Stocked up on Green Chiles Today

Not to bring up an old thread, but it caught my eye. I got every year to the chile fest, come home with atleast 400 pounds for me and my family. With me adding three more to that in June, I think I need more chile.
Here's an idea if you get your hands on some hatch chile:
Dice it Up and mix quite a bit in with breadcrumbs and ground beef for meatloaf(any of meatloaf mixing a you need as well). Then take a few slices whole chiles and throw them on a skillet for about 3 minutes on high, get them carmelized, and put them on top of the meatloaf. Wrap and cook in oven. Cut and eat as desired. Best meatloaf I have ever had.
Another idea:
Mix cream cheese, shredded cheddar, prosciutto, and chipotle peppers with some diced hatch big Jims.
Mix thoroughly.
Hollow out jalapeños and fill with cream cheese mix, wrap each large jalapeño with atleast two thick prices of bacon, and use wood toothpicks to hold in place. Throw in oven or cook on grill(I like both, depending on how crispy you want the outside, both are awesome), eat when bacon is cooked and jalapeños are juicy and crunchy.
I'm not a huge red fan, unless it is for enchilada sauce. And I don't know how to make enchilada sauce, so maybe when my gf moves to Az, I can take her to visit my family in Nm and she can learn. Hopefully she makes me fat(ter).
Oh I don't like that flavor. I much rather put cut green on my eggs. But you know that world famous question in NM. The only question you are guaranteed to be asked in any restaurant. "Red or Green". Lol
I will be driving through Hatch tomorrow or the following day, and thought about stopping by the farms, but I'm being told they are likely not ready yet. :( It's ok though, cause that means I get to go down again in September.
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Picked a batch of ghost peppers I've been babying all summer and got them into the food dehydrator.

Have a pile of Carolina reapers also. Gonna give those away, they are ridiculously HOTT!!!