Dish is no different than any other large company. They are just another part of "Corporate America". Dish is not your friend. It may be your TV provider but not your friend. The idea that a company will "really" value their individual customers went out the window with the honest mom an pop local gas/service station. The bottom line is profit and stock holders. They will push fees and charges as far as they think they can, up to the point that they get a bad name and start losing customers. The Charlie Chat is all smoke and mirrors. (aka BS). Don't get me wrong, I like their service and have been a high end sub for many years. Don't think that they will come down here and read a few threads and change their ways. They will only change things if it is first and only first in their best interest. I have read many posts by people that vehemently defended Dish or Direct as if it was one of their own children.
I have been a sub of Dish for a long time and enjoy their service but I am not loyal to Dish. They should be loyal to me!