Thank You letters to VOOM and Charles Dolan

keep the voom 21 going

Mr. dolan,
I only hope that you can continue the voom origanal channels and sell the broadcast to D* & E* for us lost voom customers to gain back. I have had your service for your inovation and forward thinking.
FYI: I am going to pass the next batch of letters to Mr. Dolan tomorrow (Saturday).
I still hope some miracle will happen

and VOOM will continue to exist. I wish you've fought this fight all the way, because with more and more HD sets VOOM was entitled to succes.
Anyways I wish you good luck in future endeavors.
F. Lecer
Here in Colorado Springs I talked to a owner of a local Direct T.V. business just 4 days ago and he had told me that he was slowly converting his business into a Voom Distributor and installer only, he already had 2 of his Trucks in the shop that were getting Voom advertisements all over them but he said he had to tell the guys to stop because he had heard voom was done at at the end of the month.. I did not believe him at first i thought he was just trying to get me upset, but sure enough after i was done talking with him i went home got online checked my email first and recieved the extremely heartbreaking info on voom shutting down, and then went to the web site to confirm the email wasn't a joke and sure enough it wasn't.. I thought Voom was doing pretty good atleast here in Colorado...? Well I really enjoyed VOOM while it lasted, voom has definetely been the best provider i have ever had so far, i have never enjoyed watching T.V. as much as i do now and until the end of the month... Thanks Mr. Dolan for giving us HD Television owners the opportunity to get a taste of what True HD Programming is supposed to be! I WILL MISS VOOM BIG TIME!
Dear Mr. Dolan,

First, let me thank you for bringing Voom to the market. It is sad that CVC and the shareholders have just succeeded in what I believe history will show to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It is a scenario that I have seen many times in business, and speaks to a condition that is endemic in public companies. It is a combination of a lack of vision and lack of patience.
It must have been apparent from day#1 that the Voom venture would cost money for a number of years before it turned the corner. This should not have surprised the board or shareholders. On top of this were the teething pains and perhaps more start-up problems than Voom should have experienced on both technical and marketing fronts. After many months of problem solving, finally offering a complete channel line-up, and on the verge of introducing the best DVR solution the rug got pulled out! The irony of this is that, by all the signs, Voom was just about to "hook up" and get some traction in the market. It would surprise me greatly if the subscriptions were not beginning to show this. I sure wonder what the numbers are now. I know of at least four friends and associates who were about to take the plunge after nine months of skepticism in my little neighborhood. If this was happening elsewhere, you were just about to see the effects of the recent programming and marketing changes in a big way. Sure, Voom would still be losing money in the immediate future, but the changing tides indicating that there was a payout on the other end may have swayed some votes. Unfortunately we'll never know.
Our family will miss the Voom 21 more than we expected before signing up. There is great content on so many of the channels that surprised me. We'll miss Animania, RAVE and Worldsport the most around our house. My kids are heartbroken about Animania. At 6 and 9 years old, they've already become picky about picture quality and surround sound!
I've begun the search for an alternative supplier, and it's depressing to realize that I will be paying more for less. While Voom has fewer channels, it has more that I care about than any of the other providers. It's a case of quntity over quality, with the channel line ups padded by useless shopping channels and numerous stations I will never watch. Voom was a real value.
One thing is clear, there is a paradigm shift in the technology and HD quality that we will expect in the years to come. Voom was about to make its mark and become the leader that you know it could be. It is apparent by the fervent support of Voomers that you were offering something truly special. The general public didn't understand it yet. Most still don't know the difference between Digital and HD, but they were coming around. What amazes me is that a boardroom full of apparently smart, successful people could not see this. Besides, the big money was already spent launching Voom to begin with.
Thanks again to you and to all the hard working people behind the scenes who are the biggest losers in this unfortunate turn of events. Even though Voom as we know it appears to be at an end I certainly hope that that the great exclusive programming can find a new home. That the final kill vote was 15-0 gives me hope that you have something up your sleeve as plan B that will fill the void.

Bob H.
Dear Mr Dolan,

I wish to thank you for bringing the future of television to us. I heard about Voom from a salesperson at Best Buy, went to the Voom site, read about it and instantly signed up for Voom, without even bothering to look at offers by other providers. In other words, I did not care a bit about what the other providers charged; I knew they could not match Voom in any way, and I doubt they will even after 2-3 years.

If Voom ever gets back, I'll be subscribing for it, even if it means having to cancel a contract with the other provider and paying more for Voom. I'd rather pay Voom than the other junk thats out there.

Good luck and keep in mind that Voom is still in our hearts and will never be forgotten.


Please don't go!!!!

Dear Mr. Dolan,

My husband & I love Voom!!!! Over the years we have had service from the other companies and were never satisfied until we found Voom. Please do not shut down this company! We are willing to pay a price increase if it would keep Voom in business. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know. We are located in the Sacramento, CA area.

Your staff has always been courteous & helpful (so unlike all the other companies). We want to thank you & them for providing us, & all the other Voom customers, with the best satellite experience possible.

We will be praying for a miracle.

M & K Rodriguez
Roseville, CA
Same Here Sir,
Had the other and they sucks ...
Hope Your Sons Know what he f**k up a good thing
All letters have been passed to Mr. Dolan.
Thank You, Charles, for fighting the good fight!

Thank you Mr. Dolan for bringing us VOOM and the enjoyment of HDTV. Thank you to all the VOOM employees who also made it all possible.
To readers and VOOM subscribers, here is a good article that describes some of the behind the scenes activities that have brought us to this point. We all owe Mr. Charles Dolan a debt of gratitude for having vision and foresight far beyond that of James Dolan and myopic investors who pull their support from any venture that fails to double their money in the next 5 minutes. Thank you again Mr. (C) Dolan.
Mr. Dolan, you are a true visonary...

Like most voOm subscribers, I tried the others. I had DirecTV just weeks after the service was available, then years later moved to DishNetwork. My HD inputs on my SONY 53" were unused for 3 years, and not appreciated until you "opened our eyes" with your dream - and a glorious one it was, indeed.

Those of us who joined early on can appreciate the responsiveness of you and your VOOM team. We saw the somewhat "buggy" system expand and improve to become the dream you had envisioned. When we talked - you listened. And gave us what we asked for.

You took us to places most of us will never visit (Equator), and gave us front-row seats for some of the best entertainment around (Rave). We watched sports, from the Athens Olympics (Bravo) to San Francisco Flugtag (WorldSport). Our kids saw cartoons with unbelievable clarity (Animania), and we saw all the old movies we remembered from our own childhood, but looking and sounding better than when they were in the local movie house (Cinema10).

VOOM was much, much more than HD. You put the "entertainment" back into the programming, and shared your dream with all of us that were willing to dream it with you.

Voom set the standard for what a service "can be".

Thank you, Charles Dolan.
Mr. Dolan,

This service "IS" the greatest! Make no mistake about it! We will treasure every minute of our viewing time right up until the end. You are vissionary. Thank you for providing us with truly the most satisfying HDtv experience ever. We know you gave us the best of yourself in offering this to us, and we truly appreciate it. Thank you so much!
Well it is just sad when the little guy is clearly superior and doesn't get the attention and acclaim it deserves. Voom is dying because it was ahead of its time. People don't know yet that they want it because they are brainwashed with the E* and D* mediocrity. I have never seen brand loyalty like with Voom. It showed me what is possible and now I am being forced to settle for what is available. But how can I do that when what is possible was, for a short time, available? Here is one subscriber hoping people soon realize that a service like Voom is what they are looking for and hoping their service was. Then, down the road, one of the big guys will add all kinds of HD content and will be hailed as innovators. But we Voom loyalists will snicker to ourselves and think about how it was done right already by one service before people knew what they had. In the meantime, thank you for bringing your (our) dream to the people and giving us what we want. Still watching my Voom untill it goes black...........
I joined by accident, E* never delivered the HD receiver that I had ordered, so I called VOOM. I was mostly interested in ESPN and Discovery, but what was that Monsters channel? Would anyone watch old monster movies in HD? I tried a few, then a few more and concerts on Rave that reminded me of the old friday nights at the beginning of MTV (no commercials). Equator came to be my favorite, but only after I had seen most of the monster movies. Then there's that Ultra, hours of style shows, why do I keep stopping there? It's like a window to an alien world, beautiful, skinny women wearing strange outfits that I will never see in Western NE. I have become a fan of American Chopper, now that's what reality TV should be! I like it when Sr. calls Mike "Taun-Taun" (spelling?) We don't get OTA channels here, our market might be in the top million... maybe. HD satellite is the way to go and it was nice to start out with the best. I hope E* takes note and grabs the 21 Voom channels, I mentioned it to them when I rejoined.

Why no support from HDTV Industry and thanks to Charles Dolan


First thanks for creating VOOM. We've never watched so much great TV before and haven't been able to stop complaining to my wife since I heard it's going down. Take it from a musician who lived in Asbury Park, NJ for over 20 years that if Bruce Springsteen had VOOM before he wrote "67 Channels and Nothing On", the song would never have been written!

I would think with all the great programming that VOOM supplied, it must have had a significant impact on HDTV receiver sales. Even if it did not take off yet big time, the potential for the future is there for TV manufacturers. How come there is no support from Toshiba, Sony and all the other manufacturers?

Anyway, thanks for creating VOOM. The last 6 months or so since I got it have been awesome for me and everyone I've let see it. It 's like the word "wow" was reinvented by VOOM cause that's what everyone says when they see it and none of the competition comes close. Thanks!

Mark (the Lip Man)

Dear Mr. Dolan,

I want to thank you for your dedication to VOOM. I can speak for everyone here when I say you put up a fight well beyond what we expected. In so many circumstances, when a founding member goes way beyond stockholders and the bottom line, it is not looked at in a positive light...but YOU KNEW that HD is the future and the product you had HAD to be brought the the masses. You may not have had the subs you wanted in quantity, but you had quality in us and we were loyal and fought against ALL those OTHERS that could not see what you were doing or up against. I ASSURE you that the next time, we will flock to your product like bees to honey! Which leads me to the last thing I was to say...IF there is that 9th life, that last rabbit in that magical hat of know what I am trying to say.

Good luck sir, you deserve it!


Its to Bad, we were there

I do believe that Cablevision has made a bad judgement. It will be proven in the coming years as Satellite TV takes over the media. Not only will the satellite providers take over the media and entertainment it will also add the element of HDTV 3D. The first step in this process will be the transition to HDTV. VOOM had it already, now we take a step back for a while. The vision Charles had will become the prefered TV format of the near future, unfortunatly VOOM will not be a part of it. So to Charles I say thank you for this peek into the future, and as this new era unfolds and the land lines go by the wayside, so long to Cablevision. Thanks again Charles :) :) :)
If you want HD, then Voom was it!

I had a tremendous experience with VOOM the last year or so. VOOM'S 1080i content was amazing on my 42" Pioneer plasma tv. Nothing else even came close.

I'm sure that VOOM'S 21 HD channels will be picked up as an additional option by various providers. It makes a lot of sense. VOOM already has the programming in place and if they sell their service to other providers, they won't have any expenses dealing with installations, equipment, billing or support. I think their decision to stop operating as a stand-alone provider probably is a wise decision.

I have kept my DirecTV account active and I will probably will once again switch over to their HD content when VOOM goes dark. However, if the VOOM channels were to suddenly be available as a separate package from DirecTV, I would sign up for it in a heartbeat.

I cannot imagine that VOOM will simply go away. With all the money they've spent on programming, it seems likely that their service will be made available through other providers. It would be such an easy way to provide HD content for little or no cost as VOOM has already developed the channels and their programming.
Voom and it's creator ... Mr. Dolan -- Thank You !!!

Thank You Voom and - Mr. Dolan, I had no intention of making an investment
into HDTV before Voom and it's VaVA Voom package appeared. :no

Voom gave me real purpose to buy an HDTV , somethingI've wanted all my life. :)

I've been a customer of Voom for about 1 year now , My inital invetment
of my HDTV was more than justified on the first night I had the honor and the prividledge of Stellar HDTV and 5.1 surround stereo sound. :p

I will always remember my absolute bliss of having (even if for a year )
the future of HDTV .... Now and in the present. I'll always remember my first 1966 Mustang Red convertable with the White top as most memerable :smug

And I'll always remember my first HD Voom Satlatite experience into the visual world of Voom's HDTV transmission and content !!! :love :love

And no matter what lies in distant future of HDTV I will always compare
the future HDTV and it programming Content to Voom HDTV programming
as the platinum ruler to which all else will be measured against. ;)

From Voom's HDNews lightyears aheard of all others ... in both content and purity to Tank and Micro and all of it others channels that capatures the pinicle of HD content and all it's beauty .

Thank YOU for the Honor and Prividledge of Voom's HD Experience of the future :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow

Few things in this world are worthly of the quality of never to be forgotten
and Voom to the world of HD just happens to be on the top of list

the Voomster :rainbow

:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave :wave :wave :wave

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