Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Yeah, Laura sent to the Island twice and has won all challenges there, Tyson has ruled the game even though he has won no challenges ... I just can't see Hayden beating her to re-enter, but if he does he enters the mix. I think Gervase is #3 if he makes it to the end.
It was the final three I least wanted, but the incessant crying turned me to Tyson. I too was surprised Monica didn't get more votes, thought her antics swayed some women, but I was wrong.

I thought Jeff did a good job with Tina and Katie, so sad.
Not sure for those watching the East feed if football ran on long enough to affect the start of Survivor ...
By 10 minutes. No biggee, as I only watch the reunion show long enough to see the results.

I wish CBS would do like Fox does with it's flexible post-NFL show from 7:'whatever to 8:00
It was the final three I least wanted, but the incessant crying turned me to Tyson. I too was surprised Monica didn't get more votes, thought her antics swayed some women, but I was wrong.
I think it was the turn on/turn off waterworks that did her in. When someone turns them on with perfect timing, and quickly turns them off, it comes off fake.
Agreed. Tyson choking up while annoying, seemed real. And even more so at the end.

In the end, this show continues to satisfy. I started with season 2 and have not missed an episode since then. Oh there were a few seasons I wish I could forget, but it c it use to be a staple part of my entertainment. And since Tina was the first sole survivor I watched win, I thought it cool she made it to the final four 13 years later.
I did like that Katie called Tyson out on the "that is your place over there" comment and he kind of had a rabbit in the headlights moment there trying to backtrack/lie his way out of...

I did too, and I wish she had punished him for it. It was cruel and un-called for.
I didn't mind seeing Cochran. I had no idea he was writing for The Millers. Sorry for Tina and Katie's loss. They did handle it well. I was hoping we would not have seen Colton.

I didn't mind seeing Cochran. I had no idea he was writing for The Millers. Sorry for Tina and Katie's loss. They did handle it well. I was hoping we would not have seen Colton.


It was cool seeing him. I knew he was screen-writing, but had no idea what show he was working on. Pretty amazing, since I suspect a LOT of people work for years hoping to get that job.