The Flash

Unfortunately the episode's epic battle at the end was marred by the most ill-conceived and needless prisoner transfer in the history of television.

Once Cisco had designed a power-damping tech, the metahumans could've simply been locked up in another secure room at STAR Labs (or even off-site) for a couple of days until the reactor discharged and Wells had done whatever he was going to do in there.

If they needed the narrative element of Capt. Cold freeing the prisoners, he could've simply waltzed into STAR Labs at any time like he did in this episode and freed them.
Ha, I did not realize that the guy that plays Oliver and the guy that plays Firestorm are cousins. Did not put the two last names together until now. Stephen and Robbie Amell
Ha, I did not realize that the guy that plays Oliver and the guy that plays Firestorm are cousins. Did not put the two last names together until now. Stephen and Robbie Amell

When Tomorrow's People first aired, there was a clip introducing them as cousins. I don't know if those extra clips are online only or not since I am a cordcutter and watches everything online only. BTW, was the "Fight Club" clip showed on TV? If not, you should watch it; it is pretty fun.

I am kind of glad that the prisoners escape. Like I said before, it is extremely cruel and unusual punishment to lock people inside a box forever!
I really enjoyed the finale, and did not realize how close to the end of the show it was when he went to try and close the black hole......credits, and I said, "NOOOOOOOOOO" lol
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Ok. I want to know why didn't time reset once Eddie killed himself and Eban Thawne was literally erased from time? If he was erased, it meant that he never went back to the past and killed Barry's mother,which means that Barry's father was never jailed, which means that Barry was never raised by Joe the cop and it also means that the particle accelerator would never have been created till 2020 like Eban Thawne said it would of been created by the real Dr. Wells and his wife, which was how Barry was created in the first place along with all the other meta-humans? Not to mention ,but I will , why didn't Barry save his mother and why did he listen to the "older" Flash when he when there in the past and why was there an older Flash there in the first place? Why even go to the past if you weren't going to save your mother in the first place? My head hurts now. I sure hope that they resolve this in the season 2 premier episode to my satisfaction and they don't skip over basic time travel laws that are well established in movies and sci-fi as well as comic books.
I am with you on the idea that if there was no Eobard Thawne then there is no death and the timeline is totally different. I am not sure I followed that part either. However there was considerable buildup to both Barry's ultimate decision not to save his mother, the presence of another older Flash and the fact that our Barry was supposed to defer to him. Go back and watch it again if you can.

Nut my head hurts too. Time travel stories are always convoluted.
It explained about the older flash being there, and as was said, it pretty much led us to why Barry did not save his mom, as his older self waved him off.

The deaths though, and any changes or non changes I expect will be explained some how through the black hole.
In the speed force scene where Barry is running and wells is telling him to focus on a place, did anyone else notice the Legends of Tomorrow part? I saw White Canary, Atom, Hawkgirl. One of the parts of the teaser they have done.

And the old Flash helmet . Nice touch.
I expect we will see Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick at some point next season. Caught glimpses of Killer Frost, the Flash Museum and a few other things while Barry was in the speed force. Was expecting Rip Hunter to make an appearance, other than just the name drop
What if the blackhole is a way for the timeline to correct itself by erasing itself & reforming according to Wells/Eobard Thawne never existing thanks to Eddie killing himself. Maybe Barry/Flash will have to go back in time AGAIN to correct what Eddie did. Maybe Rip Hunter will show up to help him correct it.
Ok ,why would the older Flash from the future, tell present day Flash NOT to save his mother, while they were both in the past? I mean does that mean that the older Flash had already done that and decided that the time line created from that life saved was worse than without her? While I'm at it , why wouldn't the older Flash be at least surprised that the younger version was there in the first place,unless he knew he was going to be there ,because he had already done it once before????

OH my GOD I have a migraine head ache now.:rolleyes
What if the blackhole is a way for the timeline to correct itself by erasing itself & reforming according to Wells/Eobard Thawne never existing thanks to Eddie killing himself. Maybe Barry/Flash will have to go back in time AGAIN to correct what Eddie did. Maybe Rip Hunter will show up to help him correct it.

l I would say that you would be right in that assumption ,but if time does reset back to what it would of been with no Eban Thawne, then we have to assume that means :
1. No Flash -because Barry wouldn't of been harmed by the intentional breach of the particle accelerator by Wells/Eban Thawne in 2014/15 , that created him in the first place. Which means a different origin story for Barry to become the Flash.
2. For that matter , none of the meta humans and villains would of existed either, because of the same issue -no breach of the particle accelerator.
3. Now there would be NO particle accelerator at all till 2020, because Eban Thawne already said the real Dr. Wells and his wife would be the ones to create it in 2020, when he killed the original Dr. Wells and took his identity and face.
4. There would be no Star Labs or Katlin or Sisco to work there -unless we are to assume that the real Dr. Wells had already started Star Labs and had hired them already to work there.

The biggest thing that tells me that they won't do any of this, is because we already seen previews for Legends of Tomorrow , where Capt. Cold and Heat Wave are part of the new squad along with Capt. Atom and the proffessor and Katlin's "husband" or Firestorm. Now Capt . Cold ,Heat Wave , and Firestorm were all created due to the explosion of the particle accelerator and they have showed that with Firestorm's creation. So how are they going to be around in early 2016 to do this new spin off show Legends of Tomorrow , if they wipe their history and reset the time line. Are we supposed to believe that it will happen again with the real Dr. Wells and another accidental explosion of the particle accelerator -that wouldn't of been built for another 4/1/2 years in the original timeline? Some how they are going to explain away the reason why the history doesn't change -like because they were all there when Eban Thawne was erased from History , they all retain the memories of the last year. Either way I am sure the singularity will be used to explain it away. It will cheapen the show for me if they gloss over these blaring paradoxes in the time line.
l I would say that you would be right in that assumption ,but if time does reset back to what it would of been with no Eban Thawne, then we have to assume that means :
1. No Flash -because Barry wouldn't of been harmed by the intentional breach of the particle accelerator by Wells/Eban Thawne in 2014/15 , that created him in the first place. Which means a different origin story for Barry to become the Flash.
2. For that matter , none of the meta humans and villains would of existed either, because of the same issue -no breach of the particle accelerator.
3. Now there would be NO particle accelerator at all till 2020, because Eban Thawne already said the real Dr. Wells and his wife would be the ones to create it in 2020, when he killed the original Dr. Wells and took his identity and face.
4. There would be no Star Labs or Katlin or Sisco to work there -unless we are to assume that the real Dr. Wells had already started Star Labs and had hired them already to work there.

The biggest thing that tells me that they won't do any of this, is because we already seen previews for Legends of Tomorrow , where Capt. Cold and Heat Wave are part of the new squad along with Capt. Atom and the proffessor and Katlin's "husband" or Firestorm. Now Capt . Cold ,Heat Wave , and Firestorm were all created due to the explosion of the particle accelerator and they have showed that with Firestorm's creation. So how are they going to be around in early 2016 to do this new spin off show Legends of Tomorrow , if they wipe their history and reset the time line. Are we supposed to believe that it will happen again with the real Dr. Wells and another accidental explosion of the particle accelerator -that wouldn't of been built for another 4/1/2 years in the original timeline? Some how they are going to explain away the reason why the history doesn't change -like because they were all there when Eban Thawne was erased from History , they all retain the memories of the last year. Either way I am sure the singularity will be used to explain it away. It will cheapen the show for me if they gloss over these blaring paradoxes in the time line.
Capt. Cold & Heatwave aren't metahumans,but they did get their weapons via Cisco.
i am just going to watch the series and enjoy it. Like I do with all fictional tv shows. lol
Comic books almost always do time travel correctly . IF the Flash doesn't stick to the established time travel history , it will ruin the story for anyone that cares about continuity . Refer to the "Big Bang Theory" show for any reaction that would be appropriate : Sheldon.:biggrin2
I have all those same questions about the Time Travel, but okay I will accept that nothing has to make sense about a TV show's time travel. But there are other questions! There is absolutely no way Barry could just wait in the room for his mother to die just because the other Barry gave him a little shake of his hand. And I completely missed the reason why they have to build a time traveling device for the reverse flash to go back to his own time? They refused to release the other prisoners before but decided to help Dr Evil go? And if they decided to do that in the first place, why would Barry come back to stop him? He decided to not save his own mother but then changed his mind to not let the guy go back? There is a big hole missing in the plot as big as the black hole.
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