the 922's will only be handed out to those who posted in this threadcome one E*!!! don't let me down!
I will take one 922 thank you

the 922's will only be handed out to those who posted in this threadcome one E*!!! don't let me down!
Dish Network is not in the business of selling April Fools Jokes. This is a major satellite tv provider, not Bubba the Love Sponge.i would bet money that no national hd tommorrow. april fools joke by charlie. i would bet on them being turned on before the weekend though.
i love beer. everything from amber bock to killians irish red to molson candian red, but i would also turn them down for a 922.
Sign me up. 50-50 chanceif E doesn't add HD tomorrow I will hand out a round of 922's.