Greg Said: What it boils down to is - you either get a good install, or a bad one. The good ones are seldom heard from again. Most of the whining comes either from the bad ones, or from impulse buyers who didn't bother reading the subscriber agreement.
Can you please explain for us what construes a BAD install? The more details the better. If its not done right the first time and a customer isn't getting what they were sold, do you think calling their aggravation at the provider and the tech 'whining' is appropriate? I mean if it's not working, why can't they just fix it? There are entire online communities out there full of these 'whiners'! Why? What is so hard about FIXING a BAD install and providing the service that the customer signed up for? This industry is built on referrals. If the tech that did the BAD install wants to have a long term/successful career, wouldn't it be in their best interest to do it right the first time -OR- at least go back to the customer's home/business and fix it?
I look forward to your reply.