Anyone know what the real Dish/Voom deal is?

bookwalk said:
Which toll-free number did you call?

I called the main number on Friday April 29th to call in the first time. They didn't have the $19.99 offer yet in their pricing system, but knowing that I could get them to modify it anytime before the install, I made it anyway.

Since them I have been calling the 800-969-HDTV number. It seem like they are answering quicker there.

To be totally honest, I have called them about 4 times to either make a change or to be sure they had the correct pricing.

My install is set for Friday the 6th.
MichaelG said:
I requested a three room setup with the HD-DVR, with the America's 180 and all HD programming including Voom 10. Simple, just give to me.

Does your HD programming include HBO and Showtime. From the Dish Network website, it seems like a person has to subscribe to the whole HBO package (8 SD movie channels) to get HBO-HD and the entire Showtime package (about 10 SD movie channels) to get Showtime-HD.

The website isn't clear if the HBO-HD and Showtime-HD can be subscribed to seperately.
JeffAtlanta said:
Does your HD programming include HBO and Showtime. From the Dish Network website, it seems like a person has to subscribe to the whole HBO package (8 SD movie channels) to get HBO-HD and the entire Showtime package (about 10 SD movie channels) to get Showtime-HD.

The website isn't clear if the HBO-HD and Showtime-HD can be subscribed to seperately.
IFAIK, if you order HBO, HBO-HD is included at no extra charge. I don't think there's a plan for HD only.
If you sub to HBO or SHO you get the eastern feed in HD for free. But you also get all the standard definition channels. You can of course program your favorites list to take out all the SD channels if you really do not want them.

Dish does have annual pricing on most packages if you want to save 1 month's worth a year. They also have undocumented packages like the MegaMovie pack which is the 4 premium networks for $407 a year, but at this time only HBO and SHO have an HD feed (only the east of both of them).
mike123abc said:
If you sub to HBO or SHO you get the eastern feed in HD for free. But you also get all the standard definition channels. You can of course program your favorites list to take out all the SD channels if you really do not want them.

The problem isn't that I would want to hide all of the SD movie channels, I just don't want to pay for them. Subscribing to SD HBO and SD Showtime to receive the HD versions wouldn't be bad, but having to subscribe to a whole suite of movie channels that I will never watch and increases the bill by a huge amount is a problem.

The cable portion of my cable bill is about $95 a month which includes everything including DVR rental. By switching over to Dish, I would gain the voom HD channels and TNT. I would lose StarzHD, InHD and InHD2 which is pretty much a wash as the programming content on those three channels more than make up for the Voom channels and cable has the benefit of no equipment investment. My cable DVR will also record two HD network shows at the same time which the Dish DVR is unable to do since networks are recieved OTA.

The selling point is Dish's superior SD picture quality and a cheaper price. I like to watch channels like the History Channel, Speed, TLC, etc which are analog on my cable system and horrible PQ.

Seems like the Dish is actually going to be more expensive than cable for comparable programming. I guess I am weigh the price difference and see if its worth it for better SD PQ.
Well, E* refuses to give me a free dish for 61.5, and they wont reuse mine..

Screw them, I have talked to 4 people, been hung up on twice (first time by accident, as he was trying to help, and was during a transfer), and I am now waiting on hold for cancellations..

No-one there knows anything about these deals, and each person I talk to gives me a different answer. The only thing they can agree on is charging me for a 2nd dish.

Sorry E*.. you had your chance, and failed miserably, I dont need you and your castrated Voom channels that badly.

EDIT: Correction, I am going to get it for free, just had to threaten to cancel service.. A very knowledgable "Account Specialist" was able to help me, and waive the $100 2nd dish fee. I can just hope and pray that I dont have any problems later, because dealing with Dish's customer support is an excercise in futility.
I have Comcast scheduled to install Wednesday 05/04...but when I heard the news about the VOOM channels going to DN I was excited. I've now called the 1-800 number only to be given the same number to call twice. THEY HAVEN'T A CLUE!!! NOBODY can seem to state what the deal actually is!!!

This sucks so bad. YES...these are just toys, but the point is that things that are not that difficult to handle in day to day operations should not be this messy!!!

The customers should not have more information (as displayed on my TV via VOOM receiver) than the CSRs (regardless of Telecom or anything else)!!! If there was going to be an offer SPECIFIC to VOOM customers, #1 CSRs (all of them) should have been given THAT script and offer, #2 a link to a SPECIFIC webpage dealing with the transition of VOOM customers to DN should have been provided WITH DETAILS (ALL OF THEM) on what the offer actuially is.

It just shouldn't be that hard and the fact that you have to be some Techno geek to discuss HDTV is ONE KEY REASON why VOOM crashed. Once looks like I'm not going to be able to get the most simple of issues resolved (ALL I WANT IS TO WATCH HD AND THE ABILITY TO DIGITALLY RECORD IT WITHOUT PAYING A RIDCULOUS AMOUNT OF MONEY)...At least they could tell me what that cost will be without a ridiculous laundry list of fee associations! F***!!
I'm really jacked off with Dish. I ordered Dish on Friday when the Voom deal was announced. I paid $300 for the HD DVR. After reading here about the second dish requirement, I called to verify and was told that yes I would need a second dish and that was an extra $100. So, they intended to deliver a system that wouldn't give me VOOM.

I just called and canceled the whole deal as the CSR wouldn't waive the new fee they added after I paid.

It looks like I'll have to wait for cable or DirecTv to get Voom :-/
My VOOM Promotion for a 942 HD DVR and two 811 HD receivers.

I called The DishStore and placed an order under the New Customer/VOOM Promotion. These guys were knowledgable, answered all my questions, and gave me the best deal possible. I have three HDTVs and they were able to provide me with two 811s after I ordered the 942 upgrade:

Top 180 w/locals - $52.99
Dish HD Pack - $9.99
VOOM HD Pack - $5.00
DVR Fee - $4.98
2nd Receiver - $5.00
3rd Receiver - $5.00
Total = 82.96 (full rate after month 6)
Total = $72.96 (months 4-6)
Total = $39.97 (months 1-3)

1 942 HD/DVR - $250 upgrade fee
2 811 receivers
$49 activation fee waived by DishStore (Free Install)
$49 to be credited to 1st months bill by DISH
Free VOOM dish install since I require a 2nd dish to receive 2 or 3 locals
$19.99 Top 180 for first 3 months
Free DISH HD Pack for 6 months
Can change programming packs without a transaction fee during first 90 days
12 month commitment

The 942 requires a 10 days shipping time, so I'll be VOOMin on the 12th. I hope E* doesn't suck...and I hope they add VOOM11, ESPN2-HD, Universal-HD and Wealth-HD soon.
riffjim4069 said:
I called The DishStore and placed an order under the New Customer/VOOM Promotion. T
Free VOOM dish install since I require a 2nd dish to receive 2 or 3 locals
$19.99 Top 180 for first 3 months
Free DISH HD Pack for 6 months
Can change programming packs without a transaction fee during first 90 days
12 month commitment

The 942 requires a 10 days shipping time, so I'll be VOOMin on the 12th. I hope E* doesn't suck...and I hope they add VOOM11, ESPN2-HD, Universal-HD and Wealth-HD soon.

Is this because your locals happen to be on 61.5 anyway? That's my problem--they are only on 148. My local retailer has no control over the install of the locals dish, so thus, can't get it to be the VOOM dish. Your locals must then be on 61.5.
bookwalk said:
Is this because your locals happen to be on 61.5 anyway? That's my problem--they are only on 148. My local retailer has no control over the install of the locals dish, so thus, can't get it to be the VOOM dish. Your locals must then be on 61.5.
Yes, 2 or 3 of my locals are on 61.5. To be honest, I'll probably never watch then but it doesn't cost anything extra and I certainly need the VOOM dish. I don't know much about E*, but is it possible for you to order a foreign language channel on 61.5, get the free VOOM dish, and then cancel the foreign language channel without penalty? Just a thought... Offhand, VOOM said this is supposed to be a FREE VOOM install so I would assume the cost of the 2nd dish would be included. I guess E* makes the rules and not VOOM.
Sounds good, riff. But I am still going to wait.

The most I would want is the "HD ONLY" package. But I can wait and see what D* has it store.

Feels funny to walk into my old video store again! I haven't been there since last May when my Voom was installed.
I don't understand all of you that had voom and are looking for the second dish for free.
Your voom dish is pointed at 61.5 and the lnb should work.
Please correct me it I'm wrong.
bookwalk said:
Is this because your locals happen to be on 61.5 anyway? That's my problem--they are only on 148. My local retailer has no control over the install of the locals dish, so thus, can't get it to be the VOOM dish. Your locals must then be on 61.5.

I don't quite understand this part. Are locals required by dish? I'm asking because I was under the impression that we could use the OTA antanea supplied by Voom for local HD so there would be no need for receiving locals via Dish.
riffjim4069 said:
I called The DishStore and placed an order under the New Customer/VOOM Promotion. These guys were knowledgable, answered all my questions, and gave me the best deal possible. I have three HDTVs and they were able to provide me with two 811s after I ordered the 942 upgrade:

Top 180 w/locals - $52.99
Dish HD Pack - $9.99
VOOM HD Pack - $5.00
DVR Fee - $4.98
2nd Receiver - $5.00
3rd Receiver - $5.00
Total = 82.96 (full rate after month 6)
Total = $72.96 (months 4-6)
Total = $39.97 (months 1-3)

1 942 HD/DVR - $250 upgrade fee
2 811 receivers
$49 activation fee waived by DishStore (Free Install)
$49 to be credited to 1st months bill by DISH
Free VOOM dish install since I require a 2nd dish to receive 2 or 3 locals
$19.99 Top 180 for first 3 months
Free DISH HD Pack for 6 months
Can change programming packs without a transaction fee during first 90 days
12 month commitment

The 942 requires a 10 days shipping time, so I'll be VOOMin on the 12th. I hope E* doesn't suck...and I hope they add VOOM11, ESPN2-HD, Universal-HD and Wealth-HD soon.

I called in but they DO NOT waive the activation fee anymore (supposedly ended doing that on 04/30).

Too bad as this would be a great deal!
agi said:
I called in but they DO NOT waive the activation fee anymore (supposedly ended doing that on 04/30).

Too bad as this would be a great deal!

Yes, they do charge it but then should show as a credit and be deducted so the effect of No charge is the same.
agi said:
I called in but they DO NOT waive the activation fee anymore (supposedly ended doing that on 04/30).

Too bad as this would be a great deal!
I talked to Chad at the DishStore. He waived the $49 install fee and I was only charged $250, which is the cost of the DVR upgrade fee. Also, E* CSR confirmed that I will still be receiving a $49 credit on my first bill so actually, my first months bill, after applying all credits and discounts, will be -$9.03. Anyway, that's the deal I got. Good luck.

Update: just came across this post where they waive the install fee and apply a $49 credit on your first months bill.
My customer service experiences with VOOM were always outstanding.

I've had Dish for 5 years and their customer service record with me has been like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. Sometimes ugly.

Trying to add the VOOM channels and HD equipment to my existing SD Dish install was a nightmare.

I learned an important lesson.

If you are an EXISTING DISH CUSTOMER do not even deal with their regular CSR staff. On the phone menu tree, choose "Technical Support". You'll get to someone much more knowledgeable who will understand your situation better and who can also order up your programming or hardware installs as needed.

I spoke to four different regular CSRs over two days and got nowhere. Even their "supervisors" were clueless. By the way, I never lost my cool and was very nice and sweet with everyone. I wasted nearly two and one half hours of my life with these yahoos.

They will come on Saturday and install a new 811 in conjunction with my existing 501 SD-DVR so I can use both on the same TV, and install a second Dish for the VOOM channels. All on the same work order. Once hardware is installed, I just have to call to add-on the VOOM component as for some reason they couldn't get it on the workorder with the regular HD pack. Total cost to me is $199 with one-year commitment to Top 60 pak or better (I have the 120 pak, so I'm fine) and an extra $15/month ($5 HD for one year + $5 VOOM10 + $5 for 811). And, I keep the SD-DVR and can switch back and forth at will between 811 or watch both with split screen or record SD channel while watching a HD channel. I just can't record HD yet -- when 12-month commitment is up next May I'll upgrade to whatever MPEG4 HD-DVR they have at that time.

Not a bad deal for all that hardware and the labor to install and configure it properly on my two-story home.
Fee $100.00


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