stb problem - anyone else? Yes, don't reboot if you don't have to

When I got home this evening, I checked channel 521 (TNT-HD) and it was gone from my fav list. However, it was in the all HD channel list. I tuned to it and the stb rebooted. After reboot, the voom menu appear but there was no signal in the background like it usually does (channel 100). Worried I waited until the message "downloading PG...." went away. After it finished, it gave me all the channels listing without PG but no signal, no picture. I turned off stb and turned it back on using my remote. The signal and picture came back. I left it alone to download the PG.

CSRs are confusing the term "Software Upgrade" with the regular "PG download". It could be that the "PG download" was corrupted the last time the stb downloaded. When I got home tonight mine was all screwed up.
I believe this whole thing has to do with a corrupted "PG Guide download". Right now, TNT-HD 521 is not in my favorite list but I can find it in the "All channel" list. However, it does not have any PG information. When I went to the Fav list to add it to my favorite list, it was not even listed. I also saw a peculiar behavior. If I scroll too fast, the PG loses all Channels designation and only leaves the channel numbers. If you scroll back up or down, it refreshes the screen and the PG and you get it back.

The word is not to reboot because you may download a bad PG.
i'm having the same problem. I reboot the box (hold down power button for 10 sec) and it will reboot, i can change channels for like 10 seconds, then it locks up and i can't change channels, push the sat button on the remote and it goes into permanent standby and the red satellite won't go away... looks like i'll be playing xbox tonite... good thing it was a rest day at the tour de france. ;)

ps-voom needs to get rid of the jazz/swing muzak they have for us customers on hold :(
ddiemont said:
i'm having the same problem. I reboot the box (hold down power button for 10 sec) and it will reboot, i can change channels for like 10 seconds, then it locks up and i can't change channels, push the sat button on the remote and it goes into permanent standby and the red satellite won't go away... looks like i'll be playing xbox tonite... good thing it was a rest day at the tour de france. ;)

ps-voom needs to get rid of the jazz/swing muzak they have for us customers on hold :(

Reboot and don't touch the box until all PG information is downloaded. After it is downloaded turn off stb (using the remote) and turn back on. That worked for me.
ddiemont said:
how will i know that all program guide is downloaded?

After you reboot, the VOOM guide comes up, touch FAV list button. Another screen will come up saying " downloading PG information..." after this screens goes away, turn off stb and turn it on using the remote control. At this time you will have all your channels and picture but no information in the PG. Let it way another 15 minutes to download the rest of the data.

Before I turned mine on just now I gave it a nice chassis rub and complemented it over and over. Happy to say it's it's same old self. Still will take rapid channel surfing, all PG info is there and free of any lock-ups in over 3 1/2 months.
Push FAV button and it says that I "don't have any Favoites, Do I want to create them now?" I never get the "downloading PG information..." dialog.

jbcaro said:
Push FAV button and it says that I "don't have any Favoites, Do I want to create them now?" I never get the "downloading PG information..." dialog.


Click on All HD channels...
sorry sean, but that ain't the fix... reboot 3 times & everytime the voom guide doesn't even come on (no picture at all) 4th time I get it, hit the voom button and the box totally locked up on me. no voom tonight :( Oh well... just got thru to voom and the csr said she had 108 people on hold waiting to tell her the same thing... (ok, maybe not all of 'em were gonna tell her their box wasn't working, but probably 100 of 'em)... Ah, but if you guys decide to call, don't rip the csr a new one... those guys are just having a crappy monday :( I feel for those guys.
ddiemont said:
sorry sean, but that ain't the fix... reboot 3 times & everytime the voom guide doesn't even come on (no picture at all) 4th time I get it, hit the voom button and the box totally locked up on me. no voom tonight :( Oh well... just got thru to voom and the csr said she had 108 people on hold waiting to tell her the same thing... (ok, maybe not all of 'em were gonna tell her their box wasn't working, but probably 100 of 'em)... Ah, but if you guys decide to call, don't rip the csr a new one... those guys are just having a crappy monday :( I feel for those guys.

Try unplugging/pluggin the stb. I know you don't get picture because I did not get any either but I got the VOOM menu and I was able to select All channels from there and let the PG download... Try it one more time. I had to do it a couple of times before it worked.
the 4th try was from an unplug... actually had tried that earlier as well, so like 3 unplugs and 10 reboots already... i'm giving up 4 tonight.
Boxes are hosed. I still get nothing. Doesn't matter what I do. I have 2 boxes that I either only get channel 100 or I get nothing. If not fixed by new download tomorrow I will be calling to cancel subscription. DONE

STB went nuts, then nothing

My STB just went haywire. I was watching TANK on Rave and was flipping channels and the PG froze on me, couldn't do anything. I hit the button on the front and it did the little flashy thing with the orange lights then went dead. I waited, hit the button again, 10 seconds then the orange lights started flashing, and the Pg came up on channel 100, but I can't do anything. I have a red satellite dish and nothing. I tried unplugging from power then re-plugging in. Nothing. Is my STB dead? I really don't want to call Voom. The other STB in the back is just fine. No software updates or anything that I can see.

Well....I'm on 862 (the power rock music channel) and when I hit info it tells me I'm on 857 instead. I'm actually afraid to touch least i'm stuck on a channel with some good 80's hair metal. :cool:
Ok, I merged both. You know what it's crazy. I can only find 521 in the all channel list. When I scroll up or down and get ther the channel dissapears and only shows me 601. If I go up or down again, it reapears.
Well, if this will make anyone feel better...
In the past, new channel introductions were often preceded by messed-up channel maps! Could this be a sign?..

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