Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Exciting tribal but predictable
Monica might have handed Tyson the million ...
Don't think so, the jury really hates him now, especially how he treated Katie when she got voted off. If anything, I think they'll vote Monica just to spite him.

If Ciera or the returning player (Laura, Tina or Hayden) win immunity at the final 4, that player wins the final vote easily.
I haven't seen my wife as mad at the end of an episode as she was last night. But I too am hoping Sierra or one of the exiles wins it. I do not want Mrs. Culpepper adding another million dollars to her riches. Asan aside, did you notice how gaunt she is looking. The woman lost some serious weight and is skin and bones.
Ugh, Sandra. My most despised player. Undeserving of not one, never mind two, million dollar checks...
I like Sandra. She knew how to play the game. She could read people and and know when to switch alliances. She also never pissed anyone off, something the sore losers at bitter tribal councils couldn't master.

I wouldn't call the one person who's won twice and never lost undeserving. To do that, she has to know what she's doing.
Meh... She was the classic under-the-radar player, and I never ever liked her. I'll stick with my claim that she was undeserving. I don't like Tyson either, but he played the game, and is far more deserving of the win than she ever was. IMHO, anyway. AND that said, I do not want him to win. :)
'Survivor's' Jeff Probst Previews Sunday's Finale: 'Brutal' Final Tribal Council

"People are still desperate to get to the end, and they will try and do and say anything to make that happen," he says. "You will see at least one person really confused on which way to go. … If one person changes their mind, it can change the entire game."
Next Episode: Season 27, Episode 14 (Season Finale)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

"It's My Night": A castaway is declared the winner after 39 grueling days of competition.
