Tech Chat - What do you want to see?

Would this be the reason for changing to a Type II dish next year and having to use a Type I dish until they get that satellite up in which will use circular polarization?
As much as they are wanting for the 921 it would almost be cheaper to buy a computer with a big hard drive in it and use your computer as a Digital Video Recorder. At least you could upgrade it when need be and not have the monthly DVR/VOD fee with it and a new computer to boot.
That doesn't do you any good to record HDTV from the Superdish (unless you've got a modified 6000 with a $$$ 169time).
Stargazer said:
Would this be the reason for changing to a Type II dish next year and having to use a Type I dish until they get that satellite up in which will use circular polarization?

I understood from Scott's comments in the "Exclusive Look" thread ( that both Type I and Type II will be in the field at initial ship time.

The Great Scott-ster said:
At initial launch there will be two types of SuperDishes and also two different LNB configurations.

One of the Superdish's is a called a type 1 dish, this is a metal dish and from what I see its one of Dish Networks first runs of the SuperDish, the other Dish is a type 2, it is plastic and has some improvements in it to make installation a little bit easier.
I have also read where the Type II dish would not be available until next year that would be for the 105 configuration as well (105/110/119) and not referring to the 110/119/121 SuperDish.
Can we get WCBS-DT and KCBS-DT at the same time on SuperDish

Since WCBS-DT and KCBS-DT are both on 105 will Dish/CBS allow folks that can presently get one or the other channel to get both?
Stargazer said:
I have also read where the Type II dish would not be available until next year that would be for the 105 configuration as well (105/110/119) and not referring to the 110/119/121 SuperDish.

Where did you read that?
Hasn't it been said that there was going to be second type coming out next year that is going to be made of plastic and that this one coming out will be metal at first?
New question. I would like to know how the heck E* thought it was a good idea to roll out 7.81 to 6000's when they knew darn well that the code it used broke the remote functionality for a bunch of them? Is anyone there responsible for quality control or do they just like pissing people off?
Stargazer said:
Hasn't it been said that there was going to be second type coming out next year that is going to be made of plastic and that this one coming out will be metal at first?

No, what Scott stated quite clearly was that both Type I and Type II were going to be shipped for first installs (at least until they run out of Type Is) and you would NOT be able to pick which type UberDish you get.

Have I misstated this in any way, Scott?
I'd like to hear someone in a chat explain how 'free preview' of locals work (or doesn't work), i.e. nobody has a Superdish (to receive bird 105), so how can we preview the locals that are coming to 105 (to make us want to buy/upgrade to Superdish) without a first having a Superdish?

If Dish was wise they would put the locals in preview mode on 119, rotating amongst the local DMA's an x number at a time for a certain period of time, because most people look at the 119 location.

I figure they would do this with the new cities that they are going to launch so that would be about 10-20 cities by year's end that they would add to 105 with perhaps the major networks in that free preview mode 3 or 4 DMA's at a time for a few weeks at a time at least and repeat doing this every so often.

It would not be as hard to put the locals at 110 or 119 on free preview seeing how a lot of people already have those dishes capable of picking those up.
Stargazer said:
It would not be as hard to put the locals at 110 or 119 on free preview seeing how a lot of people already have those dishes capable of picking those up.

That really makes sense... so does that mean that it will never happen? ;)
The would have to have the locals written permission and maybe the locals would not want them to provide a free preview.

Dish should add it to the contract with the locals.
Then if certain locals dont want to be in free preview mode, fine, dont include those then and leave them out. They could have a couple networks from the market in free preview mode.

Dish should at least have a channel up stating that the locals in your area are now available if you see this channel, if they do not do this already, in which they may already do.
I would like to know if the 811 and 921 are able to upconvert SD better than the 6000? Is there a noticeable degree of degradation in SD picture quality during the upconversion process?
I would like to have them mention the software upgrade for the SuperDish and all of the receiver models that will be 'left behind' (i.e. no uprade available) and what plans they have to placate users like me. I want to get new locals via SuperDish but 100% of my current receivers will not get the upgrade.
Dishnetwork 322 Receiver major software bugs still present after 03/18/04 L152GCED-N

322 Receiver needs software modification, to eliminate incompatibility issues with non Echostar DVR units!
Screen Saver with Dish network Logo and Text (Push Select to Continue) pops up and gets recorded by my ReplayTV 5040 after daily Dish Network Software update and or every 4 hours if no remote control button is pushed. This Logo stays on screen and renders my ReplayTV 5040 TOTALLY USELESS.

I never had these ridiculous problems with my ReplayTV 5040 and Cable Company!
After more than 7 days and several calls to Dish Network Tech support, I may or may not have workable solution.
Whether this solution works or not it is very poor workaround at best.
I currently have 8 reminder timers (1 every 3 hours) set to simulate remote control activity, in order to keep the 4 hour inactivity screen saver from activating. Due to software updating Daily at 4:00 AM I had to set additional timer at 4:10 AM to keep from having screen saver started after software update.
This would be much preferred to my current workaround that may or may not work
This work around works best!
Menu 616 takes you to Updates Screen then chose Activation Disable!
That's it no more bouncy ball (Press Select to Continue) Dishnetwork Screen Saver.
Warning this workaround may cause other less serious but extremely aggravating problems due to Dishnetworks poorly written software!
322 Receiver incompatible with non Echostar DVR units due to poorly written software!