Still having issues with :29 and :59 past the hour freeze/pixilation

I have yet to notice it on our sd legacy receivers.I wonder if it's only happening on the mpeg4 models?
Nice! Any beta max or 8 track players laying around?


Still got a box full of 8 tracks in my shed along with an old am/fm record player,8 track player.Kept thinking some of them might be collectibles on ebay one of these days...that day has yet to arrive.:facepalm

The 3800 and 3900 receivers have been solid as rocks.They are slow,but steady.The old Goldstar hifi 4 head stereo vcr just keeps going and going as well.Come to think of it,we have been through 3 721's,and 3 622's in less time than we have owned the 38/3900's.
Don't laugh...38/3900.Oldies but goodies.Got an old goldstar vcr still connected to the 3900.:D

Considering that they haven't received software updates since 2008, that's probably why :D .

I still have my old Quasar VCR hooked up... Just in case, lol.

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I used to love GoldStar. They made a big Jam Box for a while that sounded great and had a very sensitive FM Tuner section in it. It was a high class 'ghetto blaster'. It was cleaner and louder than the competing LaSonic model.
I notice it all the time on both hoppers. It usually happens while the credits are rolling on a half hour show.
I've seen that this happens fairly frequently with real show content.

A lot of shows/networks have changed the sequence at the end of shows. The time that this stuttering occurs used to be the time for credits and commercials, but now in most cases the actual programming butts up against the start of the next show.
I used to love GoldStar. They made a big Jam Box for a while that sounded great and had a very sensitive FM Tuner section in it. It was a high class 'ghetto blaster'. It was cleaner and louder than the competing LaSonic model.

Goldstar has come a long way.Do you know what LG stands for?

I had a VCR like this back in 81 . It was a Panasonic Omnivision top loading VCR that costed me $650.00 . It worked for about ten years till my brother borrowed it and lightening struck his house and the vcr got fried. I haven't had any vcr since early 2003. I got rid of the last one then and threw out all the old vcr tapes with it. I've had a working dvr or pvr since 1999 and like them much better.
I had a VCR like this back in 81 . It was a Panasonic Omnivision top loading VCR that costed me $650.00 . It worked for about ten years till my brother borrowed it and lightening struck his house and the vcr got fried. I haven't had any vcr since early 2003. I got rid of the last one then and threw out all the old vcr tapes with it. I've had a working dvr or pvr since 1999 and like them much better.

Top loader, very cool I can remember my parents first VCR costing somewhere in the 800 dollar range, I still have a VCR every year I look in my "electronics area" and say ok letting it go, but just can't :)
I, like most responders, live with this issue and think at some point that I could take the $100/mo that I'm paying Dish and just buy the TV shows from Hulu or iTunes. That way, we'd be guaranteed that we would catch every line of dialog instead of seeing Castle and Becket get all 'Minecrafted' while the key line of dialog from this week's episode is delivered.

I see this on playback on my ViP211 with EHD. My theory was it was being caused by the EPG download at the top and bottom of the hour. It seems to happen the most with OTA recordings (and since our ABC affiliate is running on a Low-power ATSC license, I thought that was the bigger issue) I wondered if there was something about the ATSC tuner in my 211. Since I'm not alone (and in good company!) I will muddle on and hope that Dish fixes it some day.
Lucky Goldstar, and yes they (and Samsung) have come a long long way.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 2.x

Indeed they have.The only reason I discovered it was because of tv/vcr codes being the same on most universal remotes.Did a google search and was very surprised to see they were one and the same.

I got rid of the last one then and threw out all the old vcr tapes with it. I've had a working dvr or pvr since 1999 and like them much better.

No question about that,but we have so many old family videos on vhs it isn't funny.I have copied many of them over to dvd,still have several that I haven't got around to yet.Not to mention some of our daughters classic Disney vhs library.

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