The Jay Leno Show: Born Sept. 14, 2009 - Died Feb 12, 2010

I am very disappointed in this show. It's "The Tonight Show" and nothing else. The Car Wash skit was unwatchable for me and the "skip" button got a work out for that hunk of junk.

The disappointement started with the new theme song. Every other talk show has an up-beat attention-grabbing start. The Conan show has that great base line. The Jimmy Kimmel show has the drum kick-off and the pam--pa--da-duh-dum follow-in. Letterman has a great keyboard open (and Paul Schafer, the most awsome music man on the late night scene). Even Carig Furguson and Bill Maher's HBO shows have attention grabbing themes.

The rest of the show is already old and tired and I am only 30 minutes into watching this turd.
It was the Tonight Show with Jay Leno but it was on a 10pm.

The car wash thing whie it did have a few funny parts in it was way too long and mostly boring.

The pacong was strange, it was an hour show that felt like it was an hour and a half long.

They did Jay tossing it to the local stations for a news update which was great, as after Jay was done I knew the main news and shut the TV off when his show was over. NBC now gives me no reason to keep the TV on after Jay is over.
Glad the Jay Leno lovers enjoyed it. I am sure it will be around a long time.

For me, I give it a thumbs down. Didn't like the theme, the carwash skit, the guests (never liked Seinfeld or Kanye). Bad start for a new show.
I thought it was decent. I used to watch Leno in the old timeslot and will likely watch this a couple nights a week. I like that Jay made that idiot Kanye squirm a bit. One thing that Conan can never do is ask a question like that. For some reason Jay is allowed to but Conan would look like a moron trying to do the same thing. Agree tha tthey need to pick up the pace a bit. Felt a little draggy. The whole Seinfeld Oprah thing was strange and I didn't get the point.
I was hoping for a lot more. It was simply the old tonight show early. I was hoping for a real variety show, not a late night talk show early.
I was also part of the drop. When all the real shows pick up in the next week I doubt I'll find time many nights to catch it. It will likely be a "crap, I don't have anything else DVR'd" type of show for me. I said before twice a week, I'm lowering that to once per week...
Last night's who was quite good...even with Michael Moore (he almost seemed likeable). Anyway, the ratings will fluctuate until the show's format and following find their groove. Additionally, it should be interesting to see how the show does in the 10pm slot when the broadcaster season kicks-off next week.
Tuesday night audience dropped 40% from Monday. I was part of the drop.
Just to place the ratings into its proper context:

NBC: "The Jay Leno Show" (10.7 million, 6.9/12)
CBS: "Big Brother 11" finale (7.9 million, 4.8/8)
ABC: "Barbara Walters Special - Patrick Swayze: Last Dance" (6.1 million, 4.3/7)

In other words, Leno handily won the 10pm slot...certainly a lot better numbers than NBC has posted in the past.

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