The 100

Last night's episode was the most realistic(real life),excluding the "damn dirty ape(amazing how nobody,except maybe the Mountain Men,know what a gorilla is)," to date,especially with Lincoln choosing the red drug over helping Bellamy to get into the Mountain Men's main quarters to rescue both the 47 & caged grounders.

Edit; I guess the grounders or Sky people don't have either a Dian Fossey or a copy of her book,"Gorillas In the Mist(but I bet the Mountain Men have a copy of the book)."

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And then Clark's response to her mom at the end: "Love is weakness." She now officially has the qualifications to be a Grounder commander... but that would involve some serious plot convolutions to make that happen.

Well since we just found out that the Commander selects her successor through "reincarnation(at least that's what Clarke thinks it is)," there's your convoluted plot twist to get Clarke to become the new Commander. Hey,Octavia just became Indra's second.
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I hate to get nit picky,but even though it was interesting to see a grounder with a Russian RPG,I have to ask,how did a Russian RPG find its way into that part of the former U.S.? I'm just saying that it would be easier to find a LAW rocket launcher from former U.S. military bases & national guard armories than a Russian RPG.........unless you can walk back & forth between Florida & Cuba now without water being in the way. I wonder if we'll see some "Mad Max" grounders in crazy militarized vehicles(like I predicted earlier)?

Edit: It looks like what's left of the 47 have things pretty much in hand as far as taking Mount Weather goes,especially since there is about 350 Mountain Men,including women & children. How many of them are capable of fighting? Maybe a third of that number? If Bellamy can break the grounders out of their cages,they won't need outside help bringing Mount Weather down.
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Ok,so my criticism of Grounders having an RPG because of the rarity of them being found in the continental U.S.,especially in the northeast of the U.S.,may be unwarranted. I've just read an article about the U.S. Army testing American made versions of the Russian RPG from a company called Airtronic USA. My original criticism was that any "advanced" weaponry they have on the 100 have to be based on what the U.S. military has/had in their inventory,& while I think that the Russians have some cool exotic weapons,like AK-47's & other medium & heavy Russian machine guns,they just don't exist here in the U.S.,at least not in sufficient quantities to justify them showing up on the show.

Another thought,you'd think that the Mount Weather lady scientist would have been one of the first to get injected with the 47 bone marrow. The fact that the writers didn't have her receive it shows me that the writers want Karma to play a big part in this show. Maybe they plan on the Mountain Men president & his son to get carved up by the grounders like Finn & Raven was supposed to get,& that grounder got,or maybe the son will escape & run into that "damned dirty ape."
Fun episode this week. As I've been saying all along, I like how this show generally keeps things moving and has now fully recovered from the Finn situation getting dragged out a bit. However, it wasn't quite clear to me why Bellamy didn't flood the entire facility with unfiltered air or additional key levels--like the one where they do the treatments or where the Grounders are caged. Regarding the doctor not getting treated, clearly they never expected such a radiation breech, and the priority for treatment was high-level officials and ground troops (being in the early stages, so far only three people we know of got the treatment).
I also imagine that the Sky people will petition the grounders for the lives of the children & innocent Mount Weather People,like Maya,& I'm sure that there are SOME innocent Mountain Men worth saving. I'm sure some Sky People will volunteer SOME of their bone marrow to save those few & then absorb them into their society. They can also finally teach the grounders how to shoot,because I'm very sure that there is some crazy "Mad Max" style grounder army out in the waste lands,with dune buggies & militarized 4wd vehicles,ready to move in & take over. Maybe they'll force Jaha to lead them to the Sky People & grounder territory.
Never understood why the Mountain Men didn't just approach the Ark survivors for marrow donations in return for allowing them all to integrate with them at Mt. Weather. Would have been a win-win scenario.
Never understood why the Mountain Men didn't just approach the Ark survivors for marrow donations in return for allowing them all to integrate with them at Mt. Weather. Would have been a win-win scenario.

Given the large number of Ark survivors, it would appear that they could have enough donors to go around without killing the donors...
Exactly my point, plus the sharing of knowledge and technology benefits both greatly.
My guess is that they'll keep Maya alive along with the women & children,but any fighting/military age male Mountain Man is toast,along with whoever helped in the harvesting of the grounders & 47,& either the president,his son,or both,have a date with a certain post to be carved up by grounders,but I think that the son will meet up with the "damned dirty ape" & lose.
Last night's episode was pretty good,despite my initial reservations. The last two episodes of the season,after next week's episode,is called "Blood Must Have Blood,Parts 1 & 2." To me the logic of that title states that even though there are people of Mt. Weather who are helping the 47 & Bellamy,ALL of Mt. Weather lived off of grounder blood,& the grounders will not be so forgiving,ESPECIALLY if the 47 don't hurry up & release the grounders already caged. Personally,I think that taking down Mt. Weather will be accomplished next week,pretty much by the 47,Bellamy,& Maya. The last 2 episodes of the season pretty much will be the "Nuremberg Trials" episodes,& as I said earlier,ALL Mountain Men,including children(& Maya & those helping the 47) lived off of grounder blood,hence the name of the final 2 episodes. Of course I'm just guessing.
Mt. Weather will probably be all wrapped up by the end of the season, with the finale having Jaha's group encountering next season's obstical.
I just read the teaser for "Blood Must Have Blood,Part 1" & it looks like they'll drag the fight out at Mount Weather a little longer. My opinion,good grief,the Mountain Men should only have so many men of fighting age & capabilities left(there's only supposed to be between 300-350 people in Mount Weather total). With the 47 & the (hopefully) released grounders,Mount Weather should be taken down pretty much WITHOUT Clarke's help. I'm just speculating,who knows what's in the minds of the show runners & writers.
I suddenly have the feeling that "the City of Lights" is "just a little bit" more modern than than just a few pick-up trucks with machine guns attached(technicals). It would be funny if Mount Weather has communications to the City of Lights & the City of Lights comes to their rescue. I also hope that that wasn't one of the Great Lakes(would that mean that the City of Lights is in Canada?) that Jaha & company are trying to cross,otherwise they'll be rowing a long time. Lastly,the current commander can't be long for this (the 100) world,because,as I've pointed out before,Alycia Debnam-Carey will be a series regular on the new Walking Dead spin-off,& the 100 has been renewed for a third season.
Here's a burning question that I have & would like the 100 showrunners to answer,how come the acid fog doesn't adversely affect the plant life/vegetation? You'd think if acid fog can melt human skin,it would do the same to leaves & grass.
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I don't want to repeat myself from message #136 but............if you really want to make people,who are all into a potential Clarke-Lexa/Commander hook-up mad,remind them that the actress playing Lexa/the Commander has signed to play a series regular on the Walking Dead spin-off,although as we have learned from Lost,the Walking Dead,& Game of Thrones,that doesn't mean much.
The second I saw the kiss, I knew it was a kiss of death for Lexa. I don't see this romance playing out past this season. I also didn't really sense any chemistry. It was almost as if Clarke kissed her out of "what the heck?" curiosity or even obligation to keep the alliance going.

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