Strange PTAT Issue Only On ABC

Glad someone resurrected this thread. Still happening. Still annoying. Anyone have any suggestions on where to report this where it might actually be addressed?
I've got the same problem with recordings of ABC's Notorious. We set up a timer for this and ended up getting a couple recordings of How to get away with Murder which follows it.
We waited to watch them until they were erased from our PTAT so still haven't seen them. Our recordings of "Designated Survivor" on ABC came out fine so it's not network wide, just that one program so far.
My experience has been different programs at different times on ABC. In other words 3 episodes of the same show can be screwed up then the next few weeks might be fine. And it seems to have happened on every ABC show I record at one time or another. Only after the PTAT window has expired. It's almost as if they are being marked incorrectly to force us to use On Demand where you can't skip the commercials.
I continue to have the same problem with ABC. I have two HWS and started saving some ABC Prime Time shows on both. On one HWS, "The Goldbergs" is not available, except for the last 2-3 minutes. One the other HWS, it seems to have recorded the whole program, although I'll see if is still there after the PTAT window expires. It's just a mess for any programs on ABC. No idea if I'll get them or not. VERY frustrating.

I did report this to the DIRT Team back in April of this year and they said they would file a report on it, but there wasn't really any mechanism to follow up on it. Maybe if they get a large number of reports?
This is a real issue and it only involves ABC. I had this problem with an old Hopper and now still have the same problem with the H3! I reported this to their tech support forum back in April and they said that they would take a look at it. Still no resolution. Here are the facts:
1) The program is only messed up AFTER the program drops out of PTAT. The saved program and the PTAT program both work fine.
2) After the program drops off the PTAT, the saved program becomes time-shifted later by a random amount of time. So instead of all Modern Family, you get half and half Blackish.
3) It cannot be fixed by just saving 3 shows in a row (i.e., 8:30 to 10) just to capture the 9 PM show. Each separate show will have different cutoff points!

I am currently testing to see if it is a PTAT issue by turning off ABC in the PTAT. Now I need to wait a week to see if the recorded ABC shows have survived.

Here is the interaction with Dish, note there is a Case ID #:
Screen Shot 2016-10-25 at 1.02.15 PM.jpg
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I have a HWS that had a similar problem saving a recording for a PTAT program a year or 2 ago with the last show on CBS on Sunday nights. It frequently saved the first PTAT program, 60 Minutes, instead.

I found that I could force a timer during PTAT to record outside the PTAT system by going to the timer screen, selecting that program, selecting Timer Schedule, then selecting each PTAT program listed (which showed as Skipped: PrimeTime Anytime Event) and selecting Restore Event. This made the timer create the recording outside the PTAT system, so the recording wasn't ruined by the PTAT save recordings process. I had to remember to change each recording ahead of time. I don't know it you can do this on an H3. The commercial skip function appeared on the 8th day just like it normally does for PTAT programs from CBS.

You could probably also fix it by dropping ABC from the PTAT system or dropping the day of the week that the problem is occurring. You would need to create timers to record everything you wanted to see that is no longer saved by PTAT, so I wouldn't do this unless you are having a lot of problems. I watch all 1/2 hour programs that I want to see before they are automatically deleted by PTAT, and only save programs that are 1 hour or longer.
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The problem with some of the suggestions is that there is no consistency of day of week or particular show. Only common denominator is ABC. DigiDude nailed it exactly. My guess is your test will prove out as I recall early on when PTAT was introduced someone explained the tagging process that is used to "separate" the shows in the PTAT stream and I have a feeling theirs is just messed up. If you tell me where you reported it I'd be happy to cite the case number there and tell them I'm having the same issue (as obviously others are as well).
There is no reason to have PTAT on at all for other than the minimum for autoskip, if you just take a look at the guide prime time network schedule once a day to see if there is anything new that you would like to record. In fact every morning while having coffee I FF to the prime time schedule at the end of the guide and page through prime time offerings for all channels in my favorites list.
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There is no reason to have PTAT on at all for other than the minimum for autoskip, if you just take a look at the guide prime time network schedule once a day to see if there is anything new that you would like to record. In fact every morning while having coffee I FF to the prime time schedule at the end of the guide and page through prime time offerings for all channels in my favorites list.
I might use that method when I go to Hopper 3s someday.
There is no reason to have PTAT on at all for other than the minimum for autoskip, if you just take a look at the guide prime time network schedule once a day to see if there is anything new that you would like to record. In fact every morning while having coffee I FF to the prime time schedule at the end of the guide and page through prime time offerings for all channels in my favorites list.
I personally don't want to review the prime time schedule every day in fear of missing something. I like knowing that if I miss something, or hear about a show after it airs from a friend, co-worker, etc, that I can always go back and find it (unless that show was on ABC, then it is a crap shoot).
I personally don't want to review the prime time schedule every day in fear of missing something. I like knowing that if I miss something, or hear about a show after it airs from a friend, co-worker, etc, that I can always go back and find it (unless that show was on ABC, then it is a crap shoot).
Yep, I hear ya. PTAT has spoiled me. I keep all four networks for all days enabled. Never has failed me. We don't have any storage issues.
I personally don't want to review the prime time schedule every day in fear of missing something. I like knowing that if I miss something, or hear about a show after it airs from a friend, co-worker, etc, that I can always go back and find it (unless that show was on ABC, then it is a crap shoot).

I understand, but there are about 30 other channels that I often record from other than the 4 PTAT channels. I would still have to do a look through future prime time, daily, for new shows. On the Carbon Interface there is a section of the Home Page that lists new series and season premiers. I've just had the habit of doing it my way and I do catch one off shows.
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I just returned from a 3 week vacation and 50% of the ABC series I saved using PTAT had this issue. No problem with the other networks.
I'm at the point that I have to use my OTA TiVo to record my ABC shows instead. I had it set up for many but started watching designated survivor and didn't add it to TiVo yet.

Very frustrating that it has been going on for so long. And sick of watching with on demand where I cannot FF thru commercials.

Can someone from DiRT give us an update?
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This may not be limited to ABC either. I have had the same thing happen with Simpsons recordings on Sundays, where I only get the end of the credits and nothing else.

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