Don't Know If Anyone is Interested


Original poster
Apr 21, 2005
I called the CSR a little while ago and they still had no information. Big surprise. So I asked if there was an address or phone number of someone that would have info. They gave me the address of 200 Jericho Quadrangle in Jericho NY 11753. They also gave me the phone number of 1-516-803-3200. This is actually a phone number to cablevision but when I told them what I wanted; they transferred me to what I am thinking is a Voom Manager there because the voicemail greeting was a woman that gave her name saying she was with Voom. Like I said no one answered but I did leave a voicemail and a call back number. Chances are nothing will happen but I thought I would try.
I am wanting what everyone else wants. Confirmation from someone actually at Voom not a CSR who will say what is going to happen with the equipment and if the receivers will work OTA. It would be nice if someone at that level would confirm anything rather than reading the same speculation in hear of what might happen. I also thought that maybe if enough people called her she might be more inclined to talk to whoever releases information to the public to release something new rather than keep everyone hanging. I wont be holding my breath though for her actually returning my call.
In keeping with the spirit of this thread-
Here's the answer to your question and it is exactly what I said we wanted to hear that she said.

I had called a similar number earlier (516-803-2300) to find out if I was going to get any type of refund on my purchased box or if I should turn it in to Comcast in order to get a lower rate. I was transferred to a voicemail of "(laurie or Lori or laura) (henzmen or henman or henchman)" and I left a message explaining that in order to get an alternative TV service per their suggestion I need to know what is happening with the receiver prior to VOOM's shutdown. I also requested a call back but I do not have high hopes.
jnardone said:
I had called a similar number earlier (516-803-2300) to find out if I was going to get any type of refund on my purchased box or if I should turn it in to Comcast in order to get a lower rate. I was transferred to a voicemail of "(laurie or Lori or laura) (henzmen or henman or henchman)" and I left a message explaining that in order to get an alternative TV service per their suggestion I need to know what is happening with the receiver prior to VOOM's shutdown. I also requested a call back but I do not have high hopes.
Don't give your box to Comcast. If you tell them that it is a lease, they'll only ask you for a bill statement as proof to get the deal.
Walter L. said:
Don't give your box to Comcast. If you tell them that it is a lease, they'll only ask you for a bill statement as proof to get the deal.

The bill has no lease charge on it though.
When I ordered Comcast they told me that the bill would be enough (although I ended-up cancelling my Comcast installation for a different reason).
Underdog said:
I called the CSR a little while ago and they still had no information. Big surprise. So I asked if there was an address or phone number of someone that would have info. They gave me the address of 200 Jericho Quadrangle in Jericho NY 11753. They also gave me the phone number of 1-516-803-3200. This is actually a phone number to cablevision but when I told them what I wanted; they transferred me to what I am thinking is a Voom Manager there because the voicemail greeting was a woman that gave her name saying she was with Voom. Like I said no one answered but I did leave a voicemail and a call back number. Chances are nothing will happen but I thought I would try.

Why don't you just stop reading forums, watch VOOM until the pic goes away, and if you still haven't heard anything, disconnect the receiver (if it bugs you to have it in sight) and put it in a closet until you get a letter telling you otherwise.

I'm amazed at the number of people that have heartburn over this non-issue.
What makes you think that Laurie,a,i, will have information that's any more credible than anyone else?

When it comes out in the mail on official VOOM letterhead, then you'll know what's going to happen. Until then, enjoy the show.

First off I don't have, as I'm sure no one else has any heartburn over this issue. Second the point of my post was to inform people that there was another number to call if they so wished. Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with someone wanting to take a proactive stance in finding out what is going on. There is something called common courtesy that companies and people in general should follow. The courtesy being in this case giving out accurate information that subscribers want on all their questions in a timely matter. Instead of waiting till the last day of shutdown or even later. This post is for them. You on the other hand are content on taking a reactive attitude by just sitting and waiting. That is fine also for some people. I on the otherhand think if there is anyway of lighting a fire under someones butt to get them to inform you of info that they should of had in place prior to any notice of shutdown; which they should have been upfront about all along then there is no reason not to pursue those means. You though are welcome to just sit and wait.
"There is something called common courtesy that companies and people in general should follow. The courtesy being in this case giving out accurate information that subscribers want on all their questions in a timely matter"

And if you've been a VOOM subscriber, and you've read ANY of the posts in this and other forums, you know that this has NEVER been the case with VOOM. The left hand has never known what the right hand was doing, and in this particular time of chaos, it's going to be worse, not better.

"You on the other hand are content on taking a reactive attitude by just sitting and waiting."

Sorry...but I'm very proactive. But I'm also a realist. And common sense tells you that nothing you hear from anyone you call at VOOM is worth a damn, especially now.

AND...has it occurred to you that maybe they don't know yet?

"(laurie or Lori or laura)" is Lori, one heck of a great VOOM...

jnardone said:
I had called a similar number earlier (516-803-2300) to find out if I was going to get any type of refund on my purchased box or if I should turn it in to Comcast in order to get a lower rate. I was transferred to a voicemail of "(laurie or Lori or laura) (henzmen or henman or henchman)" and I left a message explaining that in order to get an alternative TV service per their suggestion I need to know what is happening with the receiver prior to VOOM's shutdown. I also requested a call back but I do not have high hopes.

employee! She has helped us out on many occasions. However, don't know if she is getting back to everyone who calls at this point.

One way or the other still enjoying HDTV under mostly clear Seattle skies, Gill
Lori Hinchman -- has helped me out when no one else could or would.
Lobstah Is a quote you "thats amazing". Tell me then if you are such a realist do you think that its realistic that a billion dollar company that is closing a multimillion dollar subsidary doesnt know yet what is going to happen according to your assessment; or is it more realistic to say they arent being truthful and forthcoming in any new answers to their subscribers? Being a realist myself I choose the later.

Side Note: Its good to hear that Lori Hinchman has been the one to help when others have failed.

Voom Box is DEAD and no OTA

Not that is means anything, but has anyone noticed?

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