Stonecold is a bias jerk!

Please reply by conversation.
The primary issue at hand though is that I bring these issues up without in any way directing them at "stonecold", but he takes it personally and argues about the facts in evidence, plays the victim, claims he can do nothing about the problems and that he either agrees with me or doesnt understand why I bring these matters up since there is no way to change them. Thats a lot of role changing.

I think the guy probably does a lot of good and helps a lot of people. About the only bad thing I've said to or about him is that an employee representing himself as a television wrestler who goes on and on about boobs and punching people and claims I've said things that were never said isnt very professional and seems a bit rude. And that didnt come until yesterday.

I think this thread would have been a lot more constructive without bringing my name into it as some sort of 'bad guy' who pointlessly makes trouble. I'd like to think that I can air legitimate concerns that are based on facts and available data and not be called out for it by a company representative.

If its indeed pointless that we talk about anything here, especially things we dont directly control, and its undesirable to tell a customer that they should be aware of policies that have caused other customers pain and suffering, then shouldnt we just close shop and shut the servers off? Or will someone in authority tell me that we're going to operate like dbstalk and delete posts and ban people if they dont uniformly praise directv?

I'll take the time to give a full list of things I feel directv should change or do better at if they're interested in being rated and perceived as a company that does a good job at customer service and cares about its customers. In almost every one of these issues "stonecold" has argued that the policies are fine the way they are.

I think the principal issue is that as a billing supervisor, he spends a large portion of his day dealing with 'problem customers' and now perceives the average customer as someone who is going to try to get away with something or otherwise act badly, resulting in lower revenues to directv. I will say that customers play an active role in how a company like directv does business. We all scream for lower prices, and if we get them, something (like good customer service) that costs money has to go.

I agree with Everything you just said.

"Stone" you need to work on not calling out and isolating members and calling them names no matter how much you disagree with them. :cool:

Now moving on, I think the DVR's could be addressed, by a software release that speeds up these HR21,22,23. But as far as function, I can't think of a single thing else I would want it to do.

Commitments and Upfront lease fee's Need to be addressed.

If I want a HD DVR and I'm a current customer in good standing, Flat-out I should be entitled to 1 free Upgrade per year on any equipment I want. Then a 2 year commitment is fine.

But to make me pay $199 or even $99 is insaine.

Dish network has offered me a Free Equipment upgrade every year I was with them.
I like your ideas stonecold. I doubt ST price would drop as D* is paying out the ass for it as it is.

No bashing of stonecold from me, he has been nothing but a TREMENDOUS help to me
cfb, man you love to talk don't you? I was wondering when you would reference the BBB. Glad you didn't let me down.

My only "change" I guess would be for the Techs on the other end of the phone to state if your contract end date is changing or you were entering a new contract when you upgraded equipment..........I know this because I educate myself before I do these things, but I know a lot of people don't and are surprised when they find out and I guess it's kinda hard to blame them when they are not told by the CSR......even though I still think it falls on the shoulders of the Customer.

This one isn't really a change though. The rule has always been for a rep to tell you when your agreement changes. If they don't and get QA'd it's a big nono. It doesn't always get followed obviously but for all the years I was there it was constantly being reminded through memos and retraining materials. I knew of several reps who didn't do it because they don't want to extend their calltime arguing over lease agreements. D* keeps trying new ways to resolve that. The current one I know of is the transfer to the order verification dept that reads all the agreements & important info to you after placing an order.
I like your ideas stonecold. I doubt ST price would drop as D* is paying out the ass for it as it is.

sadly they are paying for the exclusivity.

In Canada there is no exclusivity so everyone sells it for pretty cheap.
Bell is like 180 bucks with all in HD
Shaw is 120 (29.99 x 4 months) but not all games are in HD

heck last year Shaw had NFL ST & NHL CI for under 200 bucks a year...gee wonder what sport rules in Canada ;)
Good thread, I'm very new to Direct TV so I'm interested in this thread to learn more. I like the ideas, but again, I'm new and will learn as I go.

I appreciate you being on here, helping and working to make the whole D* experience better.
I agree with Everything you just said.

"Stone" you need to work on not calling out and isolating members and calling them names no matter how much you disagree with them. :cool:

Now moving on, I think the DVR's could be addressed, by a software release that speeds up these HR21,22,23. But as far as function, I can't think of a single thing else I would want it to do.

Commitments and Upfront lease fee's Need to be addressed.

If I want a HD DVR and I'm a current customer in good standing, Flat-out I should be entitled to 1 free Upgrade per year on any equipment I want. Then a 2 year commitment is fine.

But to make me pay $199 or even $99 is insaine.

Dish network has offered me a Free Equipment upgrade every year I was with them.

Hemi when they troll every thread about a dvr with the same block paragraph rant and insit on making a sense Yes Ihave an issue with that person . Personally your was just a annoying sig. Generally you have your complaints but there not constantly rehashed.

If CFB came to me with somethign I dont know to be host I dont remember I get so many pms a day I deleted them as soon as I copy down there account info and issue down on a sticky note and delete the pm and toss out the stick when I get to work. so I cant remember what his issue is. But I really hate to say this your more sensable then him. Basically I dont mine the complaints and over all I dont even mind being called a "company man " my personal opinion doesnt mean a hill worth of beans to them hence why i state policy and not personal opinion around there.

I know it seems unreasonable to ask but in cases like these I want to do is help and when I try and help and I have what I will nicely call protesters but usually it protester interrupted and just plain being rode it goes behind just peaceful display of protest and to disruptive protest. Which he be asked to leave or carted off to jail .

Most people have a problem it something easily solved and thats it. and that most people there then there about 5 percent of the people that have a serious issue and most of them have there issues resolved it the few remain people who have an issue partially caused by them and partially caused by us . these people are the one who feel the need to troll and thread dump.

I have limited powers I cant give someone 3 free hddvrs, or promise they will be hr24s or the guy who shows up wont smell of smoke and bacon bits . But people think we can.

And I will say this out loud, I take the crap over having it moderated as I feel everyone should have a voice and this should not be dbstalk.
But on that same note it doesnt mean I am not going to call out people when they just post the same thing in every thread I trying to help someone. it is espically annoying when the other person looking for help and they have to read this dvr/company rant of his.

But that just my take on it.
There seems to be alot of dead horse beating. Some of it has roots of a true complaint just taken and distorted to fit that personal reality , or just random things about free upgrades that we do with out having to fight for. Then there is me stuck in the middle , on one side i still remember being a customer and agree and understand where the people who are so upset do have some reasoning behind there anger, on the other side is work, which I have to follow policy and when helping people I have to state policy. I do a customer no good giving my personal opinion over company policy. The job I do here is with out pay or benefits hell they company would rather see me hung out to dry if they had it there way. I feel anyone can make a difference if they try and this is my honest effort of trying to help everyone.

Some people who have been affected negatively by directv feel it there need to jump in and to every thread remotely invovled with there issue to make an war zone out of it. I proud of this site open door policy and it is the reason why I qm here and not some place else.

I took 9 of the most annoying policies and I put new alternative ideas on how the policy should change on a petition site link blow in my sig. I ask all current and past customers should sign. I cant say it will make a difference or if they will even care how many signed it but I do feel like it important to show managment we want to see a change.

But I do have some favors to ask. If you going to bash me do it here in this thread. If you want to post about something you dont like create a new thread dealing with customers with agendas distract me from my day to day duties here where I generally find it a great pleasure to help out. Just do me a favor and and let me do the best I can and nothing else.

P.S. Please sign my petition below in my sig.


You are not appreciated by Directv customers. To them you are just another pretty face. SO how about this?

A few thousand former installers have arranged a fleet of buses. We are going to ride around the country and beat the crap out of vanished fulfillment and HSP subs that we have discovered. We plan to bring the court papers and serve them where the sun don't shine.

My question to you is, if Directv won't take responsibility for these crooks, who have produced benefits for Directv...want a seat on a bus? We got beer. We got baseball bats. What is not to like?


You are not appreciated by Directv customers. To them you are just another pretty face. SO how about this?

A few thousand former installers have arranged a fleet of buses. We are going to ride around the country and beat the crap out of vanished fulfillment and HSP subs that we have discovered. We plan to bring the court papers and serve them where the sun don't shine.

My question to you is, if Directv won't take responsibility for these crooks, who have produced benefits for Directv...want a seat on a bus? We got beer. We got baseball bats. What is not to like?


Joe i have friends who are installers for mastec, I hear about there pains all the time so I know you being a indieimakes it 3 times as worst. I am pretty sure when the new ceo did his undercover boss routine he still had no idea how badly techs get screwed over.
Stonecold, first off I don't have a problem with you whatsoever and you do give the customers some great feedback, but could you please use spell check and read over your posts? Sometimes they are just plain painful to read. Thanks.
I dont think that English is his first language. Most of his posts appear to have been run through a language translator, and he posted the other day in straight German. That probably has a lot to do with his frustration, since language translators dont do a particularly good job of delivering anything close to what the writer intended.

For example, this thread titled 'bias jerk', which grammatically correct should be 'biased jerk'. One guy with 3 posts called him 'biased' once, one other with 9 posts called him a 'jerk' once. Thats over the last 5 months or so. So the guy who posted a little ways back in the thread that he blows things out of proportion is pretty much right on. There is no need to take any of this personally or attack and kill the messenger.

I guess the good news is that while being accused of beating a dead horse and a never-do-well rabble rouser, I've instigated a directv employee to start a petition to suggest improvements to many of the areas I've been errantly complaining about, and its own discussion thread which would obviously be more productive without the "pity me" title, the personal attacks and general "look at me, i'm a victim" whining.

So hey...step 4 is in fact 'profit', and I didnt have to steal anyones underwear. :angel:
Hemi when they troll every thread about a dvr with the same block paragraph rant and insit on making a sense Yes Ihave an issue with that person . Personally your was just a annoying sig. Generally you have your complaints but there not constantly rehashed.

If CFB came to me with somethign I dont know to be host I dont remember I get so many pms a day I deleted them as soon as I copy down there account info and issue down on a sticky note and delete the pm and toss out the stick when I get to work. so I cant remember what his issue is. But I really hate to say this your more sensable then him. Basically I dont mine the complaints and over all I dont even mind being called a "company man " my personal opinion doesnt mean a hill worth of beans to them hence why i state policy and not personal opinion around there.

I know it seems unreasonable to ask but in cases like these I want to do is help and when I try and help and I have what I will nicely call protesters but usually it protester interrupted and just plain being rode it goes behind just peaceful display of protest and to disruptive protest. Which he be asked to leave or carted off to jail .

Most people have a problem it something easily solved and thats it. and that most people there then there about 5 percent of the people that have a serious issue and most of them have there issues resolved it the few remain people who have an issue partially caused by them and partially caused by us . these people are the one who feel the need to troll and thread dump.

I have limited powers I cant give someone 3 free hddvrs, or promise they will be hr24s or the guy who shows up wont smell of smoke and bacon bits . But people think we can.

And I will say this out loud, I take the crap over having it moderated as I feel everyone should have a voice and this should not be dbstalk.
But on that same note it doesnt mean I am not going to call out people when they just post the same thing in every thread I trying to help someone. it is espically annoying when the other person looking for help and they have to read this dvr/company rant of his.

But that just my take on it.
Well Said.

Its time we just get over our issues, and stay focused on what we are here for.

Truce ???

P.S,,,, I'm still going to complain about D* if an issue arrives.:D

But Over all I currently have no real complaints.:up
Your funny very very funny.

1. I usually types these messages when I am very tried or just really busy. Really no excuse for all the spelling mistakes by I try to correct the mistakes most of the time with a second read through before posting.

2. Apparently you never listened to a Satelliteguys Radio show/podcast you would then know that I am very much native English speaker. English is my first language German and Spanish are my second languages. Which does lead to some grammatical issues. If I don't always catch them but I have I a tendency to blur grammatical rules at times.

3. Apparently your took the title the wrong way but again that probably my fault for not putting <sarcasm> tags around title </sarcasm> to make my intent clear.

4. Unfortunately you did not instigate anything other then my wish for you to STFU. You have legitimate complaints and concerns yet you rather just troll about them here any chance you get. I did a simple act I created an idea put it down on digital paper and shared it with everyone with a simply link I didn't have to troll threads, I didn't have to be an pain in anyway back side and I not forcing it down any ones throat. If you had done this I would of had it signed and done and would of supported you on it. But that not your style.

Menschen bestimmt sind, entweder Nörgler oder Täter werden, sind Sie bestimmt, ein Jammerlappen werden.
Well Said.

Its time we just get over our issues, and stay focused on what we are here for.

Truce ???

P.S,,,, I'm still going to complain about D* if an issue arrives.:D

But Over all I currently have no real complaints.:up

Some people think I have problems with complaints, when I really don't. I have the issue. Its the ones that seem to go on no matter what you do like the 8 channels of sonic tap on 119. We have an free service call option for that to resolve the problem and a few people still continued on the war path like how dare directv solve there problem for free it still not fair. That is what makes me mad.

I wish directv gave me the resources that I normally have when I am not here. It would make things easier as I would not have to direct traffic back to the company and hope that who ever they get has any idea of the policy I am talking about. I mean apparently there are people out there that dont even know how to order an am21 and I had to post instructions on this site under which order code they fine the product.

No that I really dislike anyone but it like be a comedian and having a persistent heckler at you all the time.

So yes truce , though some how I think hell just froze over.
This is kind of what I'm looking for as far as Improvement.

  • I just would like to see more Equipment Upgrades offers for Existing customers.
    Maybe as a yearly offer. With some Commitment and Pay options.
  1. $199 No commitment, and maybe a 3 pay option
  2. $99 12 Month commitment, and Maybe Still a 3 pay option
  3. Free with a 24 month commitment
  4. If you need a Slimline you Pay Addtional $49, Unless your Nearing your current Commitment ending. With a 12 month commitment, or no commitment with $199 offer.
HD receivers and SD DVRs
  1. $99 12 month commitment, 3 pay option
  2. $49 12 month commitment 1 pay only,
  3. Free 24 month commitment
All SD equipment Upgrades should be FREE for Existing customers Period!!!
  1. 12 Month commitment only if your on your last 12 months of your current commitment. Or under no commitment.
MRV is a good price right now, $99 and $149 for some customers, But thats a Good deal since the Equipment isn't that cheap and its getting installed for that price.

But the $3 per month MRV Fee should be dropped.

The Customer still Has to pay the $5 for each of those Receivers anyway, and still has to pay $7 DVR fee.

So MRV does nothing for me , Since I can Pay D* $99 right now and Get another HD DVR and not pay the addtional $3 per month.

I'll double record my shows right from my laptop to my other DVRs and not pays these BS Dishnetwork Type bogus fees.
$3 fee's Just to be lazy.

And last But not least Credits, If your going to give customers Credits for programming or equipment , Get on the ball and do it without making the customers mail in rebates and phone tag with the D* Billing department.
This gets old Quick.

Sorry New Customers , But I really don't think you should get anymore credits and free stuff then you already get.
Since Existing Customers spend on average around $960 per year, and get only a $15- $30 gift, I think Directv should work Harder to keep us 18 million customers, then go above and beyond to make new customers with no D* history feel like kings.:mad:
Last edited:
Stonecold- I know English is your second language, because Bad English is your first! :D

I was thinking that maybe you work hard at Bad English because it is part of your cover from being discovered by D* upper management.

You are not appreciated by Directv customers. To them you are just another pretty face. SO how about this?

A few thousand former installers have arranged a fleet of buses. We are going to ride around the country and beat the crap out of vanished fulfillment and HSP subs that we have discovered. We plan to bring the court papers and serve them where the sun don't shine.

My question to you is, if Directv won't take responsibility for these crooks, who have produced benefits for Directv...want a seat on a bus? We got beer. We got baseball bats. What is not to like?

:rolleyes::rolleyes: This post was real constructive!
Please reply by conversation.

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