Thank you from Voom CSR's


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 6, 2004
It's been a long bumpy ride for most of us and this is not the end that we all expected to see. I, for one, expected to see C. Dolan pull a rabbit out of the hat, still do for that matter but, it won't be soon enough to save a lot of peoples jobs.

It's been an interesting job, starting with my very first call, a customer calling in to complain about his locals. Come to find out, this customer called in no less than a dozen times a day to complain about one thing or another. Talk about trial by fire!

I spent a lot of my time, before and after work, searching this forum for information that I could use at work to make my job and the customer's viewing experience better.

A big thank you to Tyork and the other techs that took the time to help out here. You had to know that they were pulling double shifts to do their day jobs, read these forums, offer advice and put calls in to district and regional managers. Thank you very much for your efforts!

A respectful thank you to Lobstah, who allowed me to view my opinions and offered his in return without resorting to the ugliness that so often takes over on a lot of these threads.

A big thank you to Dragon, your remarks and attitude made it a lot easier for me to escalate a work order for an incomplete or inadequate install. It may not have been you that got escalated but, your wham, bam, thank you ma'am attitude left a sour taste in a lot of customers' mouths.

A cold thank you to WestBS. You reenforced a complaint by a lot of CSR's with your comment about customers wasting another ten minutes on a supe call. Anybody above CSR just does not care.

A very big thank you to Sean, Scott, et al. Without you guys there would be no place to air our views.

And lastly, THANK YOU to all the customers that stayed with Voom so long thru thick and thin and remained polite and respectful to the CSRs. I've enjoyed talking to you all. The one I most enjoyed was the lady that moved her whole system and didn't know how to rewire it. Hubby was sitting on the couch when she called. Got her Voom box, dvd player, vcr, and A/V receiver hooked up in less than an hour. No help from hubby. Her final words were;
" Thank you so much Jim, I couldn't have done it without you." That's why I became a CSR. :) :) :) :) :)
spahoose...thank you for your dedication and patience. Your posts here have been great, and I know that most have appreciated your participation, either here on the phone at VoOm... :)

My heart goes out to all who are losing their jobs. The road has indeed been bumpy, but never more so than for those you on the other end of the phone...THANKS!! :bow :heart :love
How nice was that Thanks , Just glad i could help so many people while it lasted.
Wish you well

The Voom CSRs have always been great to me. They were always extra friendly and helpful.

I also have DirecTV, and quite seriously, I usually get hung up on twice before I get put on hold (for about 20 minutes or more) before I finally talk to someone. And they're never as friendly as the Voom CSRs were. You guys did a great job and should be proud of yourselves.
Getting a big Thanks from the CSRs is a happy suprise. It is we the customers who should be thanking you for being so professional and pleasant. I never had to call much, but when I did I always had a pleasant experience. After dealing with E* CSRs calling Voom was a breath of fresh air.

Thanks to all the CSRs at Voom. I wish you good luck for the future. May it be sucessful and happy. THANKS!!!
I will never forget it. Every time the CSRs and I finished our conversation they always asked, "Have I satisfactorily answered all of your questions? Can we at VOOM do anything else for you?"

I loved everthing about my VOOM experience including the service provided by the CSR's. Thanks to all of YOU. Who knows, maybe C. Dolan will provide us VOOM2 by another name! Then we can do it all again!

I am feeling like Dts, i am starting to get teary eyed....... Thats interesting a CSR thanking the customers, Thank you for thinking of us customers and taking such good care of us Voomers.. I am greatful that we had such a professional CSR working so hard to keep us customers happy.. Best of luck to you friend! And all the the CSR's that took care of us voomers no matter what the issue may of been.... It was great while it lasted, "Will always remember Voom!"
You guys set the standards for customer service that should be the model at every business. From that first night I called to set up service, to the last time to find out what you knew about the closing. Always nice...always mentioned that you were in San Antonio when you found out I was in Amarillo. You guys could teach us all about passion for what you do.
Denial Phase

VOOM will get you through times of no money, better than money will get you through times of no VOOM!


I want my, I want my, I want my VOOM-T-V!

(Damn, I'm losin' it here!!!!) :eek:

E-mail from Voom - Official Shutdown Notice

From the 4/15 SKY Report.....
