Tech Chat - What do you want to see?

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I am compiling a list of stuff you guys would like to see on next months Tech Chat for Dave, Mark and Mike.

So tell us what YOU want to see Dave and Mark talk about on the next Tech Chat!

As you seen on the Charlie Chat, Dish Network IS listening!
So, next month will have a Tech AND a Charlie Chat?

I want to see definitively how the 6000 works with the superdish. Their are proponents on both sides of the "it will need and adapter" requirement.

When I install the Superdish, will my 3000 be obsolete, or just need an adapter? Are the LNBs on the Superdish different than the DishPros?
Announced support for non-Superdish antenna installations utilizing a Dish 500 for 110/119 and second/third dishs for receiving 105 and/or 121....

For those of us who are trying to set up an antenna farm like the one in Cheyenne..... :rolleyes: or the one that Hotsenpiller fellow that keeps submitting updates to Lyngsat has.... :rolleyes:
I would like to see a working demo of the 921 and 811 show us the menus and general features, explain how you can record 2 HD shows at once while watching a recorded HD show on the 921

If they are going to let end users install the superdish show a video of how to best install your superdish. :)

Thats what I want to see. :)
> Announce when 111, 311, 322, 522 receivers are going to be released

> Announce what locals are definitely going to be added by the end of the year and which ones require SuperDish or Dish 500

> Announce when the new 721 software is coming

> Announce when the card swap is going to happen and some details of what to do with receivers you do not currently have activated if it will cost you to get the card replaced on those
Stargazer said:
> Announce what locals are definitely going to be added by the end of the year and which ones require SuperDish or Dish 500

From last night's chat, it seems that Charlie/Jim did their best to announce this. Did you not see last nights' chat? As far as "definitely" is concerned, they did say that they can not guarantee cities/lineups/dates as they are in retransmission negotiations... and that things can change at the last minute.
I understand that but what I meant by my post are those cities that they do have retransmission agreements with.
- What the availability of the 921 will be, prior rumors have said that it will be limited availability. If that's true when do they expect everyone that wants one will be able to get one?

- Will the SuperDish require a new diameter pole? I've seen rumors that mention different pole and arm sizes. I ask since I have ground pole mounts and I'm wondering if the Dish install deal includes new ground mounts since all prior install deals charged extra.

- Clearify what will be mirrored on 105 from 61.5/148. There are a few channels on 61.5 for Chicago LIL. Since the DP:4x4 won't be out do I loose those channels? If they stay on 61.5 will Dish provide a free DP:4x4 once it's available to comply with FCC rules?

- Will the 921 have the Advance Program Guide function like DirecTV HD receivers have that show programming on the local channels?

- Clearify the usage of the Dishwire/firewire ports. Will they be usable with the JVC D-VHS decks from initial release, if not how long?
I want to see more than vaporous release dates for all announced products.

I.E. 921, 822, 522, ... et al.

Talk about the furture of the ports on the back of the new machines. Firewire/USB.

Some real talk about the reliability of the DVR units in general, and tips for ensuring they last a long time and what Dish is doing to improve things as new products roll out.
fv3 said:
Announced support for non-Superdish antenna installations utilizing a Dish 500 for 110/119 and second/third dishs for receiving 105 and/or 121....

For those of us who are trying to set up an antenna farm like the one in Cheyenne..... :rolleyes: or the one that Hotsenpiller fellow that keeps submitting updates to Lyngsat has.... :rolleyes:

I'll second this request, But I want it to be compatable with legacy switches.
SuperDish will require bigger poles and bigger mounts, I believe the size that Primestar used which is 2 3/8" in diameter.
I had called during the chat the other night and asked about the pole and the base.
The csr that I got had to go ask someone else but came back and said it needed a bigger pole and the base would also be larger. Then he said it would be 2-3/8" larger. Now I am wondering if he was confused and the pole is a 2-3/8" diameter. Im trying to find out the size of the base because my house is being re-sided and I want to make sure they leave a larger space for the base if it is necessary.
Will they be moving the extra NY locals off the wing satellite 61.5 to the new superdish? Currently you need to install a second dish to receive the rest of NY locals like the other PBSs and having a one dish solution is much more desirible for me. I would like to know what plans they have for the NY market in the future.
I too would like to see a demo of the 921. I would like there to be a 921 running in the background showing Disc HD or the Demo channel when the chat starts, do some intros for a minute or 2, then have Dave or Mark pick up the remote and hit pause. Then unpause it, and FF and RW what was on. Also, I would like a quick run through the menu and maybe select something previously recorded off the recorded shows list and play that as well.
sampatterson said:
I would like to see a demo of the 921 - would be nice to have the Tech Chat in HDTV (on the events channel) also

Yes, this is the absolute best thing they can do to help promote the new hdtv products and services. People who don't usually watch the chat will tune in just to see it in HD.
Could reception of 110 in Puerto Rico on the E*VI transponders be improved by doing some swop arounds so all main programming on transponders 13,24,25 and 29 are put on E*VIII transponders.
Demo of the 921. What deals will be available for subs looking to upgrade from the soon to be defunct 5000 plus module? Detail of the future of the Dishwire (1394) ports on the back of the 921. I want a guarantee that these will be activated for DVHS recording. If I'm going to spend a grand on a product, I want to know exactly what I'm getting. If it is questionable whether or not DVHS dump will be allowed, tell me. I don't mind a company being forward thinking and saying that they put the ports in the machine just in case a deal can be worked out in the feature that would allow you to offload to DVHS. Be honest about the products intended capabilities. Do not just tell me that the feature will be activated at a later date. To me that means - as soon as we finish the software we will activated DVHS dump.

New software revs for 322, 522 and 111

New software for ALL 322s

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