I agree with tIVO I already have VOD I really don't know why cable companies think this is such a big deal because I bet very few Subs will use it once the novelty wear's off. Just my opinion
gluck75 said:Hopefully it'll work.
..and don't worry Kahuna...maybe by the time D* offers ABC HD you will actually have an LA team to root for!!!
fredfa said:That is good speculation hornmdt.
But the problem is that once NFL ST becomes readily available (via MSOs and DirecTV) the value of the broadcast rights falls precipitously.
Now a about 1.5% of the nation's households have access to NFL ST.
Which means that many people are able NOT to watch the local stations (and their commercials.)
Since NewsCorp in the last quarter made about 65% of its entire profit from its O&Os, it isn't likely to want millions of them potentially siphoned away from its biggest ratings attraction (except for AI, of course.)
CBS is in the same boat.
They were willing to take the loss leaders for promotional value, but even with all the promotion, how many hits has Fox come up with?
The stockholders look pretty askance at writing off close to two billion dollars (as ABC, Fox and CBS have done just this contract) for the alleged promo value of the NFL.
fredfa said:Greg Bimson:
As I understand it (and I could be wrong) if the NFL sells NFL ST to another US provider, DirecTV has the right to renogotiate its contract downward based on its perceived loss of value.
Look at it this way.
You have the only McDonald's franchise in a town of 50,000 people.
For that exclusivity you pay McDonald's 20% of your gross.
Now McDonald's comes in and wants to put in three more McDonald's in your town.
Do you think you should still pay the same 20% when instead of reaching all 50,000 town residents you now will be splitting them with three other stores?
Now let's hypothesize that the same percentage of those extra 67 million cable homes takes NFL ST as D* subs do (about 12.3%).
That is ANOTHER 8,241,000 eyeballs lost to the OTA networks.
Do you think they will continue to pay the same amount for their contracts (now worth $2.2 billion a year (with DirecTV adding another $400 million)?
MSOs may desperately want a share of NFL ST but just matching (or even beating) what DirecTV is paying for the NFL ST rights isn't going to be enough. Cable would have to pay to make up for how much LESS the networks would offer, not to mention making up for how much DirecTV would save when it renegotiated ITS deal with the NFL.
It would come to a helluva a lot more than the $400 million a year DirecTV is paying. I would bet it would come to about a third of the NFL's current contract (or $733 million + another $300 million or so to make up for what value DirecTV would lose).
Since the MSOs felt even $400 million was far too high a price to pay back in 2002, why would they be happy to pay to almost triple that now?
If you sell a pie to one person you can get $5. If you sell it to six, you can't get $30 (unless you find six really dumb people.)