System Work Being Done

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I am very happy with the changes and the system response time. I don't think the who browsing the thread and forum feature will be coming back anytime soon, we are too big now for that feature.

When that feature was on for every page that was loaded the system needed to recalculate where everyone was on the forum, with over 1,400 people online and people constantly loading pages it was recalulating that information many times a second.

Looking at our SQL stats by turning those features off we went from 293 queries a second down to 43 queries a second. (Quite a savings!) This I feel is a big reason why the system is much faster as it is no longer trying to figure out where everyone is on the site.

This weekend I plan to update the site to vBulletin 3.54 which should offer us a few more improvements. ;)

Whats funny since making this changes the memory usage has DROPPED greatly, we have 8 gig of RAM in our server and at our busiest times our memory usage is only 3 gig, meaning we have LOTS of room to grow. Also our CPU / Server locad has dropped from around a 1.1 down to 0.33.

I feel this was a worthwile modification. :D
"I feel this was a worthwile modification. "

After that explanation, it sure is worthwile. We'll just get used to not seeing who is browsing the threads. Way to go!
Would any of this cause attachment uploads to fail? I tried to upload a 4.96MB pdf last night in the FTA section and it would go through the whole process and then fail. I even zipped it and tried again. No Joy. 5 times total.

Finally uploading it onto my server and 'uploading from URL' worked.

Note: I just tried it again here(in this message) and it still failed: See image below.

Just wondering...


  • failedup.jpg
    43 KB · Views: 122
I saw that too. I was trying to upload 3 PDF files here.
Two of them (less than 2MB each) uploaded without problems.
The third one (around 3MB) refused to upload. I think there is a limit around 2MB.
I get more "cannot find server" pages. But I am sure I have the slowest net speed of anyone on the site, so it may just be my ISP.
I know it is not my machines.
the speed has never been an issue for me at home. can't tell the difference at home. however at work the past few days on a slow LAN, it has been loading a little quicker.
Smilies - deja vu

The following smilies are identical:
:idea: - Idea
:rainbow - Rainbow

:devil: - Devil hover over and filename is 'Diablotin'
:dev - dev hover over as 'devil' filename is Diablotin

:exclamati - Exclamati
:!: - !

:flag: - flag
:usa - usa

The *hover over* descriptions of thumbs up and down are:
:up - Tumbs up - *h* missing
:down - Tumbs Down

And the POST ICONS are still out of whack from way back when I first posted about them, but all thses are all trivial things.

I have nothing better to do at 3:40AM. :o
Yea, what is the deal with emotionicons ? I have a bunch of my own that arn't listed here and I can use some of them here but not others. Can't figure out why some work and others don't. The ones that don't work just come up as a little white box with a little red "X" in it.
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