Your effort at this year's Team Summit is much appreciated. It is great to see some of the thoughts going into future Dish Network products. As the creator of this site, you've obviously spent countless hours putting this site together to make it a premier website for E* customers. We've learned tons of info prior to release whether it be "rumor" or fact based. I'm sure you enjoyed the trip to Dallas and must have been very proud to stand next to the likes of Charlie, Jim, MaryAnn and the Bingo Girls. However, you also had to spend that time away from your wife and family. It does take alot to spend time away from home, and I appreciate that fact that you could do that, transmit info from the floor of the Summit and give us the inside scoop on upcoming (mp3) Dish features. You did an awesome job this year and I look forward to more of this from the #1 Dish Network forum.
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