Tablets and Dish Online


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 25, 2005
Can someone tell me which tablets will work with Dish online. Thinking about getting a Kindle Fire but don't know if it can do Dish online. I know Dish doesn't have a kindle app but can it be accessed with Fire browser? If not which low cost tablet will work.
I know it doesn't work with Motorola XOOM. The Android browser won't load the Wildvine add-on, Firefox Mobile won't load Flash, and anything from Hulu is prohibited on the XOOM "platform." In other words, HOSED!
Can someone tell me which tablets will work with Dish online. Thinking about getting a Kindle Fire but don't know if it can do Dish online. I know Dish doesn't have a kindle app but can it be accessed with Fire browser? If not which low cost tablet will work.

If you find an Android tablet that supports Adobe Flash 10.0 or higher you can access content through Dish Online. The problem that you are going to run into with Dish Online on an Android device is that anything hosted or supplied by Hulu will not be accessible. It's will be the same with iOS devices, but they currently do not support Adobe Flash 10.0.
I know it doesn't work with Motorola XOOM. The Android browser won't load the Wildvine add-on, Firefox Mobile won't load Flash, and anything from Hulu is prohibited on the XOOM "platform." In other words, HOSED!
It works with the Dish Remote Access app on Android Market. I've used it, it works great, same for iPad.

Most all streaming sites intentionally do NOT work with tablet, or smartphone browsers.

As far as the Kindle Fire it might, however, Fire limits you to Amazon's Appstore, which doesn't have Dish Remote Access. If you can get the .apk (kind of like the android version of a windows .exe) you could possibly install it directly to your tablet (called sideloading)

You'll probably be better of on finding instruction on how to sideload the Android Market app, im sure you can get DRA app at that point. You can also install a custom ROM that would include Android Market in it, but that is getting even more complicated.
They just announced (about 30 minutes ago) on the retailer chat that DISHOnline On Demand Content will be available on the iPad shortly (its just being submitted to Apple.) and that DISHOnline On Demand content will be available for other platforms later next year.
It works with the Dish Remote Access app on Android Market. I've used it, it works great, same for iPad.

Most all streaming sites intentionally do NOT work with tablet, or smartphone browsers.

As far as the Kindle Fire it might, however, Fire limits you to Amazon's Appstore, which doesn't have Dish Remote Access. If you can get the .apk (kind of like the android version of a windows .exe) you could possibly install it directly to your tablet (called sideloading)

You'll probably be better of on finding instruction on how to sideload the Android Market app, im sure you can get DRA app at that point. You can also install a custom ROM that would include Android Market in it, but that is getting even more complicated.

We're talking about two different things. I have the Dish Remote Access app, and it does work for setting up recordings on my DVR. I don't know about watching Sling, because I don't have Sling at home.

What I was referring to is Dish Online live streaming. I have two browsers on my XOOM - the default Android Honeycomb browser and the Firefox Mobile browser. If I go to the Android browser, which has Flash, the site will load correctly, and some of the shows will even attemp to play, with varying success. If they play at all, the audio will soon get ahead of the video, OR the player will simply lock up. If it's a Hulu-based show, I get a message that it's not supported on my "platform." If it's a show from, say HBO or Cinemax, I get a message that I need to download a "Widevine Media Transformer" add-in. Apparently, this add-in doesn't play nice with the Android browser, 'cause it goes nowhere.

Firefox Mobile isn't compatible with Flash, so the site won't even finish loading over there.

It's just really frustrating to have this nice "service" available for watching shows away from home, but it doesn't work.
The simple reason is that he owners want more money for having their shows on tabs & smartphones.

Atleast some have released apps for those devices eg hbo go
Well I have an Blackberry Playbook and it supports Flash 10.3, but it only works on content that is NOT streamed through/from HuLu. That really sucks, especially since there is no love from Dish for Blackberry device owners. So no app for me, and that is said since hardware wise the PlayBook beats the iPad and Android by a mile.
I have complained all year that Dish online will not accept Google TV which Dish sells. Now with the new new update (Google Honeycomb 3.1) will Dish accept the android tablet? I think not.
The new Flash version is 10.2
Dish Online doesnt work on HP Touchpad. Ive heard you can upload the Android OS, and if that is true Dish Online is supposed to work on the Touchpad.
Well I have an Blackberry Playbook and it supports Flash 10.3, but it only works on content that is NOT streamed through/from HuLu. That really sucks, especially since there is no love from Dish for Blackberry device owners. So no app for me, and that is said since hardware wise the PlayBook beats the iPad and Android by a mile.

Yes, that's why RIM canceled the 10" Playbook... and the 3G Playbook... and is trying to dump them for $199. Please Blackberry is not supported by DISH because it's going nowhere.

Dish Online doesnt work on HP Touchpad. Ive heard you can upload the Android OS, and if that is true Dish Online is supposed to work on the Touchpad.
You're talking about rooting your Touchpad and installing a custom ROM onto it. Not for the faint for heart but hey... you paid $99 for the thing so who cares if you brick it, right? Not really worth it if you want it to "sort of" work on DISH Online.

DISH isn't going to officially support DISH Online on mobile devices with Flash. They are going the device specific app route. Especially since Abobe is killing development of Flash on mobile devices because they finally came to their senses and realized that it's never going to be stable or battery efficient. Device manufactures can keep trying to tweak Flash for their devices and Adobe will still patch it with security updates... but you're not going to be seeing anything new anytime soon.
If you buy the Kindle Fire and subscibe to Amazon Prime, you can download movies from Amazon. Prime costs $78.00 per year and entitles you to free 2 day shipping etc. "John"

Where can I find a good installer?

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