C and Ku Band equipment for sale


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 26, 2006
Travelers Rest SC
I have been here for close to 20 tears, but can not post in the classifieds. So Mods feel free to move. Anyway, I don't have time to play with my stuff anymore. So I am selling my Perfect condition 10 foot Unimesh with quad arms and a dual feedhorn with Norsat LNBS, to dark to see the model numbers now, but they are 55 series, A 1.2 andrews dish with original dual feed and a pair of Norsat's, TWO WNC Modded 4x8 switches, a Titanuim mover and two DMS spare movers A fresh 24 inch Von wise actuator on the 10 footer 1.2 is a fixed dish. Also 3 PC tuners. TBS5927,5520SE and a pci-e TBS6983. Also will throw in a GT media Ultra V8. Pickup only in upstate SC. Asking $500. PM me if interested.
I have been here for close to 20 tears, but can not post in the classifieds. So Mods feel free to move. Anyway, I don't have time to play with my stuff anymore. So I am selling my Perfect condition 10 foot Unimesh with quad arms and a dual feedhorn with Norsat LNBS, to dark to see the model numbers now, but they are 55 series, A 1.2 andrews dish with original dual feed and a pair of Norsat's, TWO WNC Modded 4x8 switches, a Titanuim mover and two DMS spare movers A fresh 24 inch Von wise actuator on the 10 footer 1.2 is a fixed dish. Also 3 PC tuners. TBS5927,5520SE and a pci-e TBS6983. Also will throw in a GT media Ultra V8. Pickup only in upstate SC. Asking $500. PM me if interested.
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I want it gone as a package for someone who wants to get into FTA, if not I will piece it out on ebay. But would rather have someone get a complete C/Ku setup out of the box a lot cheaper. If I sell on Ebay, I will make more money and put up with hassles, rather have someone from the forums have the setup on the cheap. Also if anyone can post on Rick's please send the post. I have been banned from there for 5 years because I gave great reviews for the Edison.
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That is a pretty GREAT price for a C and Ku System and all that stuff. A person would spend almost that much just for the 1.2 Meter Ku Band dish (with shipping) these days. If anyone has been on the fence about C Band and you are within a couple hours of Comptech, you should seriously consider going to get this stuff. It is for sure a really good deal on some really good equipment. And Comptech, dont feel bad you are far from the only person banned at Ricks. I got banned a few years back, there was a FTA channel on Ku Band, i think it was JBS, but anyway almost no one could get the signal because it was special at the time (ACM or VCM). Anyways, i simply pointed out the Geosatpro HDVR3500 could get the signal to try and help people figure out why they didnt get it, and that was curtains for me.
Thank you for the post, yep Rick is old and crankey, not sure what I did got, get banned, but he blocked my IP so I could mot even ask. but anyone can go to the forum and see what is open at anytime. He hates compaction so thats why you are banned and why anybody who mentions something he does not sell gets banned.But thank you for responding to my posts. Not counting the dishes themselves over 2K in feeds and LNB's and movers. Saturday I will post pics as I go to work in the dark and come home in it.
Can't believe no one is interested, a few years ago they would be lined up at the door. I don't need to get rid of it, but just hate the hobby going down this much.
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Super Feedhorn Scalar Ring for 5g interference

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