatively equal then I can see other factors entering into play.

For recent examples, please see:

Rodriguez, Alex
Sabathia, CC
Burnett, A.J.
Teixeira, Mark
I hate to switch topics here, but after seeing HD's tainted title comment, I could not help but think about something:

had the Vikings won the Super Bowl this past year, would anyone on here have said it was a tainted title for Favre?

HD talked about the idea of running off to a better situation; I couldn't help but remember hearing that Favre wanted to go to the Vikings to apparently stick it to the Packers.
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I hate to switch topics here, but after seeing HD's tainted title comment, I could not help but think about something:

had the Vikings won the Super Bowl this past year, would anyone on here have said it was a tainted title for Favre?

Were any of the titles the Yankees won with Babe Ruth tainted because of all the circumstances surrounding that acquisition? And hey I am not even talking about the actual curse.
Free agency may start at midnight on July 1st, but I don't expect the free agents to sign with their new teams in the middle of the night.

If anything, it'll be in the afternoon and evening of July 1st to make their decisions.
Free agency may start at midnight on July 1st, but I don't expect the free agents to sign with their new teams in the middle of the night.

If anything, it'll be in the afternoon and evening of July 1st to make their decisions.

Nothing can be officially announced until July 8. I don't know if that means they can't sign until July 8, but they will not officially announce anything until then.

I understand that x% of millions of dollars is a lot of money, but how high on the list do you think tax savings really is for these free-agents??

If the clear best situation is in a "high-tax" state it should and will have no bearing.

If two or more situations are relatively equal then I can see other factors entering into play.

For recent examples, please see:

Rodriguez, Alex
Sabathia, CC
Burnett, A.J.
Teixeira, Mark

Again, I have not said it is the end all be all of factor of possibly signing here. I stated...that it has been said by MANY down here and now nationally, that Lebron, because he makes MORE in endorsements than ANY of the big name free agents is said to be willing to POSIBBLY take less than the max because of the tax situation in the state. Which is nothing new and ALWAYS pitched to EVERY free agent for ANY sport when trying to lure them down here.

Again, you factor in the average of state taxes and the average of sales compared to other cities and could be talking about a 10-15% difference yearly. IF you are talking about a contract over $50 million....that is ALOT of money.
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Were any of the titles the Yankees won with Babe Ruth tainted because of all the circumstances surrounding that acquisition? And hey I am not even talking about the actual curse.

I hate to switch topics here, but after seeing HD's tainted title comment, I could not help but think about something:

had the Vikings won the Super Bowl this past year, would anyone on here have said it was a tainted title for Favre?

HD talked about the idea of running off to a better situation; I couldn't help but remember hearing that Favre wanted to go to the Vikings to apparently stick it to the Packers.

Don't mind HD and the tainted title comment.....he is upset because of possibilities...and no one can really blame him.

This reminds me of the Shaq leaving to LA or when Gretzky was traded to LA.
Team LeBron reaches for prominence

By Adrian Wojnarowski, Yahoo! Sports
Jun 28, 5:01 pm EDT

It's clear why advisor William Wesley has been so relentless courting suitors with conditions and circumstances with which they can secure LeBron James(notes): For basketball's biggest dealmaker, there's little personal benefit to James re-signing with the Cleveland Cavaliers. To team executives in the chase and those familiar with the dynamics of James' inner circle, World Wide Wes' agenda is clear: Get LeBron out of Cleveland and push himself into a prominent place of power.

To be considered the architect of the sport's grandest transaction, World Wide Wes needs James out of the clutches of the Cavaliers.

"If LeBron leaves, Wes is going to get carte blanche wherever he signs," one source told Yahoo! Sports. "He's going to have the run of the place, and he doesn't have that in Cleveland. He has access there, but Maverick Carter is the guy with the keys there. …[Carter's] much more influential, and would always be in Cleveland."

This is the push and pull on the inside of Team LeBron, sources say – agendas colliding in self-interest as the start of free agency creeps closer on Thursday. In the end, James is too strong to let someone else make a decision for him, but there remains strong influences deeply immersed in this process with him.

Beyond James' own sentimentality and belief of staying the course with Cleveland, the best chance the Cavaliers have to re-sign James likely belongs to Carter, his business manager, and the high school buddies on the payroll. Should James leave for the bright lights and big cities, his childhood associates become less relevant, less impressive. "No one cares about those guys walking around in Chicago or Miami or New York," one league executive said.

James' friends have had the run of Cleveland for seven years, unchecked power within the corridors of the Cavaliers organization. Around Cleveland and nearby Akron, where they were brought up with James, they don't need to have the two-time MVP surrounding them to be considered VIPs. Maybe that doesn't end with James elsewhere, but it dramatically changes.

Carter has counted upon James' money to bankroll a fledgling marketing company, LRMR, and James' staying with Cleveland would be worth $30 million more over the life of a six-year contract than if he signed with another team.

LRMR has little revenue coming in, and going out they have offices, staff, attorneys, five-star hotel bills and the use of private jets. For James' associates, the cost of living promises to be far steeper beyond the life they've made for themselves in Northeast Ohio.

There isn't strife within Team LeBron, but tension? Yes, there's tension, sources say. After all, Carter has set himself up as the conduit to James, his marketing guru, the man all things must go through before they reach James' ears. He controls his own people in the media, plants the stories he wants reported. Team LeBron had the grand idea for a city-to-city free-agent tour that had to be cancelled because of the backlash this frenzy had started to incur.

World Wide Wes doesn't spend the time that Maverick does with James, but he has far greater influence with front offices and teams. Carter tried to work an arrangement with David Geffen to buy controlling interest of the Los Angeles Clippers, but owner Donald Sterling has shown no interest in selling. This would've been Carter's coup, his way to move James into Hollywood and an epic tangle with Kobe Bryant(notes) and the Los Angeles Lakers. It would've been his score, his deal, and Wes would've been on the outside.

Only, it never happened and the process is back where it started: With Wesley selling New York and New Jersey on making deals for Chris Paul(notes), and advising Chicago and Miami to clear cap space to make room for James and other star free agents. Cleveland isn't out of this, but the world changes around LeBron James if he declares he's leaving home. One of those teams will owe World Wide Wes, and payback will come with raises for the coaches he represents, with contracts for the players he'll want to eventually bring there.

The power of World Wide Wes – real, mythical or blurred in between – is on trial now. Ultimate deal for Wesley or ultimate bust. Which is why he's pushing for James to leave Cleveland, to leave the superstar's comfort zone. Wes' ability to work the league for years could come down to the NBA's most historic free agent staying or going, stepping out and moving away or clinging close to the people and place he has always known.

Yes, this is LeBron James' choice, and it needs to be because the agendas surrounding serve every interest but his own.

Team LeBron reaches for prominence - NBA - Yahoo! Sports

This article and a behind the scenes look is what has tainted the NBA experience for me. Used to be a diehard fan now I occassionally stomach the playoffs.

A shame because LeBron is wonderfully talented and left to his own devices seems to get it IMO.

Unfortunately we have the shady nerdowells and hangers on that actually get publicity for being part of the scene.

The NBA would be far better served if the names of World Wide Wes and his ilk never ever appeard in print and were forced from having any connection to the game..
Free agency may start at midnight on July 1st, but I don't expect the free agents to sign with their new teams in the middle of the night.

If anything, it'll be in the afternoon and evening of July 1st to make their decisions.
Nothing will be announced and no decisions will be made on July 1. There's too much wining and dining that has to take place first.
This article and a behind the scenes look is what has tainted the NBA experience for me. Used to be a diehard fan now I occassionally stomach the playoffs.

A shame because LeBron is wonderfully talented and left to his own devices seems to get it IMO.

Unfortunately we have the shady nerdowells and hangers on that actually get publicity for being part of the scene.

The NBA would be far better served if the names of World Wide Wes and his ilk never ever appeard in print and were forced from having any connection to the game..

And the SCARIEST part of all this....this has been going on in college basketball and football for DECADES!
Nothing will be announced and no decisions will be made on July 1. There's too much wining and dining that has to take place first.

I still think Lebron has already made his decision as to where he is going and just wants to hear what is out there. I mean Wade has ALREADY said he wants to stay here.....but is still willing to go through the whole wined and dined process. Bosh has more or less made the TWON decisions: ONE, he is not coming back to Toronto and TWO, he is more or less going where Lebron goes....UNLESS he resigns with Cleveland.
Don't mind HD and the tainted title comment.....he is upset because of possibilities...and no one can really blame him.

This reminds me of the Shaq leaving to LA or when Gretzky was traded to LA.

What do you mean, "don't mind HD"?! You can't possibly relate to the drama my city is going through. Don't try to fluff me off! I have all the right to be upset.

BTW, I'm leaving the state on Friday. I can't take the suspense/drama. I'll be back Monday. Hopefully there will be less drama when I return.
What do you mean, "don't mind HD"?! You can't possibly relate to the drama my city is going through. Don't try to fluff me off! I have all the right to be upset.

BTW, I'm leaving the state on Friday. I can't take the suspense/drama. I'll be back Monday. Hopefully there will be less drama when I return.
Sorry, it'll just start heating up about then....
What do you mean, "don't mind HD"?! You can't possibly relate to the drama my city is going through. Don't try to fluff me off! I have all the right to be upset.

BTW, I'm leaving the state on Friday. I can't take the suspense/drama. I'll be back Monday. Hopefully there will be less drama when I return.

I was talking about the your comment that IF Lebron leave and wins a championship with another team. I TOTALLY understand that you upset that the BEST player in the league could very well be leaving....and it IS very much like when Shaq left Orlando to LA. Orlando was sitting on top of the world with that team...then Shaq left. In many ways, the Shaq leaving Orlando was WORSE because they had NO OTHER professional team to look forward to. Orlando has NOTHING else. At least Cleveland has the Browns and the Indians.
I was talking about the your comment that IF Lebron leave and wins a championship with another team. I TOTALLY understand that you upset that the BEST player in the league could very well be leaving....and it IS very much like when Shaq left Orlando to LA. Orlando was sitting on top of the world with that team...then Shaq left. In many ways, the Shaq leaving Orlando was WORSE because they had NO OTHER professional team to look forward to. Orlando has NOTHING else. At least Cleveland has the Browns and the Indians.
Hey, I thought you were trying to cheer him up... ;)
You know what, that was wrong of me to say and I take that back. If LeBoob does leave, this team needs my support more so than ever. Sure I've fallen for LeBron over the years, but one man shouldn't define a team. I root for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back. So, let me clarify my statement: if LeBoob does leave, I will support those that actually want to be here and root against those that don't. My support of the home team will not waiver one bit. Sure we might not be as good, but I will continue to root, root, root for the home team.

Also, you better believe that if LeBoob does leave, he's creating a huge monster. Let's just put it this way: Cleveland doesn't take to kindly to betrayal. Ask Arthur Model. :devil:

I applaud this , sir.:clap:clap:clap
You have some SERIOUS read comprehension issues.....

At NO POINT did I say that was THE ONLY reason to sign with either a Texas or Florida team, I stated that HAS TO BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION. I ALSO stated it as to South Beach and the weather not being the only reasons alot of athletes sign here and live here.

As far as endorsements, that is no longer an issue in a global, virtual market. Has living in Cleveland actually stopped Lebron from making millions in endorsements? He can hop in a lear jet and be in NYC, Chicago or LA within 4 hours.

But that is ok, continue convoluting the issue with ....."fluff"...LOL!;)

4 hrs.? Maybe if they fly the wrong way.:D Even LA is only 3 in a private jet. BTW Lear isn't in the jet business anymore. All the cool people fly Gulf's now. Like me.;)

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