The End of VOOM?

Hello , I'm Back
Why Don't The Non Voomers Get Off And Quit Giving There Thought's And Let Us Voomers Worry About What If's. And Why For's.
I've Seen's Several Post's From "i'm Going To Have Voom", " I'm Thinkng About Voom", Well I'm A Voomer. And Their Service Is 9+ " For Those Who Don't Whatch " Noggin" , By The The Way What Is "noggin", Is That Some Sort Of Kid's Show. Will I Would Think "pbs' Should Be Fine Until " Voom " Adds " Noggin"
kelljc said:
Hello , I'm Back
Why Don't The Non Voomers Get Off And Quit Giving There Thought's And Let Us Voomers Worry About What If's. And Why For's.

If you are referring to me I am a Voom sub and just added a stb today to my current config.
lostcause said:
So has anyone else followed Indy's suggestion and ordered all the channels??

BFG said:
Only if they're kookooo...

Well, call me Kookooo! Like I said a few posts ago, I figured since I hadn't seen any of the premium channels in the past, I might as well get it and enjoy for a few days/weeks.

So, I just called and asked if I could get the old price since I was on the $39.90 basic package, but the CSR said it would be $89.90. Then, she put me on hold for a minute and came back and said that it would be $79.90 after all. (I resisted the attempt to say that it must be a "Going out of business sale".)
scottabs said:
Well, call me Kookooo! Like I said a few posts ago, I figured since I hadn't seen any of the premium channels in the past, I might as well get it and enjoy for a few days/weeks.

So, I just called and asked if I could get the old price since I was on the $39.90 basic package, but the CSR said it would be $89.90. Then, she put me on hold for a minute and came back and said that it would be $79.90 after all. (I resisted the attempt to say that it must be a "Going out of business sale".)
I'm gonna do the same tonight
Finally read all 25 pages (so far) and it was exhausting. I've been with Voom since July and like it a lot. I'll stay with it as long as there is a signal. In the mean time I'll be watching the news here and researching where I'll need to get my required dose of HD. I didn't spend $4K on TV just to feed it crappy, overcompressed standard def. I also called my best friend and talked him out of completing his Voom order (he was sending it today) based on the news. Sure, he may ony lose out on a dollar and have to endure another install of someone else in a few months, but I figured it was better at this point to wait.

Staying tuned for more REAL information. Thanks
Well all this depends on the FCC. Think about. The satellite cost what, $300 million to put up there and its going to be sold for $120 milion? What a deal!CC will prob turn this deal down. Just my thoughts..................
the one thing I don't understand is all the people talking about cancelling their install orders or talking friends out of getting voom right now. There is literally NOTHING to lose. Not one single thing. As a matter of fact, I'll bet that when voom does get shut down, the other providers will offer some type of deals to voom customers to try and get their business. I know it's only 26,000 subs but still..... Hell, for one dollar, sign up for it and see what might get a better deal from dish or dtv later on down the road...if not, you still lose nothing. Just make damn sure you don't set up automatic billing through a credit or debit card. Ask for paper bills.
I dont understand the Koookooo comment at all. Sign up and you get a free antenna that you will need with your next provider, free cabling run. Free component and DVI cables you can sell. More HD than anyone else for as long as it lasts. And possibly a couple of free OTA tuners if you can avoid deactivation and Voom decides not to pay someone to collect them from 26,000 locations.

Indy said if everyone upgraded to VaVaVoom that maybe they could save voom.

That's what I sad was crazy. If everyone upgraded it would not safe voom and not everyone would upgrade...
Frankly I really dont see the point of subscribing to Voom without subbing to VAVAVOOM. Getting all of the HD premium channels was the biggest reason I defected from D*. Even if they had axed the 21 exclusives E* and D* dont hold a candle to the 16 or 17 HD channels left over. IMO that shows just how truly pathetic the offerings are on the other services.
JimP said:
I think the $1 signup was a act of desperation. Don't expect the other providers to match it for HD.

When I signed up it was even cheaper, it was free.

It was funny, here I had a brand new HDTV and Voom. A good friend of mine was over watching TV and asked "are you pretty broke after getting all this?" I laughed and told him I hadn't paid a single dime for any of it. The TV had no interest, no payments deal and Voom didn't bill me until well after the service was active. Oh, good times.

vurbano said:
that shows just how truly pathetic the offerings are on the other services.

They are pathetic, I have decided to not even look at their offers until Voom has pulled the plug for good. Which I expect will happen sooner or later, but I am hoping somehow it works out to where I get the same service, even if I pay somebody else.

fingers crossed,
Do i think so--no---but there could always be a "white knight",another partner come foward,and out bid echostar--if dolan sr works at it,say a microsoft,someone with deep pockets and i think so--no but one hopes
Concerning "non-voomers" posting

I don't have Voom, but I did for 6 months. i liked it, but when the NBA season started, and they didn't have my RSN, I bolted.

I wanted Voom to succeed. I hoped that eventually they got their house in order. But, alas, it wasn't to be.

Voom was important to people who didn't subscribe to it. It was trying to capitalize on emerging technology and innovation, and electonics geeks love that kind of stuff.

What's transpired since the decision to cancel the spinoff has been intruiging on its own. We've all seen big business at work, and the market forces that drive it. 26,000 customers ain't gonna get it done.

The Voom forum isn't a club that's closed, it's open to whoever has an interest and something to say (and signs up).

Besides, your just mad because you satellite service is a LOSER.

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