The Flash

I have all those same questions about the Time Travel, but okay I will accept that nothing has to make sense about a TV show's time travel. But there are other questions! There is absolutely no way Barry could just wait in the room for his mother to die just because the other Barry gave him a little shake of his hand. And I completely missed the reason why they have to build a time traveling device for the reverse flash to go back to his own time? They refused to release the other prisoners before but decided to help Dr Evil go? And if they decided to do that in the first place, why would Barry come back to stop him? He decided to not save his own mother but then changed his mind to not let the guy go back? There is a big hole missing in the plot as big as the black hole.
Barry/Flash let his mother die so as to not disrupt the timeline. He attacked Wells/Thawne/Reverse-Flash upon his return because Wells/Thawne/Reverse-Flash murdered his mother.
Barry/Flash let his mother die so as to not disrupt the timeline. He attacked Wells/Thawne/Reverse-Flash upon his return because Wells/Thawne/Reverse-Flash murdered his mother.

But he knows that before he entered the wormhole. They planned to let WTRF go back to his time. The official reason for Barry to not save his mother is to not disrupting the timeline, but there is no possible way a person who loves his mother could stand there and not do anything while she is being murdered. He is defending a timeline that he doesn't know was better than the one where his mother lives. IMO, Barry made a pure evil selfish move. He likes the current time so he chooses to not save his mother and father.

And after he picked his own action; then he came back and backed out of his deal. He is selfish and he can't keep his words. I could understand it if he was tricked in the process. But as far as I could tell, the agreement was mutual and no trick was played on either side.
Or maybe he realized that saving his mother would be the selfish thing to do to the people that he knows in the current world, as he really has no way of knowing the consequences of his actions. He was obviously torn on this decision and appeared to have every intention of saving his mother until his older self waived him off. So he deferred to what he imagined was a wiser version of himself with knowledge that his younger counterpart would not have.

As to attacking the reverse flash, and not letting him go. After he made the very hard decision to not save his mother, he had to witness this villain kill her right before his eyes. Now you tell me, would you let him go?

Personally, I think this was well written. They can continue the story, and Barry and the mother got a sort of closure as an alternative to saving her and disrupting everything else.

Of course, that was until Eddie knocked himself off and the black hole. Who knows what happening next.
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I was wondering why the black hole came into being again... It seemed to happen when evil Thawne (ET) died. It really created a super paradox when Eddie shot himself. He shot himself to save Iris (and everyone else) from ET. But, of course if ET never existed because Eddie died then why would Eddie ever get into the position to shoot himself. Was the black hole created by the paradox?

Will the universe be the same next season when Barry gets out of the black hole? He is the star of the show, so one assumes he will make it out and still be the Flash... Maybe he will come back without being the flash and have to convince the Star Labs people to help him regain his powers? Will the real Dr. Wells be back and help him? Will Eddie still be alive? Maybe the black hole sucked up that whole reality and he arrives in the original timeline with his mother still alive, but still knows all he knows? There are many ways this could be written...
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Ok. I want to know why didn't time reset once Eddie killed himself and Eban Thawne was literally erased from time? If he was erased, it meant that he never went back to the past and killed Barry's mother,which means that Barry's father was never jailed, which means that Barry was never raised by Joe the cop and it also means that the particle accelerator would never have been created till 2020 like Eban Thawne said it would of been created by the real Dr. Wells and his wife, which was how Barry was created in the first place along with all the other meta-humans? Not to mention ,but I will , why didn't Barry save his mother and why did he listen to the "older" Flash when he when there in the past and why was there an older Flash there in the first place? Why even go to the past if you weren't going to save your mother in the first place? My head hurts now. I sure hope that they resolve this in the season 2 premier episode to my satisfaction and they don't skip over basic time travel laws that are well established in movies and sci-fi as well as comic books.

I think our heads are supposed to hurt----at least until the fall. Me I just want to know how anybody got saddled with the name "Eobard Thawne."
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I have all those same questions about the Time Travel, but okay I will accept that nothing has to make sense about a TV show's time travel. But there are other questions! There is absolutely no way Barry could just wait in the room for his mother to die just because the other Barry gave him a little shake of his hand. And I completely missed the reason why they have to build a time traveling device for the reverse flash to go back to his own time? They refused to release the other prisoners before but decided to help Dr Evil go? And if they decided to do that in the first place, why would Barry come back to stop him? He decided to not save his own mother but then changed his mind to not let the guy go back? There is a big hole missing in the plot as big as the black hole.
Exactly! There were so many inconsistencies in the entire episode. I watched it twice and still have more questions than answers. I just hope that when it comes back in the fall that they tie up the lose ends and all the paradoxes and give us satisfying answers for all our questions and that stays true to the time travel laws we have seen in movies and comics for years.
Of course are there reaaly "Laws" of time travel and does a TV show about a scarlet speedster need to respect much of anything.
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Exactly! There were so many inconsistencies in the entire episode. I watched it twice and still have more questions than answers. I just hope that when it comes back in the fall that they tie up the lose ends and all the paradoxes and give us satisfying answers for all our questions and that stays true to the time travel laws we have seen in movies and comics for years.

It feels like that some parts of the episode was edited out. Or maybe it will be showed as flashbacks next season to explain those inconsistencies away but I doubt it. My best guess is that since Time Traveling is already head hurting, the power that be decided to cut off some of the scenes to dumb down the show for the non-geeky audience.

I am going to attempt to fill in the holes. The reason for them to send Dr. Wells back is because he told them that a black hole would form when Barry went back to save his mother and changed the timeline. The only way to prevent this was to for him to travel back to his own time and do something (not sure what it is) to prevent this from happening. So in order for Barry to save his mother, they have to let Dr Wells go and help him to travel back.

And when Barry was back in time, the older Barry actually told him something (not just a gesture but a verbal warning)... probably something about Dr Wells and said he is not going to do what he would do when he got back to the future. So Barry doesn't want the black hole to form to kill all his friends in the current timeline decided not to save his mother. That would explain why Barry got back so mad at Dr Wells.

And when Eddie killed himself, the timeline was changed so the black hole appears anyway...
Or maybe they are using a new set of time travel laws, where Eddie killing himself erases his family line, but does not impact what they have already done. So ReverseFlash doesnt exist in the future from THIS time line, but he did in the other and everything he did in that one stands in the current. Killing Barrys mother, creating star labs, the accident, Barry becoming the Flash, ect. That would easily work for me and make sense.

In any case, I really enjoyed the episode and look forward to next season to see how they handle it.
But who would the older Flash in the past, who I assume was from 2024 -where he shows missing in the future newspaper- know anything about why we shouldn't save Barry's mother from being killed by Dr. Wells? There are too many holes in the story to make sense to me right now. It needs to be tied up better to make the time line consistent or the paradoxes would drive you nutts.
I am confused. Are you asking why the flash from the future know to not save his mother in the past? Perhaps he had seen that alternate timeline already?
Personally I think they are going to do the Earth 1/Earth 2 route, and perhaps some have traveled between and seen the differences.

I do not see that as a hole, just something that is not yet disclosed.
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BTW, if Eobard is from 150 years in the future, and he is the arch nemesis of Barry, it would mean that one of them (or both) had to frequently time travel. That just sounded so messy with 2 time travelers trying to undo each others' deeds.

I hope we will see the actor who played Dr. Wells again. I like him. Starlab is really not working without an anchor. The firestorm guy is not working for me... too goofy.
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They already announce Tom Cavanaugh will still be a series regular next season, so I bet Dr Wells is around in some form. I believe like msmith, they are going for the Earth 1 and Earth 2 storyline.
They already announce Tom Cavanaugh will still be a series regular next season, so I bet Dr Wells is around in some form. I believe like msmith, they are going for the Earth 1 and Earth 2 storyline.
BOY, I haven't heard earth 1 /earth 2 since the Crisis on Infinite Earths series back in 86. Where the D.C. universe was put back into one universe instead of the multiverse that had existed for many years. Of course they used this to add super heroes that were bought from other comic companies and to re tell and re purpose the origins of all the superheroes again. I still kept the mini series of comics in a plastic book cover to re-read them when I want to.

If they do the Earth 1/ Earth 2 story line then we might assume that Barry is on Earth 1 and the older Flash is from Earth 2. Because in the comics, Earth 2 was used for the older superheroes from the 1940s comics and Earth 1 was for the newer revamped superheroes from the 1960s. Another way for D.C. to re tell the origins of all their superheroes and to make them new again for another generation of comic book readers.

They even threw in a little indication by showing the Old 1940's Flash's silver hat from the comics with the wings on it slide out of the worm hole, when the worm hole was open and Eban Thawne/Wells was asked what they meant and he responded : It means its my time to go. I think your right they will definitely use the parallel earths story lines and with it our heads will really explode. Imagine if Flash crosses over to the earth 2 like in the comics. He can vibrate so fast he could breach and cross through the membrane that separates the parallel earths. That might mean the Flash that disappeared in 2024 might be because he crossed over to the other earth ,by running so fast and vibrating at the same time. I bet next season is going to be even BETTER than this one. As long as they address the time travel paradoxes first.
Well I forgot you can't post any links ,but I still find that a little silly considering we are still discussing the show the FLASH and the link is all bout Earth 1 and Earth 2 and the FLASH.
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When I saw there was no mention of Ronnie in the Legend of Tomorrow trailer, I thought it was an oversight. But now he went ahead and got married. Everyone knows when you get married on a TV show, bad things happen! I wonder if they are going to finally kill him off.
When I saw there was no mention of Ronnie in the Legend of Tomorrow trailer, I thought it was an oversight. But now he went ahead and got married. Everyone knows when you get married on a TV show, bad things happen! I wonder if they are going to finally kill him off.

Doesn't Ronnie disappear when he and the professor combine to become Firestorm?

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