The dish messes I can get in...

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 10, 2015
Well, I happened across a 10ft unimesh dish back before I drug home 3 other dishes. The dish was hit by a mower, damaging a lower rib section badly.Only had a worn out looking 18" SuperJack on it. So I wasn't really interested in it.

The owner thought he had a spare actuator and some other parts in a building. He's been meaning to look since spring for the 'extra' parts.Anyway, I checked back with him last week. He still hasn't had time to search for the spare parts.

MY idea was to buy ONLY a good actuator, sat positioner,etc if he can find any. He says someone else already offered to buy the bent dish for a gazebo.

After talking with him for THREE hours...He finally gives me a price of $25 for it ALL. But here's the catch: I don't need the damaged dish.I don't know what, if any extra parts he has.He now wants me to also take a SECOND dish belonging to his sister...which I have never seen. Heck,it could be fiberglass which I absolutely do NOT want. (I'd have to pay the landfill to take a FG dish) He wants the poles dug up, not cut. AND... it sounded like he wants me to haul off all the junk in his storage building to find the 'extra' parts. It's hard to understand exactly what the old fellow is saying. At one point he mentioned hauling off a broken washer and dryer from his basement. It's starting to sound like a recycling/hauling job that will never get

I plan to go back and try to get a better understanding of what he has/wants.This could be a great deal...or a heckuva lot of work for nothing.

Mamma's liable to kill me if I haul up any more dishes. :confused:
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Man, definitely sounds like he is looking to get rid of all of his (and maybe his sister's) junk for cheap. Better make it clear you're only interested in (and will only take) dish parts or he may have you hauling away junk cars, stray animals and any number of other things! GOOD LUCK! :D
There are people out there that all you can do is just shake your head and walk away.
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Well,I really like the guy...and I don't THINK he is trying to hoodoo me...but I'm having a hard time understanding what he means.He rambles a lot when he talks.

If I can't get a clear understanding I'll just have to say no.
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Be careful. I had a very similar deal with an older man one time that included cleaning out a small barn/shed. The township had given the guy 2 weeks to remove everything. After loading up my pickup I was suddenly confronted by police. Seems the guy told them I was stealing his stuff. However, I had the guy sign an agreement before I started work and when I showed them the paper they left, but up drives the guys lawyer. He tells me the guy told him the same story. The upside was the guy neglected to tell the lawyer about the township deadline or the signed agreement. By this point I was ticked off so I unloaded the truck and left the guy and his lawyer to argue it out. Bottom line - get permission in writing.
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