If the invisible uplink report is correct, I'm gonna be mad. The Austin locals were removed, along with a bunch of other cities, my hopes were just crushed.
I'm new to HDTV - I just bought an HDTV - I just switched to Dish HGTV - I watched HGTV - I MUST HAVE MORE HGTV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Austin, TX locals are up and confirmed by LER here.
I just checked the locals qualification page, and the HD locals are listed now....
That means the CSR's should(in theory) have a clue.....
Got to be kidding here. SCROOGE (better known as Charlie) has stolen all the presents from the little "Whoos" that have Dish and continues to line his pockets with their money as he continues to increase there "fair" share on the yearly basis .
Scrooge didn't steal presents form the Whos, it was the Grinch. Get your Christmas stories straight.
Maybe like this poor kid, who thought he was getting an Xbox 360?
YouTube - brother on christmas...